Red Cross and Red Crescent Research Consortium (RC3)
RC3 is a distributed network of research, academic and scientific entities and initiatives within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
Science connected for humanity
RC3 is an open, collaborative, and coordinated network of entities and initiatives created within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement that are entirely or partially dedicated to conducting and promoting research in the humanitarian field based on scientific methods.
The consortium was set up in 2019 and is based on the idea that science can improve the quality of humanitarian services and help the Movement respond to growing global humanitarian challenges.
RC3 works with National Societies, the IFRC, and the ICRC to help them build safer, more resilient, and more sustainable communities.
It makes academic research, science and technical expertise more accessible to members of our Movement so they can use it to inform their work preventing and alleviating human suffering around the world.