IATI Feasibility Study: Full report

The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) is a global initiative to improve the transparency of development and humanitarian resources and their results to address poverty and crises.

As part of the World Humanitarian Summit Grand Bargain, the IFRC joined the ICRC in committing “to invest in examining the feasibility of using the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) to publish timely, transparent, harmonized and open high-quality data” .

This paper provides the first stage of that examination: exploring the feasibility of the IFRC to publish IATI data covering our programmes and appeals. It finds that publication to a level comparable to other agencies is feasible, particularly for emergency appeals, for which substantial information is already in the public domain. It sets out a number of options for the IFRC, along with implications for data representation, data collection systems and processes and quality control of published data. It proposes a phased approach, that, in a second phase, would support publication of development programmes and more detailed humanitarian-related data for appeals.

An executive summary and appendices to the full report are also available below.

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