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Hot and dry: The Caribbean island nation of Grenada struggles with drought, heatwaves and fire

An island nation in the eastern of the Caribbean Sea, Grenada is going through the most severe water crisis in the last 14 years.Alarmed by unprecedented low water levels in reservoirs, the Government of Grenada officially declared a water crisis on May 10, 2024, leading to significant water rationing, with stringent restrictions on water usage for non-essential activities.“For the past few months since the heatwave began our dams which are the main source of water have dried up significantly,” says Noreen Cox, a long-time volunteer of the Grenada Red Cross who manages a wide range of disaster preparedness and response challenges. “Ultimately, this led to significant drought conditions and a severe water shortage.”“The water company began using water from its back up source (Grand Etang Lake), however, over time this source also depleted since the water was not being replenished.”In addition to the water crisis, Grenada is currently experiencing a significant heatwave, the most recent being on May 6, 2024, where temperatures have consistently exceeded 31.7 degrees Celsius for several consecutive days.Rising risk of fireThis heatwave has exacerbated the water shortage, increasing the stress on the already limited water resources, and adding to the challenges faced by the population.“Also, due to the heatwave there was an increase in bush fires throughout the island. Grenada is a volcanic island and so the intense heat and presence of sulphur is causing natural fires that are sometimes spread rapidly due to the wind”.People here worry that the severity of the current drought and the structural challenges suggest that the water crisis may persist at least until the peak of the next rainy season, which typically occurs around August or September. Communities across the southern and eastern parts of the island (St. Andrew, St. David and St. George) have been most affected.Recent rains have helped fill reservoirs, however water supplies are still not sufficient to meet needs due to the long-standing drought and conservation methods are still being encouraged.“The people who farm as their livelihood also have a severe strain since the ground is extremely dry and there is a lack of water,”Cox adds. “As such, most of the crops cannot withstand the harsh conditions and die, this ultimately led to a shortage in some of the locally grown fruits and vegetables”.Long-term solutions involving infrastructure improvements, better water management practices, and increased conservation efforts will be crucial in mitigating the impacts and preventing future crises.The IFRC is helping to support the Grenada Red Cross response. Through the IFRC’s Disaster Response Emergency Fund (IFRC-DREF), the Grenada Red Cross Society aims to assist at least 1,000 families (5,000 people) with water, sanitation and hygiene support and multipurpose small cash grants.“Water trucks visit different communities at varying times to deliver water to the people,”says Cox, adding that people use water buckets to wash and even water plants.The Grenada Red Cross has also partnered with the National Water and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA) to distribute jerry cans, water filters, water drums and other supplies to people in the community as they collected water from water trucks.These tools give people additional storage options for clean water. Meanwhile, Red Cross volunteers educate the public about how to use these tools in ways that best promote water conservation.Heat stressThe Grenada Red Cross is also doing what it can to address the constant stress and anxiety associated with securing daily water needs. The loss of livelihoods due to water shortages exacerbates these stress levels. The National Society is working to creating awareness about mental health issues and offering support for those affected.To address the immediate livelihoods needs, GRCS will conduct a feasibility study to ascertain the functionality of the markets for multipurpose cash transfers to vulnerable households in the affected districts.GRCS will consider other options such as procurement and distribution of relief food (in-kind support). While immediate measures are being taken to address the crisis, the situation in Grenada is expected to remain critical for the foreseeable future.Sustained efforts and humanitarian support will be essential to navigate through this challenging period and build resilience against future water shortages.

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Global leaders call for commitment to end the cholera emergency

On Wednesday 29 May 2024, seven countries and 10 major health partners affiliated with the Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) came together in a powerful show of multisectoral commitment to end the global cholera emergency. The convening – a side event in observance of the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) – took place as cholera continues to ravage communities across the world, with vaccine supplies unable to meet escalating needs.The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the World Health Organization (WHO) – in partnership with the GTFCC – co-hosted the side event, urging immediate collective action with only six years left to meet the GTFCC’s 2030 global roadmap goals. Titled Uniting Against the Global Cholera Emergency: Empowering Communities, Facilitating Multisectoral Actions, and Galvanizing Resources, the event took place at IFRC’s office in Geneva, Switzerland and gathered representatives from national governments, international non-governmental organizations, donor and partner organizations, and UN agencies.Global health leaders focused on the critical need for sustainable funding to advance safe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services, strengthen disease surveillance in cholera hotspots and scale up local oral cholera vaccine manufacturing. Case management and continuous community engagement for infection prevention were also discussed.Health ministers and national representatives from Bangladesh, Lebanon, Malawi, Mozambique, Nepal, Zimbabwe, speaking on behalf of cholera-affected countries, underscored the urgency of a coordinated multisectoral approach, particularly given the compounding impacts of climate-related factors, economic insecurity, conflict, urbanization, population growth and population displacement.Cholera, a severe diarrheal disease, that also affects children, has been a persistent global health challenge, specifically affecting communities with limited access to clean water and sanitation. In recent years, the world has witnessed an acute resurgence of the long-standing cholera pandemic, with 23 countries currently reporting outbreaks, along with deaths numbering in the thousands.In his opening remarks as co-host, IFRC Secretary General, Mr Jagan Chapagain, said: “We cannot accept such a staggering loss of life to a disease that is entirely preventable and treatable with the tools we have in the 21st century. This event serves as a stark reminder that there is much more work to do as we approach 2030. We must urgently refocus our efforts and elevate cholera control to the forefront of global dialogues, while backing it with tangible investments at the grassroot level.”The cholera upsurge has placed pressure on health systems, and the demand for vaccines has far exceeded available supplies, which prompted agencies to instate emergency measures to manage the available stockpile in 2022. Mr. Thabani Maphosa, Managing Director of Country Programmes Delivery at Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, emphasized, “We have significantly increased vaccine supplies over the past decade, and the stockpile is currently replenished after depleting at the start of 2024 after responding to cholera emergencies. With the new simplified Oral Cholera Vaccine, we are on track to reach 50 million doses in 2024, a 30% increase from 2023. He added, in reference to Gavi’s efforts to raise funds for its work from 2026 to 2030, including financing the global OCV stockpile, preventive and emergency vaccination, and cholera diagnostics: “The replenishment is for all of us, and I invite you to be ambassadors for that.”WHO Deputy Director General and Executive Director of the WHO Health Emergencies Programme, Dr Michael Ryan, called cholera “a diabolic poster child of climate change, of poverty, and of social injustice at every level.” Dr Ryan also reminded attendees that cholera is “a pandemic that has never ended,” noting that the ultimate solution to ending the disease lies in universal access to safe water and sanitation. “The cholera vaccine is a poor substitute for a clean glass of water,” he said.UNICEF Deputy Executive Director, Mr Ted Chaiban highlighted the importance of community engagement in ensuring a cholera-free future, calling for “additional resources and immediate actions to ensure access to safe WASH for all communities,” given that “2 billion people still lack access to safely managed drinking water and 3.6 billion people lack access to safely managed sanitation.”Ms. Christine Toudic, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland, called for further mobilization of partners to confront cholera, a disease primarily affecting communities in countries with the most fragile health systems. Ms. Toudic announced that the French government’s commitment will be reaffirmed in Paris on June 20, 2024, at a high-level event convened jointly with the African Union, Gavi, and Team Europe partners for the launch of the African Vaccine Manufacturing Accelerator (AVMA) and the 2026-2030 Gavi replenishment.As the world confronts the ongoing challenges of seemingly never-ending cholera outbreaks, coordinated global efforts and sustained investments are critical. The GTFCC and its partners remain dedicated to empowering communities, facilitating multisectoral actions, and galvanizing resources to end cholera, all of which was confirmed during the side event. This reality was underscored by the involvement of the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC), Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Wellcome, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance in the event.The message was – and remains – clear: achieving global health equity, security and resilience requires the defeat of cholera.About Cholera OutbreaksIn 2022, 44 countries reported cholera cases, a 25% increase from the 35 countries that reported cases in 2021. While the full data for 2023 will be published by WHO later this year, preliminary trends indicate that the situation continues to be concerning. Since the beginning of 2023, a total of total of 824 479 cholera cases and 5900 deaths were reported. This is a stark underrepresentation of the actual cholera burden, as detection and reporting capacities are hampered by inadequate access to conflict-affected areas, limited surveillance capacities, stigma, etc. A particular area of concern is the high Case Fatality Rate (CFR), which currently exceeds the 1% threshold in several areas. Seven nations – including Comoros, DRC, Ethiopia, Haiti, Somalia, Yemen, and Zimbabwe – are currently facing acute crises. Outbreaks are also emerging in regions that have not experienced cholera in decades, such as Syria, Lebanon, South Africa, Eswatini, and the French department of Mayotte. The urgency required to address and contain these outbreaks cannot be overstated, with 1 billion people are at risk for cholera infection.Speakers and RepresentativesProminent speakers included Hon. Dr Firass Abiad, Minister of Health from Lebanon, Hon. Dr Douglas Mombeshora, Minister of Health and Child Care from Zimbabwe, Hon. Pradeep Yadav, Minister of Health and Population from Nepal, Mr. Md Mamunur Rashid, Joint Secretary with the Bangladesh’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Dr Nitta Nayeja, Deputy Head of Clinical Services from Malawi’s Ministry of Health, Dr Sofia Viegas, Deputy General Director from Mozambique’s National Institute of Health (INS), and Ms Christine Toudic, Deputy Permanent Representatives from the Permanent Mission of France to the UN.Other high-level speakers included Mr. Jagan Chapagain, IFRC Secretary General, Dr. Michael Ryan, WHO Deputy Director General and Executive Director of the WHO Health Emergencies Programme, Mr. Ted Chaiban, UNICEF Deputy Executive Director, H.E. Dr Jean Kaseya, Director-General from the Africa CDC, Dr. Kayla Laserson, Director of the Global Health Center from the US CDC, Dr Maria Guevara, International Medical Secretary from MSF, Mr Stuart Vallis, Health and WASH Representative from SDC, Dr. John-Arne Røttingen, Chief Executive Officer from Wellcome, Ms Rachel Toku-Appiah, Director of Program Advocacy and Communications (Africa) from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Mr Thabani Maphosa, Managing Director of Country Programmes Delivery from Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.For more information or to request interviews, contact:[email protected] Geneva: Andrew Thomas: +41 763676587 / Tommaso Della Longa +41 797 084367

