
Benin and Togo: Burning less, planting more and combatting climate change one meal at a time — welcome to the ‘Mothers Club’

Benin and Togo: Burning less, planting more and combatting climate change one meal at a time — welcome to the ‘Mothers Club’

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Nourishing futures: School feeding and food assistance transform lives in Binga, Zimbabwe

Nourishing futures: School feeding and food assistance transform lives in Binga, Zimbabwe

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A lifeline amidst drought: How the Zambia Red Cross is bringing hope to families on the forefront of the climate crisis

A lifeline amidst drought: How the Zambia Red Cross is bringing hope to families on the forefront of the climate crisis

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Lebanon: A former hospital has become a place of shelter and hope

Lebanon: A former hospital has become a place of shelter and hope

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Zimbabwe: Water project offers a garden of hope in drought-stricken region

Zimbabwe: Water project offers a garden of hope in drought-stricken region

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In part of Nigeria hard hit by drought and heatwaves, Red Cross volunteers are helping farmers find natural solutions

In part of Nigeria hard hit by drought and heatwaves, Red Cross volunteers are helping farmers find natural solutions

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Tree-planting champions of Sierra Leone: Leading the fight against climate change, one seedling at a time

Tree-planting champions of Sierra Leone: Leading the fight against climate change, one seedling at a time

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‘No such thing as a simple disaster’: Partnership to tackle complex food crises by addressing hunger on multiple fronts

‘No such thing as a simple disaster’: Partnership to tackle complex food crises by addressing hunger on multiple fronts

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Resilience: Nurturing new life in Galoolay village

Resilience: Nurturing new life in Galoolay village

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A severe and prolonged cold spell in Mongolia – known as the ‘dzud’ – is taking a deep toll on rural livestock herders

A severe and prolonged cold spell in Mongolia – known as the ‘dzud’ – is taking a deep toll on rural livestock herders

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Cash assistance: ‘Today, I see a brighter future for my daughters’

Cash assistance: ‘Today, I see a brighter future for my daughters’

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Hunger crisis: ‘Now I can take care of my own family’

Hunger crisis: ‘Now I can take care of my own family’

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