Évaluations et recherches
Welcome to the IFRC Evaluation and Research Databank, a comprehensive resource for accessing evaluative initiatives conducted by the IFRC network. These evaluations inform our decision-making processes and enhance trust and accountability with donors, partners and the communities we serve. They also improve organizational learning and reduce duplication of efforts and expenditures.
Use the “type” field to see the variety of evaluations, case studies, learnings and other documents available. You can also search by location, category of disaster and several other parameters.
Le nombre total d'évaluations répondant aux critères est de 710
Titre | Localisation | Catégories | Type | Organisation | Date | Réponse de la direction |
CVTL Endline Evaluation: Integrated Community-based Risk Reduction (ICBRR) Programme Phase 2 | Timor-Leste | Disaster risk reduction, Water and sanitation, Youth development | Evaluation finale | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Endline Survey: Sustainable and Inclusive WASH Project in Nepal | Nepal | Water and sanitation | Ligne de base, Étude de cas/recherche, Enquête | IFRC, Autre | ✖ | |
Bangladesh IFRP Endline Evaluation Phase 2 | Bangladesh | Disaster risk reduction, Climate and Environment | Evaluation finale | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Lessons Learned Exercise - DREF Dominican Republic Floods (MDRDO015) | République Dominicaine | Floods, Disaster management, DREF | Learning | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Impact Study: The role of Psychological First Aid in the IFRC Ukraine MHPSS response | Hungary | Population movement, Mental Health | Autres | Autre | ✖ | |
Lessons Learned Exercise - DREF Chile Floods (MDRCL016) | Chili | Floods, Disaster management, DREF | Learning | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Lessons Learned Exercise - DREF Argentina Floods (MDRAR019) | Argentine | Floods, Disaster management, DREF | Learning | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Learning From Red Cross Red Crescent Assistance in Protracted Crises and Complex Emergencies | Switzerland | Complex emergency, Disaster management, Disaster preparedness, NS branch development, Membership Coordination, Humanitarian Diplomacy | Étude de cas/recherche | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Lessons Learnt Workshop Report of the Dengue Prevention and Control in Nepal, 2023 | Nepal | DREF, Health, CEA | Consulter, Learning | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
DREF Review of Argentina Floods (MDRAR016) | Argentine | DREF, Hydrological, Climatological | Consulter, Learning | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
DREF Review: Main Challenges Tunisia Floods Operation (MDRTN008) | Tunisia | DREF, Meteorological, Hydrological, Climatological | Consulter, Learning | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
DREF Review - Main Challenges from Georgia Floods and Demonstrations Operations | Georgia | DREF, Hydrological, Climatological, Human Related | Consulter, Learning | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
DREF Review: Tanzania Floods in Dar es Salaam | République-Unie de Tanzanie | DREF, Hydrological, Climatological | Consulter, Learning | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
DREF Review: Analysis of the Lebanon Population Movement Operation | Lebanon | DREF, Human Related, Other Disasters | Consulter, Learning | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
DREF Review: Ebola Virus Preparedness Operation in South Sudan | République du Sud-Soudan | DREF, Health, Biological | Consulter, Learning | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
La Soufriere Volcanic Eruption Emergency Appeal - Final Evaluation | Saint Vincent And The Grenadines | Disaster management | Evaluation finale | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Lessons Learned Workshop Report: CVA and CEA in Response to Ukraine and Impacted Countries Crisis Emergency Appeal | Montenegro | Population movement, CEA, Cash and Voucher Assistance | Learning | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Lessons Learned Workshop Report: Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Programme in Response to Ukraine and Impacted Countries Crisis Emergency Appeal. The Hungarian Red Cross (2023) | Hungary | Population movement, CEA, Cash and Voucher Assistance | Learning | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Tonga (MDRTO002) Operation for the Volcano and Tsunami Response: Mid-Term Review | Tonga | Tsunami, Volcano, Disaster management, Shelter, Health, Water and sanitation, Gender, Protection, Livelihoods, Cash and Voucher Assistance, Geophysical | Évaluation à mi-parcours | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ | |
Lessons Learned Exercise - DREF Trinidad and Tobago Floods (MDRTT002) | Trinidad And Tobago | Floods, Disaster management | Learning | IFRC, Société nationale | ✖ |