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Climate change, economic uncertainty and the future of volunteering: IFRC youth leader takes on the hot issues impacting young people

When Bas van Rossum was elected to represent youth on the IFRC Governing Board, he was the youngest person to ever serve in that role. Now as he steps down as president of IFRC’s Youth Commission, he talks about the challenges that defined his tenure. “Young people are perhaps the closest to the front lines,” he says in this special episode, recorded during the IFRC Youth Forum and released on the first day of the IFRC General Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland. “So it's really important that we listen to young volunteers and that we give them space to really shape the direction we're heading.”


Behind the scenes: ‘The new normal’ means the job of getting ready for disaster never ends

Central Europe is experiencing its biggest floods in decades. But that is only the latest round ofclimate-related phenomena — from heat and cold waves, to storms, wildfires and landslides — that have pushed many communities to the breaking point.As some worry this is becoming ‘the new normal’, those whose job it is to protect people from these emergencies say preparing for multiple, overlapping crisis will become more important than ever.“As Europe is warming much faster than the rest of the world, floods are occurring more frequently and with more unpredictability,”says Andreas von Weissenberg, the IFRC’s Head of Health, Disasters, Climate and Crises in Europe. “Scaling up climate adaptation action and strengthening preparedness is a must.”But what does that mean in a region already dealing with an international conflict, mass migration, an increase in communicable diseases, continuedrisk of earthquakes,as well as human-induced disasters such as industrial and transportation accidents?For Red Cross and RedCrescent National Societies, it means continuing to play a key role in helping people and communities prepare for future crisis, even while responding to ongoing emergencies.“Europe and Central Asia is a large and complex region that is facing an unprecedented escalation in several types of hazards, in addition to the risk of recurrent and severe flooding,” saysMegan Krolik, IFRC’s National Society Preparedness Coordinator for Europe.Even as communities struggle to recover from floods, wildfires or earthquakes, they must also be thinking about — and getting ready for — whatever comes next. As part of these affected communities, Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies must address these challenges head on.“It is more important than ever to ensure that we have the necessary skills, resources, and capacities to effectively manage domestic disaster responses, as well as the larger, cross-border humanitarian crises, both of which are becoming more and more frequent,” Krolik says.‘Sustainable preparedness’National Societies impacted by the Ukraine conflict have seen first-hand the need to scale up their own institutional preparedness.“In the past year of the emergency response operation in Ukraine and the impacted countries, the operational preparedness of National Societies has become a clear priority,”says Krolik, adding that the lessons learned from this experience are being turned into operational analyses that enable National Societies to make a high level of preparedness sustainable over the long term.In addition, operational reviews required as part of IFRC’s funding mechanisms help the IFRC and National Societies analyze hazards and challenges, as well as the capacity of each National Society, and then develop the best possible preparedness strategies.The IFRC has also been working with National Societies on a range of preparedness efforts across Europe and Central Asia:• The creation of 11 new Emergency Operation Centres to help coordinate regional responses.