News, press releases and speeches

Two years later, a survivor of the Türkiye-Syria earthquake is seeing a better, safer and healthier future

Two years later, a survivor of the Türkiye-Syria earthquake is seeing a better, safer and healthier future

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Belize: After a season of drought and fire wiped out farmlands, Red Cross help farmers sow the seeds of recovery

Belize: After a season of drought and fire wiped out farmlands, Red Cross help farmers sow the seeds of recovery

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Nourishing futures: School feeding and food assistance transform lives in Binga, Zimbabwe

Nourishing futures: School feeding and food assistance transform lives in Binga, Zimbabwe

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Providing cash is one of the best ways to help people get back on their feet after crisis. Romania offers a recent case in point.

Providing cash is one of the best ways to help people get back on their feet after crisis. Romania offers a recent case in point.

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Flooding in Nigeria: ‘When the floods come again, we will be better prepared.’

Flooding in Nigeria: ‘When the floods come again, we will be better prepared.’

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Stories of resilience in Türkiye: Rebuilding livelihoods after the earthquakes

Stories of resilience in Türkiye: Rebuilding livelihoods after the earthquakes

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World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day: How humanitarian principles help keep humanity alive during times of division in Myanmar

World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day: How humanitarian principles help keep humanity alive during times of division in Myanmar

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Dr. Fatma Meriç Yilmaz: ‘Regardless of culture, country, creed, language or religion,’ ensuring everyone has a seat at the table

People in the Red Vest:
Season 2,
Episode 5

Dr. Fatma Meriç Yilmaz: ‘Regardless of culture, country, creed, language or religion,’ ensuring everyone has a seat at the table

People in the Red Vest:
Season 2,
Episode 5
| Podcast

Cash assistance: ‘Today, I see a brighter future for my daughters’

Cash assistance: ‘Today, I see a brighter future for my daughters’

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Hunger crisis: ‘Now I can take care of my own family’

Hunger crisis: ‘Now I can take care of my own family’

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IFRC concludes implementation of the ESSN programme in Türkiye

IFRC concludes implementation of the ESSN programme in Türkiye

| Press release

Yemen: When conflict comes with disaster or disease, cash assistance can save lives.

Yemen: When conflict comes with disaster or disease, cash assistance can save lives.

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