
Education is a fundamental human right and an essential public service. The IFRC and our National Societies worldwide work to ensure that all people have safe and equitable access to quality, inclusive education.

Our work

Our work in education is diverse and wide-ranging. The IFRC and our National Societies deliver education opportunities for all ages and of all kinds—from early childhood development right through to vocational and adult learning.

Education enables people to develop the knowledge, skills and values they need to achieve their full potential and live in dignity, solidarity and peace. It helps them strive for a better future.

When people lack access to quality education, or when their learning is disrupted by disasters and crises, it can have a dramatic impact on their physical and mental well-being—affecting the life prospects of entire generations.

That’s why we work to support education before, during and after crises and as part of our long-term development work. We help ensure access to education for all and continuity of education for people affected by crises. And we help strengthen capacity within education systems.

Promoting our principles and values

A Tuvalu Red Cross instructor delivers introductory training to new volunteers on the fundamental principles

A Tuvalu Red Cross instructor delivers introductory training to new volunteers on the fundamental principles

Photo: IFRC/Rob Few

Promoting our humanitarian principles and values is central to all we do—especially when it comes to our work in education.

Most of our education programmes help people to improve their understanding of these principles and values and, more importantly, put them into action. 

To learn more about our principles and values, take our interactive World of Red Cross and Red Crescent eLearning course on the IFRC Learning Platform.

Our education projects

The IFRC and Red Cross Society of China lead educational workshops in the Youth Olympic Village during the 2014 Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing

Youth as Agents of Behavioural Change (YABC)

Youth as Agents of Behavioural Change (YABC) is the IFRC’s long standing project that helps young people around the world promote a culture of non-violence and peace within their communities.

A volunteer from the Argentinian Red Cross leads children in a game of football as part of the IFRC's 'Uniting through the power of football' project in partnership with Generation Amazing

Uniting through the power of football

Our innovative and unique project with Generation Amazing that combines our YABC approach and uses sport to address youth isolation and exclusion.

A group of young boys in Fiji hold up posters as they take part in a training session in their village on disaster preparedness, including how to prepare and respond to floods, cyclones, earthquakes and tsunamis

Public Awareness and Public Education

In partnership with Save the Children, we’ve developed key messages on a range of different disaster scenarios to support communities to stay safe.

Children in Copenhagen are supported by the Danish Red Cross to carry water to the Copenhagen Bella Centre where climate negotiations were taking place as a tribute to the women and girls who have to walk kilometres every day just to access clean water


Y-Adapt is a curriculum for young people consisting of games and playful activities to help them understand climate change and take practical action to adapt to the changing climate in their communities.

Students take part in Project Humanity - a project to educate young people about the purpose and function of humanitarian principles

Project Humanity

Project Humanity helps students discover the importance and function of the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence.

A youth volunteer with the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society provides training in Cox's Bazar refugee camp on the IFRC's participatory approach to safe shelter and settlements awareness (PASSA)


PASSA Youth helps youth groups, mainly in urban areas, raise awareness of habitat-related risks with their peers and families and prepare for them proactively together.

Key education resources by theme