• The launch of a new platform, called X-Stock, by five National Societies in southeastern Europe, for managing warehouse space and relief supplies in real time.• The participations of more National Societies in regional and national emergency simulations.• Scaling up of disaster response team training on many aspects of emergency response.The Slovak Red Cross is one of the National Societies going through this preparedness transformation.“Over the past two and a half years, we have witnessed an influx of displaced people from Ukraine,” saysKatarína Rakická, Operations Manager at the Slovak Red Cross (SRC). “The SRC has been engaged in the provision of support and services for the displaced population that was transiting through the country, as well as for those who have decided to stay and settle down.” Due to the complex situation, there is a renewed commitment to National Society strengthening.“We have prioritized disaster preparedness and have developed a work plan to strengthen our response capacity, with a particular emphasis on migration,” Katarína states.The Slovak Red Cross is not the only National Society in the region putting its response capacity to the test.The Lithuanian Red Cross has a highly skilled staff and a willingness to further develop its disaster management team. But prior to the Ukraine conflict, it had never been involved in such a large-scale emergency response.“The arrival of migrants and refugees from Ukraine has provided the Lithuanian Red Cross with significant experience in handling emergencies," notes Eray Atay, IFRC’s Senior Preparedness Officer in Europe. "This situation has helped them develop their operations, expand their teams, and enhance their response capacities.”A shared concernNow the Lithuanian Red Cross, along with other European National Societies, is going even further by developing contingency planning for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) events. This is particularly relevant due to the proximity of a nuclear power plant to the Lithuanian border.“This concern is shared by other National Societies in the Baltic region and in Central Europe,” Eray says. “This is due to the presence of numerous nuclear and chemical plants, and the potential for accidents or conflict-related incidents.”CBRN preparedness is a key topic in the Preparedness for Effective Response (PER) workshops which the IFRC is rolling out across the region.“Developing contingency plans tailored to each National Society's mandate and capacities is crucial,”Eray adds.“These plans help National Societies in the region to define their roles and responsibilities, ensuring they can effectively respond to various disaster scenarios that may impact their countries.” Sharing regional stockpilesThe COVID-19 pandemic also highlighted the need for regional preparedness, and in particular, cross-border stockpiling and transportation strategies, according to Nebojsa Medojevic, IFRC Disaster and Crisis Preparedness Delegate in Europe.This is one reason that five National Societies in the southeast European region created the X-Stock Platform for managing warehouse space on a regional basis.This helps them enhance cross-border emergency management through shared real-time management of emergency stock.“The X-STOCK platform was created as a virtual warehouse to improve regional preparedness, enabling real-time stock management and facilitating emergency relief”, he says.The fact that 11 European National Societies have establishedEmergency Operations Centers (EOCs) will also helpNational Societies strengthen crisis management, internal communication and data analysis, he adds.“EOCs have played a crucial role in monitoring and responding to emergencies,”according to Nebojsa. “Many National Societies have extended the concept to their field branches, based on exposure and vulnerability to potential future disasters.”