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Menstrual Hygiene Day: Menstruation doesn't stop during disasters

When heavy rains led to massive floods in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul in May, normal life for 2.3 million people came to a standstill. Ever since, the rain has not stopped, and the needs have grown exponentially. More than 80,000 people remain in temporary shelters and need help urgently.While all these disruptions may have impeded supply chains or made basic living supplies harder to find, they have not interrupted the natural menstruation cycles of half of the people impacted by these floods."One of the problems we face in dealing with the flood emergency in Brazil is the difficulty in getting access menstrual hygiene and menstrual health products", reported Dr. Julia Klock, a medical volunteer who paused her regular work to volunteer with the Brazilian Red Cross during the floods.While menstruation is as natural as eating, or sleeping, too often, people are reluctant to talk about the lack ofessential menstrual health products because this topic is sometimes seen as embarrassing or awkward — something to be hidden. "In many communities, this topic is still taboo," Dr. Klock notes. This year, World Menstruation Day takes on the theme "Together for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld" in order to fully normalizie menstruation and to render these taboos to history.In order to help us unpack this issue, we asked Katherine Fuentes, the protection, gender and inclusion coordinator for the IFRC in the Americas, to tell us what top things peopleshould be talking about when it comes tomenstruation and hygiene during and after a major crisis.Access to menstrual hygiene products.“When a disaster occurs, such as the recent floods in Brazil, access to menstrual products becomes more difficult.That is why the emergency items we distribute include menstrual hygiene products, considering how many people of menstruating age have been affected by the disaster.These hygiene products can range from sanitary pads, tampons, and menstrual cups to menstrual panties, cloth pads, hygiene buckets, among others.Clean, safe and private facilitiesWe seek to ensure that menstruating individuals have access to clean drinking water, clean restrooms, and private spaces to change and dispose of waste properly. Education and awareness-raisingWe work to ensure that people are informed about the menstrual cycle, so that they know how to manage their menstrual hygiene in difficult conditions, where to access products and how to dispose of them.To ensure menstrual health, the involvement of the whole community, including boys and men, is key. Knowing about the menstrual cycle helps to reduce stigma, promotes collective accompaniment, and helps to care for health and promote well-being.Some actions in this area are group meetings and consultation processes to learn about the specific needs of menstruating people.Psychosocial supportIt is possible that during emergencies, menstruation is stigmatized. So it is necessary to provide psychosocial support and create an environment where people can talk openly, without taboos, with a focus on Protection, Gender and Inclusion. In this way the individual needs of each person is considered.To provide appropriate care, we must recognize what gender stereotypes and roles are present, what are the ideas and practices in the community about menstrual health, and how our humanitarian assistance programs can address the needs of menstruating people.”For more information, please see the following links toIFRC guidelines and toolkits for managing the menstrual health of people affected by emergencies and disasters. • Minimum Standards for PGI in Emergencies • Guidance for Addressing Menstrual Hygiene Management NeedsFor donations or more information about the floods in Brazil, visit our Emergency Appeal

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Menstrual Hygiene Day: After an earthquake destroyed their village, they began stitching their own solutions. It's just one of many stories about our ongoing work on menstrual health.

Words by Joe Baaklini, IFRC Communications OfficerWhen disaster strikes, people are affected in different ways. While shelter, food and water are basic needs for nearly everyone during an emergency, women and girls often find themselves in a particularly vulnerable situation.Often, they find themselves with no access to very essential products that are critical in maintaining their health and well-being: menstrual hygiene supplies.This was the predicament that women and girls in Morocco found themselves in when a 6.8-magnitutde earthquake left a trail of destruction in its wake on September 8, 2023.In the Moroccan village of Ait Youssef, for example, disposable pads were running out, and relying solely on the already strained supply chain wasn't a sustainable solution.To understand the situation and adapt the response to the specific needs of the community, the Moroccan Red Crescent Society (MRCS), supported by the IFRC, decided to talk to the women of Ait Youssef.Together for a #PeriodFriendlyWorldIt’s a perfect example of the kind of community work being celebrated on World Menstrual Health Day, which this year carries the themeTogether for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld. Two of the key goals is to break down the stigmas and taboos that exist around issues of menstrual health and to ensure that women have access to the products they need.Through focus group discussions, the Red Crescent volunteers discovered that most women in the village used to rely on pads distributed by the MRCS, but some resorted to using old cotton sheets as supplies dwindled.Thus, an innovative plan was hatched: introducing reusable, washable menstrual pads as a sustainable, eco-friendly and cost-effective solution for menstrual hygiene management.However, producing the reusable pads was no easy feat, as finding the right materials proved challenging. Travelling hundreds of kilometers in search of suitable fabrics, MRCS teams eventually procured the essentials: cotton sheets for comfort, absorbent materials to trap flow, and waterproof fabric to prevent leaks.The teams even had to get a little creative: the waterproof fabric that they found at first was typically used as the covering for sofas, so it was a bit to thick and rigid. So they found and procured thinner, more comfortable variants.With needles, thread, scissors, and pins in hand, IFRC and MRCS staff and volunteers gathered the women of Ait Youssef for a sewing session. The women, with their existing experience, skills and knowledge, proved to be quick learners. Within two short hours, a batch of reusable pads was complete.“The introduction of reusable pads has provided women with a sustainable and cost-effective menstrual hygiene solution,” said Rihab Abou Kalfouni, IFRC Hygiene Promotion Delegate, who worked closely with the women on the project.“We have received positive feedback from a few of the women who have used the pads,” she said. “They reported increased comfort, improved overall well-being in addition to a reduced amount of waste generated by disposable pads.”“Hopefully, we’ll be able to expand this project in the future and include more women in different communities.”Together for a#PeriodFriendlyWorldThe collaboration between the Moroccan Red Crescent Society, the IFRC, and the women of Ait Youssef stands as a testament to the power of localization and community-driven solutions. It’s also a strong example of the ways in which the theme of World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2024 — Together for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld— is being realized on a daily basis by communities, local Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies and other partners. In a #PeriodFriendlyWorld, the stigma and taboo surrounding menstruation are history and everyone can access the products, education and infrastructure they need.‘Now I feel free … I can go to school’In South Sudan, for example, the South Sudan Red Cross (with support from the Swedish Red Cross), is helping to increase access to sanitary supplies, reduce the stigmas and taboos around menstruation and provide access to clean water for washing and other household use.Not just a women’s issueIn Madagascar, 23-year-old Red Cross volunteer, Valisoa Liesse Razafisalama, has been leading an initiative to challenge societal norms surrounding menstruation. In many post disaster situations, fear of talking about menstruation or other health issues can mean that women do not get the attention, care and supplies they need to stay healthy. Valisoa has organised awareness sessions for both men and women, emphasising the natural and normal aspects of menstruation.“We encourage the equitable inclusion of women in community decision-making, breaking with the trend of prioritizing men,” she says. “We persist in our efforts because as women volunteers, we make significant contributions to the well-being of the communities where we operate.” Ensuring privacy and dignityMenstrual health is also critical in situations where people live in camps or temporary shelters where access to sanitary facilities — public bathrooms and washing areas — are often not adequately private or protected for women and girls.In the massive Cox’s Bazaar in Bangladesh, where more than one million people live in makeshift shelters without running water or electricity, the Bangladesh Red Crescent (BDRCS) provides water and sanitation services to thousands of people.To ensure those places are as private, safe and comfortable for women as possible, BDRCS water and sanitation teams regularly meet with communities and listen to women’s concerns. Recently, they constructed additional privacy walls around washrooms to enhance privacy and comfort for women and girls.With support form the Swedish Red Cross, the BDRCS also regularly distributes sanitary napkins to female community volunteers who spend long hours working in the camp, where access feminine hygiene products is very limited.Learn more more about Menstrual Hygiene and the IFRC network’s response around the world:Discover even morecase studies from our National Societies’ MHM activities in this collectionExplore our wealth of practical guidance, tools and advocacy resources on menstrual hygieneon our dedicated WASH site hereVisit thededicated WASH page on the IFRC websiteVisit theglobal Menstrual Hygiene Day campaign pagefor more information about this year’s themeContact our Senior Officer for WASH in Public Health, Alexandra Machado, for any MHM-related questions:[email protected]*We recognize that not everyone who menstruates identifies as a woman, and that not all women menstruate.

