In memoriam
When crisis strikes, Red Cross and Red Crescent staff and volunteers are often the first on the scene. As they endeavor to protect the lives of others, however, they face great risks. Too often, they make the ultimate sacrifice. In 2023, 18 Red Cross and Red Crescent staff members and volunteers lost their lives in the line of duty. On this page, we pay hommage to their service and their sacrifice — and we demand once again that the physical and mental well-being of all humanitarian workers is fully cared for and protected.
Protect humanitarian workers and volunteers. #ProtectHumanity
Note: These numbers are self-reported by Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies and may not include all duty-related deaths of Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers and staff during these time periods. Also, this list does not include the names of staff of the International Committee of the Red Cross who have lost their lives while on duty during the timeframe noted above.