Evaluations and research
Welcome to the IFRC Evaluation and Research Databank, a comprehensive resource for accessing evaluative initiatives conducted by the IFRC network. These evaluations inform our decision-making processes and enhance trust and accountability with donors, partners and the communities we serve. They also improve organizational learning and reduce duplication of efforts and expenditures.
Use the “type” field to see the variety of evaluations, case studies, learnings and other documents available. You can also search by location, category of disaster and several other parameters.
The total number of evaluations meeting the criteria is 711
Title | Location | Category | Type | Organization | Date | Management response |
Rapid Insights: Lessons from Past Evaluations-Pakistan Floods | - | Floods, Disaster management, Disaster preparedness, Disaster risk reduction | Learning | IFRC, National Society | ✖ | |
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Operations in Bangladesh | Bangladesh | Health, Water and sanitation, Livelihoods, COVID-19 | Final evaluation | National Society, Other | ✔ | |
Final Evaluation Monarch Butterfly Programme Phase 1 – El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras (M1805080) | Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador | Population movement, Disaster management | Final evaluation | IFRC, National Society | ✖ | |
Final Evaluation - Guatemala Volcano operation (MDRGT013) | Guatemala | Volcano, Disaster management | Final evaluation | IFRC, National Society | ✖ | |
PDM Report of the MDRNP011 Nepal: Monsoon Floods and Landslides | Nepal | Floods, Landslide, Disaster management, DREF, Food security, Shelter, Health, Water and sanitation, Livelihoods, Cash and Voucher Assistance | Survey | IFRC, National Society, Other | ✖ | |
Final evaluation for Zambia Drought Emergency response operation | Zambia | Drought, Food security | Final evaluation | IFRC, National Society | ✖ | |
Review of the RCRC Movement SGBV WG | Switzerland | Violence prevention/reduction, Protection | Review | IFRC | ✖ | |
COVID-19 Federation-wide Evaluation | Switzerland | Disaster management, Health, CBHFA | Mid-term evaluation | IFRC, National Society | ✖ | |
Bangladesh - Floods 2019, Floods 2020 and Cyclone Amphan Final Evaluation Report | Bangladesh | Floods, Cyclone, Disaster management, Disaster risk reduction, Food security, Recovery, Shelter, Water and sanitation, CEA, Livelihoods, Cash and Voucher Assistance | Final evaluation | IFRC, National Society, Other | ✖ | |
Final Evaluation Colombia - Population Movement (MDRCO014) | Colombia | Population movement, Disaster management, Migration | Final evaluation | IFRC, National Society | ✖ | |
Lessons learned workshop - Panama floods (MRDPA014) | Panama | Floods, Disaster management, Shelter, Health, Water and sanitation, Protection, Livelihoods | Review | IFRC, National Society | ✖ | |
Red Ready Programme Mid-Term Review | - | Disaster management, Logisitics, Organizational development, NS systems development, NS finance development, NS financial sustainability, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Resource mobilization, Human resources, Disaster Law | Review | IFRC, National Society | ✔ | |
Real Time Learning (RTL) COVID 19 global operation How are the IFRC secretariat and National Societies learning from the COVID 19 pandemic to prepare and address multiple hazards ? | Switzerland | Disaster preparedness, COVID-19 | Learning | IFRC, National Society | ✖ | |
Evaluation of Indonesia Earthquakes & Tsunamis Response | Indonesia | Earthquake, Tsunami, Disaster management | Final evaluation | IFRC, National Society | ✖ | |
Libya_DREF_MDRLY002_ Lessons Learned Exercise Report | Libya | Population movement, DREF | Review | IFRC, National Society | ✖ | |
Real Time Evaluation: Hurricane Eta and Iota Response Operation in Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua December 2020 to June 2021 | Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua | Disaster management, Hurricane | Real-time evaluation | IFRC | ✖ | |
Final Evaluation - Americas Population Movement (MDR42004) | Americas | Population movement, Disaster management, Migration | Final evaluation | IFRC, National Society | ✔ | |
Review of the pilot phase of the Forecast-based Action by the Disaster Relief Emergency Fund | Switzerland | Other disasters, DREF | Review | IFRC | ✔ | |
MDRTR003 Turkey-Population Movement Final Evaluation Report | Turkey | Population movement, Shelter, Health, CBHFA, Migration, Protection, Livelihoods, Cash and Voucher Assistance, PSS | Final evaluation | IFRC, National Society | ✔ | |
Mid-term Review of Malaysia COVID-19 Response | - | Other epidemic, Health | Mid-term evaluation | IFRC, National Society | ✖ |