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Sudan: 'the most difficult year' after outbreak of conflict

One year after the outbreak of violence in Sudan that killed thousands of people and displaced as many as 8.6 million others, the volunteers and staff of the Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS) are still working around the clock with limited resources to meet massive humanitarian needs.Wajdan Hassan Ahmed has been volunteering with her National Society for 16 years. She describes the 12 months following 15 April 2023 – when residents of the capital Khartoum woke to the terrifying sound of gunfire and explosions – as the most difficult year of her life.“The stories I experienced at the beginning of the war – the evacuations of people disfigured by bomb shrapnel, the stories of fathers who had lost their daughters, mothers who had lost their children, parents who lost their whole family… all these stories have stayed with me, and I cannot forget them,” she said.Psychosocial supportAs well as helping to evacuate people and bring them to safety far away from the fighting, Wajdan and her Red Crescent colleagues have been providing much-needed psychosocial support as well as food, water, and information.Many families were separated in the panic caused by the violence, and the resulting displacement within and outwith Sudan has pushed people far away from their loved ones. The Sudanese Red Crescent’s Restoring Family Links service is still helping to connect and reunite them.“We’re working hard to reunite families who have [been separated from] their children,” Wajdan said. “Some are aged seven to ten, and others of different ages.”Health clinicsSRCS teams have also been operating both fixed and mobile health clinics, helping at-risk people to get the care they need, wherever they may be. An estimated 80 per cent of Sudan’s healthcare facilities have stopped functioning since the crisis began, putting intense pressure on existing community-based Red Crescent health services.As a trusted neutral and impartial organization with thousands of highly trained volunteers and a permanent presence in communities in all 18 States, the SRCS has been at the forefront of the response during this past year. Around 4,000 volunteers have been directly involved in the emergency response.The IFRC had been working closely with SRCS and the ICRC long before the start of the conflict and will continue to do so for as long as people are in need. Many partner Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies have also given support, resources and personnel to enhance the response operations. These include National Societies from Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Qatar, Spain, Sweden , Switzerland, and Türkiye.UnderfundedAnEmergency Appealwas launched by IFRC in support of the Sudan Red Crescent Society, although this appeal remains underfunded.A regional population movement appeal was also launched to help National Societies in Egypt, Chad, South Sudan, Central African Republic, Ethiopia and Libya to support people displaced from Sudan.Both appeals are critical in providing aid and relief to those affected by the ongoing crisis in Sudan and the surrounding region. More funding is needed to meet the urgent needs of these vulnerable populations.Call to actionThe IFRC and the Sudanese Red Crescent are calling upon all parties in Sudan to reflect on the humanitarian challenges that the conflict has posed. Despite the support that has been mobilized — around 10 per cent of the total required — nothing will be able to fill these gaps if the root causes are not addressed.The Red Cross and Red Crescent network calls upon all parties to come together for the sake of humanity and for the people, including children, who are suffering due to this ongoing conflict. And it calls on people around the world to support the critical emergency appeals that will help us ensure that affected communities and families can overcome this crisis, now entering its second year.

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Resilience: Nurturing new life in Galoolay village

By Timothy Maina, IFRC communications officer and Guuleed Elmi, SRCS Somaliland, director of communicationsNestled in Somaliland's Togdheer region, the vibrant agro-pastoral community of Galoolay faced a harsh reality - a ravaging drought that threatened their very way of life.But hope arrived with the SRCS Somaliland Resilience and Livelihoods Programme, which empowers communities like Galoolay by fortifying their resilience against disasters and climate change, fostering sustainable livelihoods, and ensuring access to clean water and sanitation.Made possible through a partnership between the German Red Cross (GRC) and the Somali Red Crescent Society (SRCS), the program has successfully completed two life-changing initiatives in Galoolay since 2022 that have reached over 2,000 families.A Community StrugglesAmong the many the concrete examples of the project’s impact is the renovated berked — a traditional underground water cistern — that provides residents of Galoolay with a critical source of clean water for households and for livestock.Standing next to the refurbished cistern, Asad Abdilahi Heri, the village head, paints a vivid picture of a community struggling with drought and why access to water is so critical. Their livestock, the lifeblood of their livelihood, has dwindled by a shocking 3,800 head due to drought in recent years."Since this berked was constructed, life has improved for the better and more than half of our water needs of the households have been met,” he says. “We thank SRCS for coming to our aid."Due to increasing water scarcity in recent years, only two of the 56 berkeds that once existed still function. Villagers were forced to travel a grueling 30 kilometers to the nearest water source in Odweine district.The restoration of this water source — done by the community with SRCS support — has significantly improved the situation for 480 households who now rely on it for their primary water needs.Despite the improvements, the scars of the drought remain. Familes that were displaced due to livestock loss now live in the village, relying on donkeys and camels for the arduous water-fetching journeys.Still, there's a sense of progress. With over half the village's water needs met, life has improved. Heri's plea for another berked, along with repairs to existing ones, reflects the community's desire for a more sustainable water future.Koos Yusuf Mohamed: A Story of ResilienceSRCS' intervention has also been instrumental in reviving the village's agricultural efforts. Their support, including providing hours of field ploughing work, significantly helped farmers like Mama Koos Yusuf Mohamed cultivate a second harvest of corn.A mother of eight, Mama Koos exemplifies the challenges and triumphs of Galoolay. Despite limited resources, she keeps a spirit of optimism and gratitude. The drought reduced crop yields, but Mama Koos finds solace in the SRCS' continued support."Despite the drought hurting our crops, their continued support gives us hope,” she says. “They generously provided four hours of ploughing for my land, allowing me to harvest corn a second time this season.”The drought's effects are undeniable, but SRCS' support has demonstrably made a difference. The community's corn residue, used for animal feed, ensures the well-being of the remaining livestock, a vital part of their livelihood. With healthy animals, the village can rebuild herds, rebuild their economic engine, and secure a future they wouldn't be at the mercy of the elements.

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World Health Day 2024

Everyone, everywhere should have access to good health care and the basic ingredients to a healthy life. The theme of World Health Day in 2024 is 'My Health, My Right', and we could not agree more. Access to health care is a basic human right. My health, my right also means a healthy environment, safe food and water, and strong community readiness for emergencies and epidemics. Sadly, access to those basic ingredients are under threat, due to conflict, climate events, natural calamity and extreme poverty. We invite you to join our ongoing efforts to help people around the world access this most basic of human rights.

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Zimbabwe: Bringing critical care directly to communities impacted by cholera

In the heart of Hopley Farm in Harare, a silent threat looms large - cholera.Zimbabwe was hit hard by a significant cholera outbreak that started in Chegutu town and quickly spread across the country in 2023. By November 7, over 6,000 suspected cases and 136 deaths were recorded, with weekly cases surpassing 500, marking the highest rate since the outbreak began.In response, the Zimbabwe Red Cross swung into gear, leading a comprehensive strategy focused on prevention, containment, and upscaling efforts at the community level in the most hard-hit places.One of the cornerstones was the establishment of Oral Rehydration Points (ORPs) strategically placed in Hopley Farm, providing vital oral rehydration therapy to those in need. Manned by dedicated volunteers, who also live in the community, these points of care became crucial in the fight against cholera.The recurring cholera outbreaks in informal settlements like Hopley in Harare underscore the peril of poverty and inadequate urban planning. With Hopley's population estimated at around 100,000 people, it's critical to have timely interventions and access to clean water to prevent cholera-related fatalities.“Initially the community did not believe that there was cholera,” says Fortune, a Zimbabwe Red Cross Volunteer leading the team at the ORP site in Hopley. “Even setting up the ORP site was a problem. But when the community started hearing about and seeing cases of cholera, the ORP site is where they would come to get information.”Cholera is an acute diarrheal illness caused by infection with vibrio cholerae bacteria. Approximately 1 in 10 people who contract cholera will experience severe symptoms such as watery diarrhea and vomiting. This rapid loss of body fluids leads to dehydration and shock, and without treatment, death can occur within hours.That’s why water — mixed with other ingredients that help the body retain water — is a critical element in treating those infected with the cholera bacteria.Bringing rehydration to hardest hit placesThe ORPs serve as the primary points of care and the first line of defense for community-level cholera case management through administration of oral rehydration therapy. Research has shown that 80 per cent of suspected cholera cases (mild to moderate) can easily be managed at community ORPs and may not need to visit a local health facility.This effectively decongests health facilities, reduces the transport burden on patients and save lives by providing quick treatment. It also saves lives because people from poor communities sometimes succumb to cholera due to delayed treatment as they often must travel long distances to health centers to get care.Lack of access to rapid treatment is particularly acute when the healthcare system its stretched thin by outbreaks, facing shortages of supplies and personnel, while authorities worked to contain the spread by urging caution against unsanitary gatherings.The impact has been tangible. Over 1,400 patients have been served at the ORPs in Harare, with many more receiving timely referrals for further treatment. Lives were saved, not just through medical intervention, but through the spread of knowledge and awareness.Information also saving livesBesides providing oral rehydration therapy, the ORPs also serve as information and reporting centers where patients get critical information about stopping cholera transmission and treatment and provide critical reports to health facilities about levels of infection and community readiness for response. ZRCS is looking at deploying more ORPs in Harare and beyond as they plan to scale up their response in-country.The project has also emphasized community involvement and empowerment. Volunteers conducted door-to-door visits, engaging residents in risk communication and education efforts, turning the community into active participants in their own health.Communities across the country struggled with limited knowledge and resources, fueling stigmatization, and making certain groups more vulnerable to the disease, especially in areas like Harare, Mutare, and Buhera.Knowledge about cholera prevention can also save lives and, again, water also plays a major role. Exposure to contaminated water or food is a leading cause of transmission while access to safe water — and safe use of water and proper hygiene practices — is the best way to stop the spread of cholera.At Hopley Farm, this combined approach — called the ‘Integrated Strategy for Cholera Risk Elimination and Mitigation’ — is supported by the European Union and the Finnish Red Cross and serves as a model for effective cholera risk mitigation beyond Hopley Farm.

