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Nom Localisation Code d'appel Type de catastrophe Appeal type Orig. type Date
Nigeria - Ebola Virus Disease (MDRNG017) Nigeria MDRNG017 Epidemic Operations Update Operations update No. 1
Niger - Population Movement (MDRNE013) Niger MDRNE013 Population Movement Emergency Appeal Emergency Appeal
India - Monsoon Floods (MDRIN014) India MDRIN014 Flood DREF Operation DREF Operation
Africa - Ebola Coordination and preparedness (MDR60002) Kenya MDR60002 Epidemic Operations Update Operations Update No. 1
Uganda - Population Movement S.Sudan (MDRUG037) Uganda MDRUG037 Population Movement Emergency Appeal Revision Revised Emergency Appeal
Ukraine - Complex Emergency (MDRUA007) Ukraine MDRUA007 Civil Unrest Emergency Appeal Revision Revised emergency appeal
Gambia - Ebola Virus Disease Preparedness (MDRGM009) Gambia MDRGM009 Epidemic DREF Operation DREF Operation
Chad - Ebola Virus Disease Preparedness (MDRTD013) Chad MDRTD013 Epidemic DREF Operation DREF Operation
Bangladesh - Floods (MDRBD014) Bangladesh MDRBD014 Flood Emergency Appeal Emergency Appeal
Pakistan - Monsoon Floods (MDRPK010) Pakistan MDRPK010 Flood DREF Operation DREF Operation
Guinea - Ebola Virus Disease (MDRGN007) Guinea MDRGN007 Epidemic Emergency Appeal Revision Emergency Appeal Revision
Liberia - Ebola Virus Disease (MDRLR001) Liberia MDRLR001 Epidemic Emergency Appeal Revision Revised Emergency Appeal