Recommendations from IFRC Governing Board Oversight Group on Russian Red Cross

As the world’s largest humanitarian network comprised of 191 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the IFRC advocates for delivering life-saving humanitarian assistance, even in the most complex scenarios.The situation in and around the international armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine is an extraordinarily difficult geo-political and operational context that poses tremendous risks for civilians and the humanitarian workers operating in this environment. Given the context, this work is challenging and often performed in less-than-ideal and dangerous circumstances.Allegations against the Russian Red Cross (RRC) have understandably raised concerns among the people we serve and within our network. We need the trust of the communities we serve to ensure access and deliver humanitarian assistance. Trust is the cornerstone of our work. To maintain this trust, the IFRC established a dedicated Governing Board Oversight Group (GBOG) to examine these allegations.On 24 September 2024, the IFRC Governing Board endorsed the GBOG findings and recommendations for the RRC.The GBOG found that RRC has humanitarian access and delivers humanitarian services in accordance with the Principles of Humanitarian Action. It also recognized that the context is highly sensitive and there are no long-term humanitarian solutions to complex geopolitical challenges. The IFRC Governing Board endorsed that the IFRC continues working with the RRC to implement the recommendations, noting that actions have already been taken in certain areas to address some of the recommendations.RecommendationsThe recommendations offered by the GBOG and endorsed by the IFRC Governing Board will contribute to further strengthening the RRC programs. The GBOG recommends the RRC strengthen its frameworks for child safeguarding and protection. Additionally, it urges reviewing agreements with entities that may compromise the RRC's ability to adhere to the Fundamental Principles in its work to support affected people. Also, the RRC involvement in every activity with partners needs to be strictly limited to those within its humanitarian mandate or alternatively should be discontinued. In consultation with the IFRC, the RRC is currently developing a comprehensive Policy on Child Safeguarding, a Good Partnership Policy and Partner Integrity Assessment Questionnaire. This also includes workshops and training to ensure staff at all levels are well versed in handling these sensitive issues.The GBOG identified the need to enhance compliance of the RRC with its Code of Conduct and ethical standards. The structure of the RRC, which includes over 80 regional branches that act with a high degree of independence, and the vast size of the country, which spans 11 time zones, further compound these challenges. The GBOG recommends comprehensive training across all branches on key Movement and IFRC policies and revisions to the Code of Conduct to strengthen child protection, data privacy and social media use.Another area of focus for the GBOG involved the coordination of humanitarian assistance in the four territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia. The GBOG recognizes that the humanitarian imperative guides the work of the Red Cross and must take precedence over open and difficult political issues. Paramount in this recommendation must be advocacy for pragmatic and innovative solutions and the will to engage in dialogue among all parties to ensure protection of lives and health of people concerned.The IFRC Governing Board also endorsed the GBOC recommendation to be guided by a similar approach to addressing humanitarian needs in Crimea.Cognizant of the current challenges, the GBOG recommends that communication channels should be established between RRC and URCS to address humanitarian needs.The GBOG recommends that the RRC continue to advocate for a Red Cross Law within Russia to underscore the National Society’s auxiliary role in the humanitarian field.The Russian Red Cross remains an IFRC member, and its President remains its representative on the IFRC Governing Board.Advisory GroupThe Governing Board Oversight Group (GBOG) was established by the IFRC Governing Board on 25 April 2024 to address allegations against the RRC. While not an investigative entity, the GBOG functions as an advisory body tasked to gather information and assess the RRC’s adherence to the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The group presented its work in September of 2024 after a comprehensive analysis of interviews, document reviews and field visits. Throughout the process, the RRC has been cooperative and the IFRC will continue to work towards implementation of these recommendations.Russian version:Рекомендации Группы Правления МФОККиКП по наблюдению относительно Российского Красного КрестаЯвляясь крупнейшей в мире гуманитарной сетью, состоящей из 191Национального общества Красного Креста и Красного Полумесяца, МФОККиКП выступает за оказание гуманитарной помощи, необходимой для спасения жизней, даже в самых сложных ситуациях.Ситуация в рамках международного вооруженного конфликта между Россией и Украиной и вокруг него представляет собой чрезвычайно сложный геополитический и операционный контекст, который создает огромные риски для гражданского населения и сотрудников гуманитарных организаций, работающих в этих условиях. Учитывая сложившийся контекст, такая работа является сложной и часто выполняется в далеко не идеальных и опасных условиях.