Abdullah Aid |
United Kingdom |
https://www.abdullahaid.org.uk |
Abs Development Organizations for Women and Child |
Yemen |
https://www.absyemen.org/ |
Acción contra el Hambre | ACF-Spain |
Spain |
https://www.accioncontraelhambre.org |
Aachener Netzwerk für humanitäre Hilfe und interkulturelle Friedensarbeit e.V |
Germany |
https://www.aachener-netzwerk.de/ |
ACORD - London |
United Kingdom |
https://www.acordinternational.org |
Act Church of Sweden |
Sweden |
https://www.svenskakyrkan.se |
ACT for Peace |
Australia |
https://www.actforpeace.org.au |
ACT Netherlands - Dutch Interchurch Aid |
Netherlands |
https://www.kerkeninaktie.nl |
ACTED (Agence d'aide à la Coopération Technique et au Développement |
France |
https://www.acted.org |
Action Against Hunger |
United Kingdom |
https://www.aahuk.org/ |
Action by Churches Together International |
Switzerland |
France |
https://www.actioncontrelafaim.org |
United Kingdom |
Action for Humanity |
United Kingdom |
https://www.actionforhumanity.org/ |
Rwanda |
https://www.ased.org.rw |
ADESO - African Development Solutions |
Kenya |
https://www.adesoafrica.org |
South Korea |
https://www.adians.net |
ADRA Australian ( Adventist Development and Relief Agency) |
Australia |
https://www.adra.org.au |
ADRA Bangladesh (Adentist Development and Relief Agency) |
Bangladesh |
https://adrabangladesh.org |
ADRA Cambodia |
Cambodia |
https://adracambodia.org |
ADRA Canada |
Canada |
https://www.adra.ca |
ADRA Czech Republic |
Czech Republic |
https://www.adra.cz |
ADRA Danmark (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) |
Denmark |
https://www.arda.dk |
ADRA El Salvador (Adventist Development and Relief Agency ) |
El Salvador |
https://www.adra.org.sv |
ADRA Fiji (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) |
Fiji |
ADRA France (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) |
France |
ADRA Germany (Adventische Entwicklungs und Katastrophenhilfe) |
Germany |
ADRA Honduras |
Honduras |
https://www.adra.org.hn |
ADRA Hungary (ADRA Adventist Development and Relief Agency) |
Hungary |
https://www.adra.hu |
ADRA India (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) |
India |
ADRA Indonesia |
Indonesia |
https://adraindonesia.org |
ADRA International (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) |
United States of America |
https://www.adra.org |
ADRA Japan (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) |
Japan |
ADRA Korea |
South Korea |
https://www.adra.or.kr |
ADRA Lao (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) |
Lao PDR |
ADRA Lesotho |
Lesotho |
ADRA Malawi |
Malawi |
https://www.adra.org.mw |
ADRA Mauritania (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) |
Mauritania |
https://www.adra.org |
Iraq |
https://www.adramena.org |
ADRA Mongolia ( Adventist Development and Relief Agency - Mongolia) |
Mongolia |
https://www.adra.org.mn |
ADRA Mozambique (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) |
Mozambique |
https://www.adra.org.mn |
ADRA Myanmar (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) |
Myanmar |
https://www.adramyanmar.org |
ADRA Nepal (Adventist Develipment and Relief Agency) |
Nepal |
https://www.adranepal.org |
ADRA New Zealand ( Adventist Development and Relief Agency) |
New Zealand |
https://www.adra.org.nz |
ADRA Norway (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) |
Norway |
https://www.adranorge.no |
ADRA Paqua New Guinea (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) |
Papua New Guinea |
https://adrapng.org |
ADRA Philippines (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) |
Philippines |
ADRA Russia (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) |
Russian Federation |
ADRA Samoa (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) |
Samoa |
https://adra.org.vu |
ADRA Solomon Islands |
Solomon Islands |
https://www.adra.org |