
A heart and mind for solving universal problems

A heart and mind for solving universal problems

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By car, plane and boat: Reaching the most remote communities in Guyana

By car, plane and boat: Reaching the most remote communities in Guyana

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Nagorno-Karabakh: Starting over after losing everything

Nagorno-Karabakh: Starting over after losing everything

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No more excuses! The next disaster is coming, what are you doing about it?

No more excuses! The next disaster is coming, what are you doing about it?

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Meta: “Volunteering gave me a sense of purpose”

Meta: “Volunteering gave me a sense of purpose”

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Beyond the data: Time for violence against women and children to end

Beyond the data: Time for violence against women and children to end

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12 months of coronavirus in Europe

12 months of coronavirus in Europe

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Syrian refugee gets through challenges with power of writing

Syrian refugee gets through challenges with power of writing

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Malaysian 2021 Floods: In Pictures

Malaysian 2021 Floods: In Pictures

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Opinion: Will migrants and refugees be left out of mass vaccine programs?

Opinion: Will migrants and refugees be left out of mass vaccine programs?

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Volunteers: the cornerstone of the response of the Red Cross in the Americas

Volunteers: the cornerstone of the response of the Red Cross in the Americas

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Physical, but not emotional, distance

Physical, but not emotional, distance

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