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Whether flood, earthquake or other crisis, calamity has immediate and lasting impact on access to clean water

Disasters come in many forms, from the earth-shattering violence of earthquakes to the relentless inundation of floods. Amid the chaos and destruction, one critical need transcends the specifics of the catastrophe: access to clean water.The people of Morocco and Libya came face-to-face with this reality after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck Morocco on September 8, 2023 and then devastating floods that overwhelmed parts of eastern Libya a couple of days later following a massive storm.In the immediate aftermath of these two disasters, dehydration became a threat, which is especially dire for vulnerable populations like children and the elderly. However, the dangers extended far beyond thirst.“Contaminated water, a consequence of disrupted infrastructure or floodwaters spreading sewage, becomes a breeding ground for waterborne diseases like cholera and dysentery,”says Jamilee Doueihy, a water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) senior officer for the IFRC in the Middle East and North Africa region.“These diseases can quickly overwhelm already strained medical resources, adding another layer of suffering to an already devastated community.”A delicate balance disruptedDisasters disrupt the delicate balance of water infrastructure. Earthquakes can rupture pipes and damage treatment plants, while floods can leave them submerged and inoperable. This loss of access to a clean, reliable water supply creates a ripple effect, impacting sanitation, hygiene, and the ability to prepare food safely.In the immediate aftermath of a major catastrophe like the massive, sudden flood in Libya, dead bodies near or in water supplies can also lead to serious health concerns.The impact goes beyond immediate health concerns, however. Without water for basic needs, people struggle to maintain hygiene, increasing the risk of infection. Displaced communities facing water scarcity often resort to unsafe alternatives, further jeopardizing their health. Water scarcity can also stall recovery efforts, as people are forced to spend time searching for water instead of rebuilding their lives.The good news is that providing clean water is a powerful intervention in times of disaster.“In both Morocco and Libya, water was an essential part of the relief efforts during the initial phase of the two emergencies,” Doueihy says.In many temporary settlements, which sprang up as people left their unsafe homes, running water and safe drinking water were simply not available. People also lacked access to toilets and sanitation facilities.Along with first aid, emergency tents and other critical supplies, therefore, the Moroccan Red Crescent, the IFRC and other partner National Societies delivered hygiene kits and installed temporary WASH facilities (toilets, showers, water points and incinerators) for people living in temporary settings.In Libya, meanwhile, the Libyan Red Crescent — along with partners in the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement — addressed the immediate water, sanitation, and hygiene needs by distributing more than 240,000 bottles of waters and roughly 6000 hygiene kits, among other things.Other National Societies supported the efforts. The German Red Cross, for example, supported the installation of two water treatment plants, which were later replaced with filtration systems that better respond to evolving needs. To date, five simple desalination plants have been installed, in addition to the maintenance of groundwater wells, among other efforts.The next big challenge, Doueihy says, is to help communities develop longer-term solutions.“We provided clean drinking water for the affected population, but thegradual shiftfrom emergency phaseto a long-term recovery phase means that sustainable solutions – such as repairing damaged infrastructure – are needed to restore water security andthe communities’ ability to access clean water.”Water security is not a luxury in the face of disaster, it's a lifeline. By prioritizing clean water access in short-term and long-term disaster response, we can save lives, prevent disease outbreaks, and empower communities to rebuild.-Support the people of Morocco and Libya on their way to recovery by donating to the two Emergency Appeals:Morocco: Earthquake andLibya: Storm Daniel.

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Bolivia: Drought on the one hand, floods on the other — safe water a critical challenge in both cases

In the last year, the Bolivian people have had to cope with devastating floods, the hottest year on record and the most severe drought in its history.Over two million people suffered from the lack of rain, while the storms left over 50 people dead and 430,000 people affected.These data seem to confirm what science has been telling us for some time: Bolivia is the most vulnerable country to the climate crisis in South America. Prolonged droughtsThe frequency and intensity of drought episodes is increasing in the highlands and plains of the country.In 2023, Bolivia experienced the longest dry period in its history, a consequence of high temperatures and the climate crisis, intensified by the El Niño phenomenon. In seven of Bolivia's nine departments (La Paz, Potosí, Cochabamba, Oruro, Chuquisaca, Tarija and Santa Cruz), nearly two million people saw the lack of rain dry up their fields, deplete their savings and damage their physical and mental health.The effects were particularly severe in rural areas, where income and jobs depend on agriculture and the raising of camelids, sheep and cows. Water reservoirs dried up completely; potato and other staple food crops were lost; and llamas and alpacas began to get sick and even die of thirst. "Every time a llama dies, apart from the emotional loss, we are losing about $100 USD, the equivalent of what we need to live for a month in our sector," says Evaristo Mamani Torrencio, a resident of Turco, in the department of Oruro.“Per family, we lose between 15-20 llamas. That is a lot of money and that is a loss not only for the community, but it is also a loss for the town, because that is where the money comes from to buy our things in Oruro. If we don't make that economic movement and if we don't have resources, then we are simply not going to move the market."Water scarcity can lead to restrictions on water use, an increase in its price and a decrease in its quality. This reduces the frequency by which people can hydrate themselves, weakens hygiene measures and increases the spread of stomach and infectious diseases.In cases such as Evaristo's and other communities supported by the Bolivian Red Cross, the long recovery time after drought can also lead families to make decisions with irreversible effects on their lives. These include being forced to sell their land, going into debt or migrating.Devastating floodsMeanwhile, in other parts of Bolivia, sudden flooding is also having a severe impact on people’s access to safe water supplies. On February 27, 2024, the Acre River in the city of Cobija, on the border with Brazil, exceeded its historical maximum and caused the flooding of 16 urban sectors and three rural communities."The landslides associated with rainfall in 90 per cent of the country contrast with a progressive annual decrease in rainfall recorded by the National Meteorological and Hydrological Service in recent years," says Julian Perez, Program and Operations Coordinator for the IFRC in the Andean countries."Something that concerns the IFRC is that both events, droughts and floods, have severe long-term impacts on the community, affecting food production, food security and generating water deficit and malnutrition."In addition to damage to fields and infrastructure, the population is already facing cases of dermatitis, respiratory infections and water-borne diseases such as diarrhea.They are also preparing to avoid mosquito-borne diseases such as Dengue."In the first quarter of 2024 alone, Bolivia has registered a total of 11,000 cases of dengue fever,”Perez says.Bolivian Red Cross in actionIn both extreme cases, access to clean water and essential services is critical to maintain health and prevent the spread of disease.With support from the Bolivian Red Cross and the Emergency Fund for Disaster Response (IFRC-DREF), 6,500 people affected by the droughts and floods will be able to protect themselves via improved access to safe water and they will be able to better decide how to recover from the floods by receiving cash to address their most urgent needs."Bolivia urgently needs to implement climate change adaptation measures, such as reforestation and the construction of adequate infrastructure, as well as improve the early warning system and support the State's efforts to strengthen disaster management", Perez concludes.

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Joint statement: Millions at risk from cholera due to lack of clean water, soap and toilets, and shortage of cholera vaccine

Geneva/New York, 20 March 2024 – Immediate action is needed to stem an unprecedented multi-year upsurge in cholera cases worldwide, according to the International Coordinating Group (ICG) on Vaccine Provision. Actions include investing in access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene, testing and detecting outbreaks quickly, improving quality of and access to healthcare, and fast-tracking additional production of affordable oral cholera vaccine (OCV) doses to better prevent cases.The ICG manages the global cholera vaccine stockpile.The group includes the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Médecins Sans Frontières, UNICEF and WHO. Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, finances the vaccine stockpile and the delivery of OCV. ICG members are calling for governments, donors, vaccine manufacturers, partners and communities to join in an urgent effort to halt and reverse the rise in cholera.Cholera has been surging globally since 2021, with the 473000 cases reported to WHO in 2022, more than double those reported in 2021.Preliminary data for 2023 reveal further increases, with over 700000 cases reported. Several of the outbreaks have high case fatality rates, exceeding the 1% threshold used as an indicator for early and adequate treatment of cholera patients. These trends are tragic given that cholera is a preventable and treatable disease and that cases had been declining in previous years. Cholera is an acute intestinal infection that spreads through food and water contaminated with faeces containing the bacterium Vibrio cholerae.The rise in cholera is being driven by persistent gaps in access to safe water and sanitation. Although efforts are being made to close these gaps in places, in many others the gaps are growing, driven by climate-related factors, economic insecurity, conflict, and population displacement.Safely managed water and sanitation are prerequisites for stopping the transmission of cholera.Currently, the most severely impacted countries include the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Haiti, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.Now more than ever, countries must adopt a multisectoral response to fight cholera.Members of the ICG call on currently and potentially affected countries to take urgent steps to ensure their populations have access to clean water, hygiene and sanitation services, and the information critical to prevent cholera’s spread. The establishment of these services requires political will and investment at the country level.This includes creating capacity for early detection and response, enhanced disease detection, rapid access to treatment and care, and working closely with communities, including on risk communication and community engagement.The severe gap in the number of available vaccine doses, compared with the level of current need, puts unprecedented pressure on theglobal stockpile of vaccines. Between 2021 and 2023, more doses were requested for outbreak response than the entire previous decade.In October 2022, the ongoing vaccine shortage necessitated the ICG to recommend a single vaccine dose, down from a previous, long-standing two-dose regimen. Approximately 36 million doses were produced last year, while 14 affected countries registered a need for 72 million doses for a one-dose reactive strategy. These requests understate the true need. Preventive vaccination campaigns have had to be delayed to preserve doses for emergency outbreak control efforts, creating a vicious cycle. The change in strategy enabled available vaccines to protect more people and respond to more cholera outbreaks amid the ongoing supply shortfall, but a return to a two-dose regimen and a resumption of preventive vaccination would provide longer protection.Global production capacity in 2024 is forecast to be 37-50 million doses but will likely continue to be inadequate to serve the needs of millions of people directly affected by cholera.Only one manufacturer, EuBiologics, currently produces the vaccine; while the company is doing its utmost to maximize output, more doses are needed. Currently, new manufacturers are not expected to join the market before 2025; they must be fast-tracked. The same urgency and innovation that we saw for COVID-19 must be applied to cholera.Additional manufacturers planning to enter the market need to accelerate their efforts and make doses available at affordable prices.We appeal to vaccine manufacturers, governments, donors and partners to prioritize an urgent scale-up of vaccine production, and to invest in all the efforts needed to prevent and control cholera.About the ICGPress release on dosing strategyGlobal task force on cholera controlIFRC on choleraUNICEF: cholera is endangering children globallyWHO on the cholera upsurge, including monthly situation reportsMedia contactsIFRC Email: [email protected]: Lukas Nef,Mobile: +41792400790Email: [email protected]: Sarah Al Hattab, UNICEF in New YorkTelephone: +1 917-957-6536Email: [email protected] Media TeamEmail: [email protected]

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World Water Day

Access to safe water is a basic human right and an essential element in maintaining our health and well-being. Still, hundreds of millions of people around the world lack access to safe water. On World Water Day, we join the call of those around the world working to ensure that all people have easy access to this essential ingredient to a safe, healthy and peaceful life.

