Évaluations et recherches
Welcome to the IFRC Evaluation and Research Databank, a comprehensive resource for accessing evaluative initiatives conducted by the IFRC network. These evaluations inform our decision-making processes and enhance trust and accountability with donors, partners and the communities we serve. They also improve organizational learning and reduce duplication of efforts and expenditures.
Use the “type” field to see the variety of evaluations, case studies, learnings and other documents available. You can also search by location, category of disaster and several other parameters.
Le nombre total d'évaluations répondant aux critères est de 711
Titre | Localisation | Catégories | Type | Organisation | Date | Réponse de la direction |
Hurricanes Eta and Iota Emergency Appeal- Final evaluation | Honduras | Disaster management, Hurricane | Evaluation finale | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Lessons Learned During CVTL COVID-19 Operation | - | Health, Water and sanitation, Livelihoods, COVID-19 | Learning | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Mid-term Review of Afghanistan Humanitarian Crises Response | - | Complex emergency, Disaster risk reduction, Food security, Shelter, Health, CBHFA, Psychosocial support, Water and sanitation, NS systems development, Protection, CEA, Movement Coordination, Livelihoods, Cash and Voucher Assistance | Évaluation à mi-parcours | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Rapid insights for Malawi Cholera Response | - | Disaster management, Disaster preparedness, Disaster risk reduction | Learning | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Rapid Insights on Earthquake in Turkiye and Syria | - | Earthquake, Disaster management | Learning | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
CVA in the Ukraine and Impacted Countries Crisis Response | - | Complex emergency, Cash and Voucher Assistance | Consulter | IFRC, CICR, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Project endline study: Support to Syrian refugees living in the urban areas in Türkiye through provision of livelihood, focusing on covid-19 for refugees and host communities | - | Population movement, Recovery, Migration, Livelihoods | Étude de cas/recherche | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Lessons Learned Workshop-MDRNP012 Nepal Acute Watery Diarrhoea and Dengue | - | DREF, Health, Dengue, Diarrhoea | Learning | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Final Evaluation of the MDR65003 Greece: Population Movement Emergency Appeal | Greece | Population movement, Shelter, Water and sanitation, Migration, Governance | Evaluation finale | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
2022 Statutory Meetings Survey Report | Switzerland | Governance | Enquête | IFRC, CICR | ✖ | |
Final Evaluation of the Greece:Population Movement Emergency Appeal (MDR65003) | - | Population movement, Shelter, Health, CBHFA, Psychosocial support, Water and sanitation, Migration, Protection, CEA, PSS | Evaluation finale | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Rapid insights on the floods in Nigeria | - | Floods, Disaster management, Disaster preparedness, Disaster risk reduction | Learning | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Rapid insights for the Ebola outbreak in Uganda : Lessons from Uganda and West Africa (Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone) | - | Disaster management, Disaster preparedness, Disaster risk reduction, Ebola | Learning | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Lessons Learnt Review: The Movement Response to the 9th and 10th Ebola Outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo | République Démocratique du Congo | Health, Ebola | Learning | IFRC | ✖ | |
Iraq DREF MDRIQ011_Lessons Learned Workshop | Iraq | DREF | Consulter | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Iraq DREF MDRIQ012_Lessons Learned Workshop | Iraq | DREF | Consulter | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Türkiye Population Movement - Community Based Migration Programme - A Case Study On Programme Transition | Turkey | Population movement, Recovery, Psychosocial support, Gender, Migration, Violence prevention/reduction, Protection, CEA, Livelihoods | Étude de cas/recherche | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Final Evaluation Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian operation (MDRBS003) | Bahamas | Disaster management, Hurricane | Evaluation finale | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Bangladesh Baseline Study Report for the Integrated Flood Resilience Programme (Phase 2) | Bangladesh | Floods, Disaster risk reduction, Resilience | Ligne de base | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Review of Mongolian Red Cross Society COVID-19 Response | Mongolia | Disaster management, Health, COVID-19 | Consulter | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ |