Evaluations and research
Welcome to the IFRC Evaluation and Research Databank, a comprehensive resource for accessing evaluative initiatives conducted by the IFRC network. These evaluations inform our decision-making processes and enhance trust and accountability with donors, partners and the communities we serve. They also improve organizational learning and reduce duplication of efforts and expenditures.
Use the “type” field to see the variety of evaluations, case studies, learnings and other documents available. You can also search by location, category of disaster and several other parameters.
The total number of evaluations meeting the criteria is 694
Title | Location | Category | Type | Organization | Date | Management response |
OCAC Evaluation [2] | Switzerland | Organizational development | Review | IFRC | ✔ | |
Final Evaluation: Building Resilient Communities in Fiji Project | Fiji | Disaster management, Disaster preparedness | Final evaluation | IFRC, National Society | ✔ | |
Strengthening disaster risk reduction capacity for communities hosting IDPs and returnees | Burundi | Disaster risk reduction | Baseline | National Society | ✖ | |
Final Evaluation of Nepal Earthquake Response Operation | Nepal | Earthquake, Disaster management, Disaster preparedness, Disaster risk reduction, Recovery, Shelter, Water and sanitation, Organizational development, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Gender | Final evaluation | IFRC, ICRC, National Society | ✔ | |
RTE Mozambique: Tropical Cyclones Idai and Kenneth (2019) | Mozambique | Disaster management | Real-time evaluation | IFRC | ✔ | |
RTE Mozambique: Tropical Cyclones Idai and Kenneth (2019) [2] | Mozambique | Disaster management | Real-time evaluation | IFRC | ✔ | |
Nepal Earthquake Operations 2015 Movement-Wide Lessons Learnt Workshop Report | - | Earthquake, Disaster management, Shelter, Health, Water and sanitation, Performance development, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation | Learning | IFRC, National Society | ✖ | |
Tunisia - DREF Flash Floods Review (MDRTN008) | Tunisia | Floods, DREF | Review | IFRC | ✖ | |
Bangladesh: Population Movement Two-year Federation-wide report | Bangladesh | Population movement, Migration | Review | IFRC, National Society | ✖ | |
Participatory Video Evaluation Report: Community Action on Zika Project in Honduras and Colombia | Honduras, Colombia | Health, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Gender, Zika | Final evaluation | IFRC | ✖ | |
Lebanon DREF MDRLB006 (Lessons Learnt Workshop) | Lebanon | Disaster management, Extreme Winter Condition | Review | IFRC, National Society | ✖ | |
Tunis DREF MDRTN008 (Lessons Learnt Workshop) | Tunisia | Floods, Disaster management | Review | IFRC | ✖ | |
Lessons Learnt Workshop - DREF Guatemala Population Movement | Guatemala | Population movement, Migration | Review | IFRC, National Society | ✖ | |
Final Evaluation of Nepal Monsoon Floods and Landslides Operation 2017 | - | Floods, Disaster management, Logisitics, Water and sanitation, Organizational development, NS systems development | Final evaluation | IFRC, National Society | ✔ | |
Are We Ready to Engage Communities in Humanitarian Programming | Tanzania, United Republic Of, Malawi | Disaster preparedness, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Communications, Climatological | Case study/research | IFRC | ✖ | |
Final Evaluation of Bangladesh Floods 2017 Operation | Bangladesh | Floods, Recovery, Water and sanitation, Organizational development, NS systems development | Final evaluation | IFRC, National Society | ✔ | |
Mid-term Review of Bangladesh Population Movement Operation | Bangladesh | Population movement, Disaster management, NS branch development, NS systems development, NS leadership development, Migration | Mid-term evaluation | IFRC, National Society | ✖ | |
Baseline Study Report: Violence Prevention & Response Project | Bangladesh | Gender, Violence prevention/reduction | Baseline | IFRC, National Society | ✖ | |
Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) Assessment Report - Community-Based Migration Programme - Turkish Red Crescent Society (TRCS) | Turkey | Organizational development, Communications, Gender, Migration, Other, Principles and values, Protection | Review | IFRC, National Society | ✖ | |
Evaluation of the IFRC Emergency Appeal for Syria 2012-2018 | Syrian Arab Republic | Complex emergency, Disaster management, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Gender | Mid-term evaluation | IFRC | ✔ |