Évaluations et recherches
Welcome to the IFRC Evaluation and Research Databank, a comprehensive resource for accessing evaluative initiatives conducted by the IFRC network. These evaluations inform our decision-making processes and enhance trust and accountability with donors, partners and the communities we serve. They also improve organizational learning and reduce duplication of efforts and expenditures.
Use the “type” field to see the variety of evaluations, case studies, learnings and other documents available. You can also search by location, category of disaster and several other parameters.
Le nombre total d'évaluations répondant aux critères est de 689
Titre | Localisation | Catégories | Type | Organisation | Date | Réponse de la direction |
Real Time Learning ( for the COVID 19 global operation: Rapid response adaptability | Switzerland | Disaster management, Human resources, COVID-19 | Learning | IFRC | ✖ | |
Knowledge and information needs on COVID-19 - Community-based Migration Programme - Turkish Red Crescent Community Centres | Turkey | Health, Psychosocial support, Communications, Gender, Migration, Other, Protection | Consulter | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Review of the Japanese Red Cross Society support in emergency water, sanitation and hygiene promotion: A focus on Bangladesh, Cambodia and Lao PDR | Bangladesh | Water and sanitation | Consulter | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Participatory Video Lessons Learned Gambia: Enhancing the most disadvantaged women's access to productive and sustainable resources in Kiang West | Gambie | Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Gender | Consulter | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Final Evaluation Cuba - Hurricane Irma operation (MDRCU004) | Cuba | Disaster management, Hurricane | Evaluation finale | IFRC, Société nationale | ✔ | |
Final Evaluation Operation Antigua & Barbuda, and St Kitts and Nevis - Hurricane Irma MDR49009 | Antigua et Barbade, Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès | Disaster management, Shelter, Hurricane | Evaluation finale | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Final Evaluation Operation Dominica - Hurricane Maria MDRDM003 | Dominique | Disaster management, Shelter, Hurricane | Evaluation finale | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Case study - Logistics Development - Managing In-Kind Donations with the Private Sector: Approaches Taken by the Spanish Red Cross | Europe | Logisitics, Resource mobilization | Étude de cas/recherche | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Case study - Logistics Development - Managing In-Kind Donations with the Private Sector: Approaches Taken by the Spanish Red Cross [2] | Europe | Logisitics, Resource mobilization | Étude de cas/recherche | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Case study - Logistics Development - Managing In-Kind Donations with the Private Sector: Approaches Taken by the Spanish Red Cross [3] | Europe | Logisitics, Resource mobilization | Étude de cas/recherche | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Lebanon DREF MDRLB007 Review | Lebanon | Population movement, DREF | Consulter | IFRC | ✖ | |
Lebanon DREF MDRLB007 (Lessons Learnt Workshop) | Lebanon | Population movement, DREF | Consulter | IFRC | ✖ | |
Lessons learned workshop - Paraguay Floods operation (MDRPY020) | Paraguay | Floods, DREF | Autres | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Informe Final Revisión DREF Argentina: Inundaciones 2019 (MDRAR016) | Argentine | DREF | Consulter | IFRC, Autre | ✔ | |
OCAC Evaluation | Switzerland | Organizational development | Consulter | IFRC | ✔ | |
OCAC Evaluation [2] | Switzerland | Organizational development | Consulter | IFRC | ✔ | |
Final Evaluation: Building Resilient Communities in Fiji Project | Fiji | Disaster management, Disaster preparedness | Evaluation finale | IFRC, Société nationale | ✔ | |
Strengthening disaster risk reduction capacity for communities hosting IDPs and returnees | Burundi | Disaster risk reduction | Ligne de base | Société nationale | ✖ | |
Final Evaluation of Nepal Earthquake Response Operation | Nepal | Earthquake, Disaster management, Disaster preparedness, Disaster risk reduction, Recovery, Shelter, Water and sanitation, Organizational development, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Gender | Evaluation finale | IFRC, CICR, Société nationale | ✔ | |
RTE Mozambique: Tropical Cyclones Idai and Kenneth (2019) | Mozambique | Disaster management | Evaluation en temps réel | IFRC | ✔ |