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Volunteers go the distance to bring water and health to remote Nepali mountain villages

Part 1 in a series of stories for World Water Day: Friday 22 March.By Shriluna Shrestha and Rachel PunithaFor Nepal Red Cross volunteer Muna, the steep, winding paths of rural Nepal have become somewhat of a regular commute. She treks to remote areas to educate communities, particularly women and children, about hygiene and sanitation practices that can keep them safe from communicable diseases.“Even though it takes me around four to five hours of walking to reach the school at the top of the hill, this doesn’t trouble me,” she says. “All my weariness fades away when I finally meet the children and the community."Muna’s health and hygiene sessions for schoolchildren, adolescents and mothers’ groups focus on handwashing, personal and menstrual hygiene, and community sanitation.She extends her impact by training female community health volunteers,appointed by the government, who then play a crucial role in delivering health and hygiene sessions in their own communities.One of those women community health volunteers is Indira.“In the session, we educate mothers about health and hygiene practices and thoroughly discuss their health-related issues,” Indira says. “They are curious and practicing what they have learned.”“The training helped me enhance my skills, and I learned to deliver the session to diverse groups,” she adds.In the early stages of the project, Muna and the Nepal Red Cross team faced significant challenges. It took a lot of work to convince local people to alter their hygiene and sanitation practices.But the Red Cross team made continuous efforts to build trust. They enrolled local-level authorities, formed community-based committees and organized activities to engage people and get their input.Their efforts yielded positive results. Once-reluctant communities have now become enthusiastic supporters.“I enjoy participating in community and health sessions conducted as part of this initiative,” says Nirmaya, one of the participants. “Such gatherings bring women together, providing a platform for sharing experiences and mutual learning.“For us, these sessions are like a respite from household responsibilities. It allows us to engage in insightful discussions on various health and hygiene topics."“A simple change in health habits can lead to a healthy life. That’s my biggest learning from the sessions.”One house, one tapAs Muna and her team focus on hygiene and behavioral changes, the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) team of the Nepal Red Cross takes charge of another vital component of the program—ensuring access to clean drinking water for every household in the district.Aligned with the government’s “Ek dhara, ek ghar” campaign — which translates to “one house, one tap” — the Nepal Red Cross, IFRC, British Red Cross, Finnish Red Cross and Hong Kong Red Cross each play a role in supporting the initiative.In short, here’s how it works. The Nepal Red Cross works with local authorities and the community through a co-funding approach. The IFRC contributes 60 per cent of the investment for materials such as pipelines, taps and cement and it offers technical assistance and trainings to enhance the skills needed to complete the project.The remaining 20 per cent of financial support is from local authorities, while the other 20 per cent is sourced from the communities through labor contributions and maintenance efforts.As of now, more than 250 households within the Okhaldhunga district have access to outdoor running taps, eliminating the need for women and children to go on lengthy walks to fetch water.A growing impactThese water, sanitation and hygiene projects in Nepal have been implemented in three districts—Okhaldhunga, Ramechhap, and Sindhuli — in the eastern part of the country. Here are the results so far:• Over 9,000 people in the districts benefit from health and hygiene sessions.• More than 700 households now have access to drinking water.• Six schools, two health posts, and one local authority office have water stations on their premises.• 37 people, including eight female participants, have received skill development training on plumbing and maintenance.“Easy access to water has improved our daily lives, saving us time previously spent on fetching water,” saysJeena, a community member who built one of the water taps with support from the Nepal Red Cross. “Now, we can efficiently use water to cultivate vegetables in our backyard and maintain a cleaner environment and better hygiene.”

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The power of youth: In Vanuatu, young volunteers keep the water flowing

Jean Philipe Clement, 58, stands ankle deep in the river that causes him and his community many sleepless nights.As he slowly sifts through the debris left behind by the recent floods, he feels a sense of bitterness thinking about the next rainfall, knowing it will come sooner or later — likely bringing further flooding in his community.He grips the handle of his trusty cane knife with one hand, and holds the stem of a tree branch with the other. As he swings the sharp metal blade at the base of the branch, a cracking sound can be heard as the branch is detached from the tree. It’s the only time the sounds of the mosquitoes are drowned out.“We are trimming some of the treetops so that the sunlight can pass through and dry up whatever water is left after the floods,” he explains.“The main cause of the flooding is the improper disposal of rubbish. People do not throw their rubbish in the right place and it’s their carelessness that is blocking the drainage and causing the flooding.”“The stagnant water has also resulted in breeding of mosquitoes.”‘No other option’While the water has receded over time, it is nothing compared to the terrifying experience water pouring into doorways in nearby Solwe, a community of 900 people located in Luganville on Santo island – a 45-minute flight from Vanuatu’s capital, Port Vila.“When it rains, the water comes from the hills and the plantations. Then it meets in the middle where Solwe is located. Because of the debris clogging up the river, this has disrupted the flow of water.”“There is no outlet for the water and, as a result, the water has nowhere to go and levels start to rise and make its way inland, right to the houses.”Once the flooding has reached homes, children are not able to travel to school as the roads are underwater.“Most times the water levels reach as high as the windows of the houses. People have to enter and exit their homes using wooden planks,” says Philipe.“They have no other option.”Youth taking actionJust as his hopes for finding a solution for the frequent flooding was ebbing, Vanuatu Red Cross youth volunteers decided to take action.Vanuatu Red Cross youth volunteers in Solwe completed training in ‘Y-Adapt’, a curriculum for young people consisting of games and activities designed to help them understand climate change and to take practical action to adapt to the changing climate in their community.From this, they took the initiative to help people like Philipe prepare for the next rainfall – by clearing debris from the river and trimming treetops to let sunlight dry up stagnant water.Through the support of the IFRC and Japanese Red Cross, the volunteers completed the Y-Adapt programme and were able to purchase a brush cutter, chain saw, rakes, wheelbarrow and gloves to help with their clean-up campaign.“If we continue to clean the debris that is disrupting the flow of water and make new drainages, the water will flow out to the river and not straight into people's homes,” says Tiffanie Boihilan, 27, one of the Red Cross volunteers living in Solwe.Y-Adapt encourages youth to focus on low cost interventions that don’t require large-scale investment or technology to implement but that can nonetheless reduce the impacts of extreme-weather events.‘If we are lucky’In nearby Mango Station, a similar story is unfolding, though under very different conditions. Here, the sky is blue and the ground is dry. Heads turn to the skies to see the slightest hint of a dark cloud that might bring rain.On days like this, vegetable gardens are battered under the heat of the midday sun.Animals seek out shade wherever they can. Empty buckets in each hand as community members set foot on the dry, dusty terrain bound for the nearest creek – an hour away.Eric Tangarasi, 51, is the chief of Mango station. Married with six children, he says he hopes it will rain soon. Rain will replenish the sole water tank serving more than 900 people.Mango station relies on the public water supply, but that has been inconsistent. On some days, there is no water at all. With the nearest river about an hour walk through rough terrain, the best and safest option for this community is rain water.“In the community, there is a big challenge for water,” says Eric. “Sometimes there is no water for 2 or 3 days. Sometimes it can be as long as one month.”“If we are lucky, the water supply comes on at around midnight until 2am, that’s when each household stores enough water for cooking and drinking.”"Currently we have only one water tank for the community, and with over 900 people living here, we must use the tank sparingly making sure we leave enough for the others to use.”Once again, the Vanuatu Red Cross youth volunteers swung into action.As part of their Y-Adapt activities (and again with support from the IFRC and Japanese Red Cross), the Red Cross youth volunteers in Mango began to address the issues of water scarcity at the community level.“There are 17 people living with disabilities and it is difficult for them when the water runs out,” says Pascalina Moltau, 26, is a Vanuatu Red Cross volunteer who lives in Mango community and has been part of this project from the start. “They cannot travel to the nearby creek as accessibility is a huge challenge, it is not safe for them.”“We also must think of the elderly people. They are not strong enough to withstand the difficult terrain to get to the nearby creek and then carry water all the way back.”After discussions within the community to find out best course of action, they purchased an additional 10,000-litre water tank to supplement the existing 6,000-litre water tank. The volunteers, together with the community, began their Y-Adapt implementation plan by building the foundation for the water tank.“This 10,000 litre water tank will help the community with the growing demand for water,” Eric says. “We do not have to wait until midnight to store water now and we can be more able to manage water.”

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Islamic humanitarian giving

As the world’s largest network of locally based humanitarian organizations and volunteers, the IFRC is uniquely positioned to ensure your Zakat or Sadaqah donation reaches the people and communities who need it most. Fully accredited for receiving Zakat donations, we are based in communities alongside those we support. We act before, during and after disasters and health emergencies to meet the needs of, and improve the lives of, vulnerable people—reaching millions every year.

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IFRC launches urgent CHF 3 million appeal to combat cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe

Harare/Nairobi/Geneva, 17 November 2023 —The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) has launched an emergency appeal for 3 million Swiss Francs to support the Zimbabwe Red Cross Society (ZRCS). The health needs exceed available resources, meaning immediate action to is needed to mitigate the impact on affected communities. Zimbabwe is currently grappling with a severe cholera outbreak, placing immense strain on healthcare systems, and necessitating coordinated action. The outbreak has led to increased morbidity and mortality rates, posing a significant threat to public health and demanding immediate attention. The IFRC had previously allocated CHF 464,595 from its Disaster Response Emergency Fund (DREF) to support the relief efforts. The Emergency Appeal focuses on critical areas, including the prevention and control of the cholera spread, improved case management, and the enhancement of water and sanitation facilities. The appeal also underscores the importance of community engagement, accountability, and inclusivity in providing a holistic response to the diverse needs of affected communities. John Roche, IFRC Head of Delegation Country Cluster for Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi said: “Access to clean and portable water remain among the most urgent needs in the community. We are deeply concerned with the situation unfolding as before the rains cases have escalated. The IFRC and Zimbabwe Red Cross Society are seeking resources through the appeal that supports activities that can contribute to stopping the spread and transmission of Cholera which will deescalate the worrying trends.” Zimbabwe Red Cross Society staff and volunteers have been mobilised and continue to respond to the outbreak by increasing awareness on water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) practices, emphasising the importance of WASH education for healthier communities. This commencement of public health education is being done in collaboration with Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Health. Currently the new cases reported are increasing at a high level and rising at an accelerating pace. This has created an urgency to increase mitigation measures to curb further spread and reduce cross border transmission. More information: For further details on our response to the Cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe, visit the Zimbabwe Red Cross Societywebsite or the IFRC appeal page. To request an interview, please contact: [email protected]     In Harare: Kim Stambuli,ZRCS:+263 71 251 72 64 In Nairobi: Rita Wanjiru Nyaga: +254 11 083 71 54 In Geneva: Tommaso Della Longa: +41 79 708 43 67 Mrinalini Santhanam: +41 76 381 50 06

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“From satellites to sandbags”: Putting water at the heart of climate action.

