Article 15/09/2023 From north to south: Honduran Red Cross accompanies thousands of migrants on their return home From north to south: Honduran Red Cross accompanies thousands of migrants on their return home 15/09/2023 | Article
Speech 07/06/2023 Secretary General speech at the Inter American Conference 2023 Secretary General speech at the Inter American Conference 2023 07/06/2023 | Speech
Article 30/05/2023 From Sierra Leone to the Darien: migrants cross continents for a better future From Sierra Leone to the Darien: migrants cross continents for a better future 30/05/2023 | Article
Article 16/05/2023 Darien new record: As migration increases, so must support Darien new record: As migration increases, so must support 16/05/2023 | Article
Article 19/04/2023 Honduran Red Cross: Kindness shines bright in local communities Honduran Red Cross: Kindness shines bright in local communities 19/04/2023 | Article
Speech 20/03/2023 International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement statement at the International Conference in Solidarity with Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement statement at the International Conference in Solidarity with Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants 20/03/2023 | Speech
Press release 01/08/2022 IFRC: 210,000 migrants need urgent life-saving assistance and protection in Central America and Mexico IFRC: 210,000 migrants need urgent life-saving assistance and protection in Central America and Mexico 01/08/2022 | Press release