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Nom Sort descending Localisation Code d'appel Type de catastrophe Appeal type Orig. type Date
Drought (MDRET010) Ethiopia MDRET010 Drought, Population Movement Operations Update Operations update no. 2
Drought (MDRET010) Ethiopia MDRET010 Drought Preliminary Emergency Appeal Preliminary Emergency Appeal
Drought (MDRET010) Ethiopia MDRET010 Drought 12 month update 12 month update
Drought (MDRET010) Ethiopia MDRET010 Drought Operations Update Operations Update no.6 (18-months summary update)
Drought (MDRET010) Ethiopia MDRET010 Drought Operations Update
Drought (MDRET010) Ethiopia MDRET010 Drought 6 month update
Drought (MDRET010) Ethiopia MDRET010 - Operations Update Operations update no. 1
Drought (MDRET010) Ethiopia MDRET010 Drought Operations Update Operations update no.7
Drought (MDRET010) Ethiopia MDRET010 Drought Emergency Appeal Revision Emergency Appeal Revision
Drought (MDRKE001) Kenya MDRKE001 Drought Operations Update
Drought (MDRKE001) Kenya MDRKE001 Drought Operations Update
Drought (MDRKE001) Kenya MDRKE001 Drought Operations Update