Geneva, 22 September 2023 -As proved so tragically in Libya last week, while water holds the key to life, alltoo often it kills. Whether – like in Derna - it’s too much water leading to floods, or too little water causing droughts, or polluted water resulting in health risks, addressing the dangers that water poses can save lives. As climate change intensifies these threats, there is an urgent need for action. That is why a new collaboration matters so much. With funding and support from the Kingdom of the Netherlands ‘Water at the Heart of Climate Action’ is an ambitious partnership between the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), The Netherlands Red Cross, the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF). This collaboration will combine local knowledge and global technology to help communities understand and act on the water-related risks they face - before they become disasters. The programme is focused on supporting the countries of Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan,and Uganda, which make up the Nile River basin. These countries are not only among the Least Developed Countries in the world but are also highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. To ensure the implementation of this five-year partnership, the Government of the Netherlands has generously committed 52 million Swiss Francs (55 million euros). The aim of the ‘Water at the Heart’ collaboration is to address climate-related risks that too often fall between the cracks of most country-level water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) policies. It will focus on practical, locally-driven action to better anticipate disasters and prepare communities well in advance. It will also use the latest science and technology to monitor and forecast weather and water-related hazards. It furthermore invests in communications technologies to warn communities of what is coming and enable early action. As a result, this programme is a direct contribution to the implementation of the UN Secretary General’s ‘Early Warnings for All’ initiative. Jagan Chapagain, the Secretary General of the IFRC said: “Water is life. But too much or too little water can wreak havoc on people’s lives and homes. Almost three-quarters of all recent humanitarian disasters were water related. This initiative makes mitigation of the impact of such disasters an absolute priority. With thousands of IFRC network volunteers across South Sudan, Sudan, Ethiopia and Uganda, the IFRC network is uniquely positioned to deliver innovative and trusted local action. Through our partners, those actions can be informed by technology including the best forecasting and observation. This really is a ‘sandbags to satellites’ all-encompassing initiative.” Mami Mizutori, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction, and the head of UNDRR said: “To save lives, lift people out of poverty and ensure that development gains are sustainable and irreversible, we must stop hazards from becoming disasters. Water at the Heart of Climate Action is a demonstration of the commitment of the Netherlands to helping some of the most vulnerable countries build their resilience in the face of climate change.” Maarten van Aalst, Director General of the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) said: “As a national Meteorological Institute, we see the rapid increase in weather extremes in our changing climate, and we realize that we need partnerships all across society to make sure our warnings lead to early actions. The Netherlands’ vulnerability as a low-lying delta is significantly reduced by the power of good data and predictions, and the ability to act on that information — from satellites to sandbags. Water at the heart will strengthen our peers in the Global South to deliver similar services, and KNMI is proud to be supporting those efforts with peer support.” WMO Secretary-General Prof. Petteri Taalas said: “The majority of hazards are water-related, particularly floods and droughts. Climate change will further increase the frequency and severity of these events. End-to-end early warning systems are critical to save lives and minimize the impact of disasters. WMO is working with SOFF to close the basic weather and climate observation data gap and strengthen the foundational element of better data for better forecasts. Water at the Heart of Climate Action will make a tangible contribution to the Early Warnings for All initiative.” Paul Bekkers, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the UN, WTO and other international organizations in Geneva, said: “Water should not be posing risks to vulnerable frontline communities! On the contrary, we can empower communities to transform water from a hazard into a valuable resource. By leveraging indigenous knowledge and investing in early warning systems. The Netherlands proudly supports this partnership that places the needs of local communities at the heart of water action!” REPRESENTATIVES WILL BE TALKING ABOUT ‘WATER AT THE HEART’ AT THE UN PRESS BRIEFING IN GENEVA FROM 10.30AM ON FRIDAY 22ND SEPTEMBER. THE VIDEO OF THE BRIEFING WILL BE POSTED HERE SHORTLY AFTERWARDS. FOR INTERVIEWS WITH THOSE INVOLVED, PLEASE CONTACT VIA THE DETAILS BELOW IFRC - Andrew Thomas / [email protected] / +41763676587 CLIMATE CENTRE - Alex Wynter / [email protected] / +447717470855 WMO – Clare Nullis / [email protected] / +41797091397 SOFF - Pauline Trepczyk / [email protected] / +41796407857 UNDRR – Jeanette Elsworth / [email protected] / +41766911020 PERMAMENT REPRESENTATION OF THE NETHERLANDS - Joyce Langewen / [email protected] / +41794486110 NETHERLANDS RED CROSS - Bastiaan van Blokland / [email protected] / +31704455612

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Three months after the Kakhovka Dam disaster, Ukraine Red Cross still stands by affected communities

When the Kakhovka Dam in southern Ukraine collapsed in June, a torrent of water poured over downstream towns and farmlands, reducing homes to rubble and leading to the tragic loss of many lives. The flood swept up everything in its path, washing farm animals, unexploded mines, hazardous chemicals and dangerous bacteria—such as salmonella, E. coli, and cholera—down toward the Dnipro-Buh Delta on the Black Sea. The Ukraine Red Cross Society’s (URCS) response to the dam disaster was swift. From the moment the dam collapsed, their volunteers began evacuating people from flooded areas and distributing essentials such as food, hygiene products and water purification equipment. Psychosocial support specialists were also on hand to help people cope during those difficult first days. But recovering from a disaster like this doesn’t happen overnight. Three months on, URCS teams remain firmly by the side of communities to help them get their lives back on track. “People's needs have changed but have not disappeared," says Serhiy Moroz, a URCS volunteer. "In many populated areas, people are attempting to return to their previous lives in damaged housing and amidst disruptions in centralized water supply services. Often, water systems are simply non-existent, leaving people to suffer from a lack of clean water. This creates significant household challenges as well as risks to public health." The IFRC recently deployed an Emergency Response Unit or 'ERU'—a team of specialized personnel and equipment from across the IFRC network—to Kropyvnytskyi city to support the Ukraine Red Crescent Society’s work restoring access to safe water. Marco Skodak, the ERU team leader, details their efforts: "We're launching Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) activities in response to the dam's destruction. URCS volunteers are undergoing training to provide assistance, and, working alongside our specialists, they are already on the ground conducting needs assessments and establishing crucial water purification systems and pipelines." By training up the Ukraine Red Cross Society in this way, the IFRC network is ensuring that communities get the long-term assistance they need to recover, and that volunteers have an even greater ability to respond should a similar disaster ever occur in future. -- Click here to learn about how the IFRC is supporting local humanitarian action, including the different types of ERUs we can deploy. And click here to learn more about the IFRC’s work in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.

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His theatre in Yemen destroyed, Osama finds a new stage

For many years, Osama consideredthe theatre his second home,a place where he could embody different characters, share poetic words of wisdom and see the smiles and laughter on the faces of people in his community. “Every time I appear on the stage and see the smiles of children, I feel satisfied,” says Osama, a gregarious talkative man whose passion for acting has provided some refuge from the scourge and heartaches of war. But Osama’s ability to pursue this dream suffered a serious blow when his beloved theatrewas bombed and reduced to a pile of rubble. “My dreams were shattered,” says Osama, standing on the ruins of what was once a spacious, airy theatre, capable of holding hundreds of people. “My dreams were here in this very place,” he says, looking out of a field of broken bricks and stone. “Here, we used to bring smiles to people’s faces … before the war began.” Most of the theatre pieces his company produced were comedies and dramas that brought happiness and laughterwhile also sharing purposeful messages. A new humanitarian role After the theatre was bombed, with the accumulated pain and despair of war weighing on him, Osama started looking for a new role: something that would again bring him joy and help him to rebuild his sense of purpose. His journey led him to the doors of theYemeni Red Crescentin Al Hudaydah. Now Osamauses his gift for comedy and drama to educate people through interactive theatre sketches. The performances also convey important messages about how to stay healthy and safe in a context where war has shattered many of the basic food, water, health and sanitation systems that keep communities safe and well. “I remember the first time I participated in an awareness-raising activity with the Yemeni Red Crescent Society,” Osama says . “I was just giving children advice about washing hands, but in a funny way. I remember their laughter at my attempts to correct some of my mistakes. “One time, I was doing a comedy show to teach, in a comical manner, the right ways to wash hands, but I forgot one of the important ways to rub your fingers. One of the kids got up and hit me over the head in a comedic style and said, ‘The artist forgot to tell us this step.’ He started explaining it like a member of a theatrical troupe. It was the first time I felt I was really helping ordinary people cope with the challenges of war.” Inspired by the work of the Yemeni Red Crescent in Al Hudaydah, Osama has not only played a role in the Red Crescent’s outreach programmes, but also became an active volunteer in the provision of first aid, food distribution, emergency response, and even the transportation of wounded people and bodies. Alongside all this, the energetic father and husband works various jobs, such as tending trees around the city, to support his family. Deeper into the role Osama remembers one situation that pushed him even deeper into his role as a volunteer:a dengue outbreak in Al Hudaydahthat made an already desperate situation in the governorate even worse. While 20 million Yemeni people lacked access to basic healthcare, half of the country’s health facilities were either partially or completely damaged by war, leading to dramatic increases of endemic diseases and epidemics. “The dengue epidemic reached our home where I live with 16 members of my family, including four children. It was difficult to access healthcare and even to purchase medicines due to the economic situation. I took my eight-year-old brother Rakan to the Health Centre of the Yemeni Red Crescent Society, hoping he would be cared for at the centre. He was treated there until the staff were certain that he had recovered and was not in danger anymore. “This kind of assistance was not provided because of my work as a volunteer in the Red Crescent — it is available to all members of the community.The centre provides medical care services to all, and the number of beneficiaries is more than 1,700 people.” “The moment I arrived at the centre, holding my brother in my arms, was like a dream. I went there as a person in need and was received by a team that helps everyone. I realised after my brother’s recovery that working with the Red Crescent was also an opportunity to give something back, to return the favour, so to speak." In the meantime, this gregarious, outgoing volunteer can also nurture the stage actor that is always inside him, never far from the surface. “Even if I cannot appear on stage, I can at least do this for the Yemeni Red Crescent Society as a volunteer and play around for the kids,” Osama says with a smile. “That makes me happy and proud.” -- This story was produced and originally published by the Red Cross Red Crescent Magazine. To learn about the Magazine, and to read more stories like this,click here.

