National Society Development
The IFRC supports our 191 Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies around the world to fulfil their full potential as effective local humanitarian actors. We are committed to supporting their long-term development and programmes. And we tailor our support to each National Society's contexts, needs and priorities.
Our work
Our 191 National Societies are trusted, locally-led and principled humanitarian organizations. Thanks to their networks of local branches, they are present in virtually every community on earth and can reach people others cannot.
National Societies work in a diverse range of contexts and cultures and face many and differing challenges. Each one of them varies in its capability.
One of the IFRC's biggest priorities is to improve the ability of all National Societies to support vulnerable communities, no matter the context in which they work. This is clearly outlined in our Global Plan and in our Strategy 2030.
What does National Society Development (NSD) involve?
Getting the foundations right
We support National Societies to improve their governance and leadership. This in turn helps them improve their organizational culture and integrity.
Building core capacities
We provide support to all the core functions National Societies need to work in an effective and accountable way.
Programmes and services
We support National Societies to design and deliver long-term programmes that help the most vulnerable people in their communities.
Watch: What is National Society Development?
National Society Development in emergencies
Photo: Finnish Red Cross/Heli Pekkonen
Emergency response can be a challenging and hectic time for National Societies. Their first priority is to quickly assist communities in need. But emergencies also present an opportunity to help National Societies build their capacity in real-time and support their longer term institutional development.
The IFRC has therefore developed an approach to support National Society development in emergencies. We can offer remote advice during ongoing operations. And if requested by National Societies, we can also provide rapid response capacity in the form of:
- National Society Development in Emergencies Coordinators
- Volunteer Management in Emergencies Officers
Financial sustainability
Photo: Mexican Red Cross
The IFRC is supporting National Societies to be financially sustainable so they can continue to provide effective local humanitarian action long into the future.
For a National Society to be financially sustainable, it needs:
- To attract and manage the financial resources needed, particularly long-term funding, in a transparent and accountable way
- To effectively manage financial risks and opportunities and include this knowledge in decision making
- A strong mission, strategy and core services, as well as a flexible organizational structure
This work should be supported by high-quality leadership engagement at all levels.
If you are from a National Society and are looking for more information on this topic, download the National Society Financial Sustainability Framework and visit the financial sustainability page on Fednet or contact [email protected]
Key documents on National Society Development
National Society Financial Sustainability Framework
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National Society Development (NSD) policy
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National Society Development Info Brochure
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National Society Development Framework
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National Society Development Compact
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Guidance for National Society Statutes
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Guidance on National Society Assessment and Development Processes
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Watch: National Society Development case studies
Available partnerships for National Societies
Photo: IFRC/Shourov Sobahan/Gennike Mayers
The IFRC is currently partnering with the World Institute for Action Learning (WIAL) to help National Societies address urgent and complex NSD related challenges. WIAL professional coaches can help your National Society come up with solutions for probono. Their ‘action learning’ approach involves leading teams through a process of:
- Asking questions to clarify the exact nature of the problem
- Reflecting and identifying possible solutions
- Defining actions National Societies can take to overcome challenges
You can discover more about action learning by reading this introductory document and by watching this video. And you can find more information about the partnership and how to get involved by emailing [email protected]