The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is currently seeking to procure the goods and services listed below.
Current tenders
The Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI) assists the Governance and Management of the International Federation Secretariat and member National Societies in the effective discharge of their responsibilities by bringing a systematic, consistent approach to evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, internal controls, and the governance process. It also acts as an agent for change by making recommendations for continual improvement.
External audits are formal, independent reviews of financial statements and underlying records, transactions, and operations. These audits may relate to specific donor contributions, projects, programs, or the entire organization, providing assurance on accountability and compliance for donor funds.
It is in this context that the Office of Internal Audit and Investigations is undertaking the selection of an audit firm (Certified Public Account/ Authorised Public Account) to perform the above verifications.
With the aim of delivering an effective service to the Movement's members and sufficient assurance to the donors, the Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI) at the IFRC Secretariat is undertaking the selection of an audit firm to carry out (1) financial audit to ensure that the funds are spent in compliance with the terms and conditions of the pledge and agreement and (2) conduct verifications in accordance with the International Standard on Related Services (“ISRS) 4400 Engagements to perform Agreed Upon Procedures (AUP) on financial information as promulgated by the implementing National Societies.
For further information and to request the terms of reference and other tender documents, please contact the following staff from our Global Humanitarian Services and Supply Chain Management Department: Imre Barany, [email protected].
Please include your full name, address, country, telephone number(s), email address and website.
The deadline for submitting Expressions of Interest is 18 December 2024. These should be submitted to the same contact listed above.
Note: This Expression of Interest (EOI) does not constitute a solicitation. The IFRC reserves the right to change or cancel the requirements at any time during the EOI and/or solicitation process. The IFRC also reserves the right to require compliance with additional conditions as and when issuing the final solicitation documents. Submitting a reply to a call for EOI does not automatically guarantee receipt of the solicitation documents when issued. Invitations to bids or requests for proposals and any subsequent purchase order or contract will be issued in accordance with the rules and procedures of the IFRC.
Appel d'offres No. : FICR-20241107-1
OBJET : Acquisition de matériels solaires pour les centres de santé de la Région Sanitaire 1 (Préfectures de la Lobaye et d’Ombella M’poko, Centrafrique)
Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du projet de « Reconstruction du système de santé, KfW Phase II et III » dans ladite région,
Pour l’ensemble des 13 centres de santé, il est prévu d’y installer des champs solaires complets et fonctionnels capables d’alimenter l’ensemble des sites.
LES BESOINS : • Matériels pour des champs solaires pour 13 centres de santé • Matériels et accessoire électriques
Ce projet est mis en œuvre par la Croix-Rouge Centrafricaine (CRCA) avec l’appui technique de la Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge (FICR) dans le but de renforcer le système de santé en République Centrafricaine.
A cet effet, la FICR lance ce présent appel d'offre en deux (2) lots pour sélectionner des meilleures entreprises spécialisées dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables (solaire) capables de garantir une livraison de produits de qualité pour ses infrastructures.
Les entreprises intéressées à participer à cet appel d’offres peuvent solliciter le Dossier d’Appel d’Offres (DAO) via l’adresse mail : [email protected] à la parution du présent avis.
Pour toutes questions de clarification, bien vouloir envoyer un courriel à l’adresse ci-dessous : [email protected].
Les offres complètes à tous égards doivent être reçues au plus tard le 23/12/2024 à 16h00 (heure de Bangui) par mail via l’adresse : [email protected].
Toute offre reçue après cette date limite spécifiée ne sera pas prise en compte.