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Greener, safer, easier: Solar-powered water pumps bring life to Ghana

“When I drink the water, it tastes good, nothing happens to me.” These are the words of Joyce Oforiwah, a 47-year-old mother of three from Obretema in Eastern region, Ghana as she gives an enthusiastic double thumbs up. Her village recently became the proud host of a brand new, solar-powered water pump installed by the Ghana Red Cross to provide clean, affordable drinking water to her local community. While access to safe water in Ghana has greatly improved over the past few decades, millions of people—especially in rural areas—still have to travel unacceptably long distances to collect it. So, for the past few years, the Ghana Red Cross – in partnership with the IFRC, Nestle and the OPEC Fund – has been working to provide innovative and sustainable water and sanitation services in rural communities to improve people’s lives and protect their health. Greener, safer, easier Joyce is excited that she’s no longer forced to venture far from home for water or risk her family’s health by resorting to unsafe water sources nearby. This new pump, one of 19 installed in the past year, also makes her life easier in other ways. The pump she previously used was locked at different times of the day and required an attendant to operate it, making it inconvenient for her and her fellow villagers. But this new pump uses a self-service token system, removing the need for an attendant and making water available 24/7. With a little as 10 pesewas (less than 1 US cent) Joyce and other members of her community can charge up their token with their local water vendor and collect 20 litres of water. Using a token, rather than coin-operated, system prevents the pump, as well as the people collecting water, from becoming a target for thieves, as no money is stored inside or needed to operate it. Powered by solar, the water point is also an eco-friendly alternative to regular pumps and has lower operating and repair costs. And it’s lit up throughout the night, making it safer and easier to use. Local action Local Ghana Red Cross volunteer, Regina Nyamevor, is the vendor overseeing the Obretema water point and says the community is delighted with the water project. “Everyone around here now gets their water from this water point, and they can now operate it on their own,” she says. As well as managing the sale of credit and topping up people’s tokens, Regina also plays an important role providing information to households on the benefits of safe drinking water so that families can avoid health problems and diseases. “I enjoy working as a vendor and am very excited that am part of a great project which ensures that communities are empowered to collect as much water as they want and at any time of the day, this is a great change in our community,” she adds. Creating local business Amina Rasak, a fellow villager, has even started her own drinking water business using the water she collects from the new water point. She packages her water in conveniently sized sachets to sell on to students and others in the community. Amina says the water has been a huge relief for them. They have a water point close to them which saves them time and is safe to drink without the need to purify it any further. “We thank the Ghana Red Cross Society and all those who invested in the water project as well as those managing it, we appreciate what they have done. Please keep this water project working because it has made our lives better,” she tells me. -- Our Ghana Sustainable WASH (Gha-WASH) project, in partnership with the Ghana Red Cross, Nestle and the OPEC fund, has been running since 2015. Gha-WASH aims to make sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services available to tens of thousands of people across the country and reduce WASH-related diseases. Click here to learn more about our work in water, sanitation and hygiene.

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Red Cross ramps up efforts as water-borne diseases threaten south of Ukraine

Kiev / Ukraine, 27 June 2023 – Water-borne diseases are a growing threat for people affected by flooding from the Nova Kakhovka Dam collapse earlier this month. This threat poses a significant challenge in an already complex and volatile situation. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) network with the Ukrainian Red Cross Society continue to scale up to help tackle the new risk. Since day one, the Ukrainian Red Cross mobilised in the Kherson region to help affected communities. Despite being under fire, teams continued to help people evacuate safely and provide first aid along with other relief items. Oleksandr Babenko, Head of the Ukraine Red Cross Health department says: “From the early hours of the emergency situation, the Ukraine Red Cross is responding to the humanitarian challenges to assist the affected population. We are closely cooperating with local authorities to provide timely and effective support. We pay particular attention to informing people about preventing the spread of infectious diseases, especially through drinking water, in the territories of the Kherson, Zaporizhia, Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk, and Mykolaiv regions.” The Ukraine Red Cross with the IFRC network are helping communities access a reliable clean water supply and adequate hygiene and sanitation. Red Cross teams continue to provide affected communities with relief items as well as mental health and psychosocial support. “Ensuring access to clean water is now a critical priority in a region that is already facing so many challenges. Time is of the essence to get ahead of the spread of diseases so we all have to work together,” says Jaime Wah, IFRC Health Coordinator. “No one can do this alone. On top of financial and technical support provided to Ukraine Red Cross already, we are ramping up resources so we can offer access to clean water and provide for the needs moving forward in recovery.” For more information or to request an interview, please contact: [email protected]

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Rural Guatemalan women at the heart of community health

Gladis Gómez wears a purple Huipil, a traditional outfit worn by people from the mountainous, western part of Guatemala. The colour represents mourning, as she sadly lost a distant relative a few days earlier. Despite this, a smile lights up her face—a smile that so many people in her community recognise. Gladis is the President of a local health committee in her small village of Xecaracoj. The committee brings together a dozen rural women who have been trained in key health issues by the Guatemalan Red Cross so they can help promote healthy practices in their community. Together, the women go door to door around their village, sharing knowledge on how people can prevent common diseases and deaths, especially among children. This work is vital. Guatemala has one of the highest rates of child malnutrition in the world, and more than half the population live below the poverty line. The COVID-19 pandemic also took a heavy toll on the country – with 20,000 people dying from the disease within 3 years. ‘’We have spread the new knowledge given to us by the Guatemalan Red Cross to inform men, boys and girls about things as simple as hand washing, cleaning our homes and our streets, and the importance of breastfeeding and nutrition.” “We now know that healthy habits make the difference between having a strong and healthy community or continuing to take our babies to the hospital,'' says Gladis. Juan Poyón, Epidemic and Pandemic Control Technician for the Guatemalan Red Cross, says he’s learned a lot from the health committees, like the one run by Gladis, and has used the women’s local knowledge to guide and improve their support. “We identified key issues, for example, that their priorities were the prevention of COVID-19 or malnutrition. Today, with the committees already trained, we identified that the women wanted to reach more people, in fact, they prioritised radio, information kiosks or messages via WhatsApp as the best channels to share their knowledge more widely,” explains Juan. To share these valuable community insights even further, the Guatemalan Red Cross connected the women-led health committees with the country's Ministry of Health—which has proved to be an eye opener for the national authorities. They’re now working together to improve community health across the country. Ana Gómez, Epidemiologist at the Guatemalan Ministry of Health, explained: “We have worked with the Guatemalan Red Cross to identify people’s needs, respecting the diversity of the population. We learned about, and welcomed, women's points of view to strengthen community health, and along the way we confirmed that their role is key.” “Women are the main users of health services. They also play a fundamental role in the education of the next generation who will be in charge of the country. Involving women ensures positive behavioural change in families and communities, and therefore contributes to improving Guatemala's health,” says Ana. Spending time with Gladis, it’s clear to see that she takes a lot of pride in her work, and that she and her fellow health committee members are happy their voices are being heard. As she sits and weaves herself a new corte – a traditional Mayan skirt – she points to the yellow stripes that represent hope. “Tomorrow I will wear a yellow Huipil to represent the colour of life, the rays of the sun, and corn,” says Gladis. “The women of this community are special, very special, because today we have the knowledge to protect life.” -- The promotion of these local health committees in Guatemala is part of the epidemic and pandemic preparedness pillar of our Programmatic Partnership with the European Union. So far, 1250 families in the rural area of Quetzaltenango, western Guatemala, have received valuable and trusted health advice provided by the local health committees. Implemented by 24 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies around the world, including in Panama, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Ecuador in the Americas, the Programmatic Partnership helps communities to reduce their risks and be better prepared for disasters and health emergencies. The IFRC will continue to strengthen the capacities of communities in Guatemala to prevent pandemics and epidemics; and to encourage more women to take leadership positions so they can have a profound, positive impact on the future of their communities.

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Six months on: Pakistan’s receding floodwaters reveal the need for prolonged support

Islamabad/Sindh, 28 February 2023 – The need for longer-term economic support for people who lost their homes, livelihoods, and livestock across Pakistan due to the catastrophic floods six months ago becomes pressing amid global and local economic turndown, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) warns. In order to address the flood’s impact, the IFRC and Pakistan Red Crescent Society have launched cash and voucher assistance to meet the urgent needs of the people most at-risk, delivering more than CHF 420,000 to 5,600 families so far. This cash assistance will enable families to meet their immediate needs, such as food, livelihood, and other essential needs. “We understand that needs are still immense in the aftermath of the severe floods, and they will remain like this for a while as the damage is massive. We are supporting communities with cash, but it’s important to acknowledge that this aid is a short-term bridge for urgent needs. Escalating inflation and a stagnant economy don’t allow the cash to stretch as far as people need,” Peter (Piwi) Ophoff, head of the IFRC delegation in Pakistan, said. “Longer term cash support to people impacted by these devastating floods will stimulate local markets, which can help economic recovery,” Ophoff added. From June to August last year, extreme monsoon rainfall submerged one-third of Pakistan, affecting 33 million people across the country. The monsoon floods ravaged a staggering 2.2 million houses leaving hundreds of thousands of people homeless. Families were forced to take refuge on roadsides in makeshift shelters when the country’s main Indus River burst its banks across thousands of square kilometres. The IFRC's emergency appeal has reached almost 1.3 million people with relief items, shelter, health, water, sanitation, hygiene kits, and multipurpose cash assistance over the past six months. Pakistan Red Crescent Society has the capacity and knowledge to assist disaster-affected populations through cash and voucher assistance, a dignified, reliable and efficient ways using a swift disbursement mechanism. Pakistan Red Crescent Society chairman, Sardar Shahid Ahmed Laghari remarked: "There are still millions of people on the ground who are looking for help, and we need support from national as well as international communities to help as many lives as possible so that they can meet their urgent needs and resume their livelihoods in a way that maintains dignity, freedom, choice and respect," Laghari said. IFRC’s multipurpose cash transfer program aims to help the affected people to rebuild their lives. But the skyrocketing inflation rates only add to the already volatile situation. To survive through this, continued support is required for the emergency appeal launched in September, as it is still underfunded even after six months. The devastating floods that heavily damaged residential properties, infrastructure, and other assets, led over a million livestock to perish and left large swathes of agricultural land uncultivable, resulting in the exponential loss of income and livelihoods for millions of people. The damage created due to floods exacerbated by climate change pushed already economically disadvantaged communities further towards poverty, making the available aid fall short of meeting the increasing needs of people amid an economic recession. Responding to the acute needs of people affected by the 2022 floods within the first six months, the IFRC emergency operation is now shifting its focus to meeting the longer-term recovery needs of affected communities. To achieve this, the main priorities include reinforcing access to safe water and sanitation facilities, rehabilitating basic health units, and launching livelihoods and multipurpose cash assistance programs. Cash assistance is one critical approach that helps responders better put the needs and capacities of affected people at the heart of humanitarian action. It enables communities to decide how to cover essential needs like rent, transport, bills, food, and medicine. For more information, please contact: [email protected] In Islamabad: Irem Karakaya, +92 308 555 0065 Sher Zaman, +92 304 103 0469 In Kuala Lumpur: Afhrill Rances, +60 19 271 3641 In Geneva: Jenelle Eli, +1 202 603 6803

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Cholera is back but the world is looking away

This article was originally published on the BMJ website here. Once thought to be close to eradication, cholera is back—dehydrating and killing people within hours and ravaging communities across six continents. Despite the alarming numbers of cases and deaths over the past year, decision makers are averting their eyes, leaving people to die from a preventable and treatable disease. The healthcare community should sound the alarm for immediate actions. A strong and global emergency response is urgently needed, but it is only a first step. More than ever the world must invest in water and sanitation systems and prepare communities before outbreaks occur. Over the past 200 years, there have been seven cholera pandemics, and today’s surge is the largest in a decade. In 2022, 30 countries reported cholera outbreaks, including places that had been free of the disease for decades. In Haiti, where millions of people have been displaced by violence, cholera has killed hundreds of people in just a few months.Lebanon is experiencing its first outbreak since 1993, with more than 6000 recorded cases.After devastating floods, Nigeria had a major cholera outbreak.In Malawi, the worst outbreak in decades has left 620 people dead since March.Schools are now closed in an attempt to stop the surge of infections. The risk of cholera transmission multiplies when people live in poor or overcrowded conditions and lack access to safe water, proper sanitation, and hygiene facilities. A diarrhoeal disease caused by theVibrio choleraebacteria, cholera is commonly spread through contaminated food or water. Left untreated, it can cause severe dehydration and be deadly within hours. Almost half of the world's population—approximately 3.6 billion people—live without safely managed sanitation in their home, leaving them vulnerable to cholera outbreaks. The World Health Organization reports that at least two billion people consume water from sources contaminated with faeces. Overlapping crises The root causes behind the spate of recent cholera outbreaks are, however, complex and multifaceted. Overlapping humanitarian crises around the world, such as migration, conflicts, poverty, and social injustice are forcing people to live in unsanitary conditions, and this is fuelling the spread of this infectious disease. In the aftermath of the covid-19 pandemic, the number of people living in extreme poverty increased for the first time in a generation. And now, rising inflation and the repercussions of the conflict in Ukraine could worsen an already dire situation. Climate change plays a part in contributing to the spread of cholera. More frequent and intense extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and floods, have resulted in major disruption to water treatment processes and damaged sanitary infrastructure in many parts of the world. The combination of higher temperatures and extreme precipitation leads to a higher incidence of waterborne infections like cholera. Factors such as food insecurity also exacerbate the vulnerability of communities to the spread of cholera. Malnourishment weakens the immune system, increasing a person’s risk of severe symptoms and death. As global events drive up food prices, the number of malnourished people has also risen. An estimated 140 million people in Africa face severe food insecurity. Cholera can be treated through a simple method called oral rehydration treatment, but many people cannot access this lifesaving tool—an estimated 56% of children with diarrhoea are not able to receive this treatment. Cholera can also be prevented through the oral cholera vaccine, but supply cannot meet current needs. By the end of 2022, 11 countries experiencing cholera outbreaks had requested 61 million doses of the vaccine—far more than the 36 million doses that were expected to be produced. The shortage of vaccines has recently forced the International Coordinating Group, of which the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is a part, to switch from a two dose to a single dose strategy so that coverage can be expanded. Morally unacceptable In places such as Malawi and Haiti, the mortality rate from cholera tripled in 2022. Nobody should die from a preventable and treatable disease. This level of suffering is morally unacceptable. The IFRC has launched a time sensitive emergency response in 20 countries, where trained Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers track transmission routes while also ensuring that sanitation facilities are working and that safe water supplies are available. At the community level, teams treat people by administering oral rehydration treatment and referring those most severely affected to hospital. In Malawi, where the number of infections is increasing daily, the Red Cross has established 14 oral rehydration points across the country and is reaching more than 753 000 people with health and hygiene campaigns. Volunteers also play a major part in cholera vaccination campaigns. The Lebanese Red Cross, for example, has contributed considerably to the rollout of the national cholera vaccination campaign. Through door-to-door visits of households, institutions, and organisations, the Lebanese Red Cross vaccinated more than 260 000 people in only 39 days across 151 municipalities. In countries where cholera is endemic, we are implementing sustainable long term water systems, sanitation, and hygiene programmes. For instance, in the countries where we are operating, we built and rehabilitated 1300 water systems, more than 7000 sanitation facilities in households, schools, and health centres, and close to 6000 handwashing stations, improving the lives of more than three million people around the world. Red Cross and Red Crescent staff and volunteers are on the frontlines of this public health emergency, but we are not able to do this alone. The resurgence of cholera around the world despite decades of eradication efforts suggest that cholera control, prevention, and response mechanisms must be rapidly amplified. To prevent outbreaks, reduce transmission, and save lives, we need political commitment and greater financial resources. We must ensure access to safe water supplies and invest in proper sanitation infrastructure in the communities most at risk. We need to increase the production and distribution of oral cholera vaccines. Public health systems and cholera treatment centres must be better funded. Lastly, we need to build trust in communities. People are less likely to follow preventive measures if they do not trust their community leaders and health systems. But to really put an end to cholera, we cannot forget the humanitarian crises at root level. Governments, non-governmental organisations, and the private sector must finally mobilise and increase investments in infrastructure and health and social systems so that they can withstand the fallout from disasters, conflicts, and climate change. One of the most important lessons we learnt from the covid-19 pandemic is that no one is safe until everyone is safe. It is in everyone’s best interests to work together and ensure that no one is left behind. -- Visit our water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) page for more information about cholera. And follow Petra on Twitter for more updates on the IFRC's work in health and care: @petra_khoury

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IFRC partners with the Muslim World League to support humanitarian objectives

Geneva, 6 December 2022 – The IFRC is honoured to announce its partnership with the Muslim World League (MWL) to support humanitarian objectives. The agreement between the IFRC and MWL creates a broad mandate for the humanitarian work and objectives of both organizations. It establishes important objectives to assist those impacted by the international armed conflict in Ukraine. These objectives include, but are not limited to: Providing financial assistance for displaced people to support their basic needs Providing shelter to those who left their homes and those whose homes were damaged or destroyed Providing water, sanitation, hygiene, and health assistance Strengthening National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ response capacities The agreement between the IFRC and MWL also seeks to support migrants and displaced people from disasters and crises in other regions. This humanitarian support includes: Food and non-food items Emergency shelter Water, sanitation, and hygiene Health, including mental health support Restoring families broken apart Child protection Prevention of sexual and gender-based violence Rescue operations Anti-human-trafficking activities The promotion of social cohesion between people on the move and host communities Supporting migrants and host communities to enhance livelihoods, community-based resilience, and economic and social reintegration The agreement also sets the goal of cooperation around innovative financing structures and activities, including Shariah compliant fundraising tools. "We are confident that the new partnership with the Muslim World League will be significant, in order to reach those impacted by disasters and crises around the world.Our joint commitment to humanity and humanitarian action will be strengthened by this collaboration,"said IFRC Secretary General, Jagan Chapagain. “Cooperation among international organizations such as the Muslim World League and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is crucial to achieving our humanitarian goals,”said MWL Secretary General, His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Mohammed Al-Issa. “The Muslim World League is honoured to work alongside the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to bring humanitarian aid to those impacted by the international armed conflict in Ukraine and to support migrants and displaced people,” he continued.

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