Обвинения в адрес Российского Красного Креста(РКК) по понятным причинам вызвали обеспокоенность людей, которым мы служим, и среди членов нашей сети. Для обеспечения доступа и оказания гуманитарной помощи нам необходимо доверие сообществ, которым мы служим. Доверие—это основа нашей работы. Для сохранения такого доверия МФОККиКП учредила особую Группу Правления по наблюдению(ГПН) для рассмотрения данных обвинений.Двадцать четвертого сентября 2024года Правление МФОККиКП приняло выводы и рекомендации ГПН в отношении РКК.ГПНустановила, что РКК имеет гуманитарный доступ и предоставляет гуманитарные услуги в соответствии с принципами гуманитарной деятельности. ГПН также признает, что ситуация является крайне сложной, а долгосрочных гуманитарных решений сложных геополитических проблем не существует. Правление МФОККиКП поддержало продолжение работы МФОККиКП с РКК для выполнения рекомендаций, отметив, что в отношении некоторых рекомендаций уже были приняты соответствующие меры.РекомендацииРекомендации, предложенные ГПН и одобренные Правлением МФОККиКП, будут способствовать дальнейшему укреплению программРКК.ГПНрекомендуетРКК укрепить свою систему защиты и обеспечения безопасности детей. Помимо этого, ГПНнастоятельно призывает пересмотреть соглашения с организациями, которые могут поставить под угрозу способность РКК придерживаться Основополагающих принципов в своей работе по оказанию помощи пострадавшим. Кроме того, участиеРКК в любой деятельности с партнерами должно быть строго ограничено теми партнерствами, которые соответствуют гуманитарному мандату Национального общества; в противном случае такие партнерства должны быть прекращены. В настоящее времяРКК в консультации с МФОККиКП разрабатывает комплексную Политику в области обеспечения безопасности детей,Политику добросовестного партнерства и Анкету для оценки добросовестности партнера. Данная деятельностьтакже подразумевает проведение семинаров и тренингов, чтобы сотрудники на всех уровнях были хорошо осведомлены о данных деликатных вопросах.ГПНподчеркнула необходимость более строгого соблюдения Кодекса поведения и этических стандартов вРКК. СтруктураРКК, которая включает в себя более 80региональных отделений, действующих с высокой степенью независимости, и огромные размеры страны, которая охватывает 11часовых поясов, лишь больше усугубляют данные вызовы. ГПНрекомендует провести всестороннее обучение по ключевым вопросам политик Движения и МФОККиКП во всех отделениях, а также внести изменения в Кодекс поведения для усиления защиты детей, конфиденциальности данных и использования социальных сетей.Еще одним вопросом, рассмотренным ГПН, стала координация оказания гуманитарной помощи на четырех территориях—Донецкой, Луганской, Херсонской и Запорожской областях. ГПНпризнает, что во главе работы Красного Креста находится гуманитарный императив; он должен превосходить по важности незакрытые и сложные политические вопросы. Первостепенное значение в этой рекомендации отводится продвижению прагматичных и новаторских решений и стремлению к диалогу между всеми сторонами для обеспечения защиты жизни и здоровья затронутого населения.Правление МФОККиКП также одобряет рекомендациюГПН о необходимости руководствоваться аналогичным подходом к удовлетворению гуманитарных потребностей в Крыму.Осознавая текущие проблемы, ГПНрекомендует установить каналы связи междуРКК иОККУ для удовлетворения гуманитарных потребностей.ГПНрекомендуетРКК продолжать выступать за принятие Закона о Красном Кресте в России, чтобы подчеркнуть вспомогательную роль Национального общества в гуманитарной сфере.Российский Красный Крест остается членом МФОККиКП, а его Председатель—представителем в Правлении МФОККиКП.Консультативная группаГруппа по наблюдению Правления (ГПН) была создана Правлением МФОККиКП 25апреля 2024года для рассмотрения обвинений в адресРКК. Не являясь органом, проводящим расследования, ГПН выполняет функцию консультативного органа, которому поручено собирать информацию и оценивать соблюдение РКК Основополагающих принципов международного Движения Красного Креста и Красного Полумесяца. Группа представила результаты своей работы в сентябре 2024года после всестороннего анализа интервью, изучения документов и поездок на места. На протяжении всего процесса РКК сотрудничал с ГПН. МФОККиКП продолжит работу по выполнению этих рекомендаций.


World Mental Health Day: By helping others, a young volunteer learned how to help herself

When Gunel Abbasova was a young student, she dreamed of doing something to help others. But for some time, conflict in her country kept from her realising those dreams.“Due to displacement from Aghdam, the conflict left many traces in my life: my unfinished dreams, my lost childhood, and my inability to pursue higher education,” she says. “Little Gunel had already grown up, but her dreams had not yet come true. I always thought that when I grew up, I would become a lawyer and help people in need.”But then Gunel discovered a new way to help others, as a volunteer with the Aghdam district branch of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. Gunel explains that throughout these difficult experiences, the National Society gave her hope and helped her realise her potential.“Time passed, year after year, and I was losing hope,”she recalls. “However, when my hopes were nearly exhausted, I happened to meet a person who informed me about the Aghdam branch of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and said there was a need for volunteers. He mentioned that I could be a part of this community's mission as a volunteer without financial compensation.“Normally, each of us expects some financial support in return for the work we do, even if it is small. But somehow, I didn't think about it for a second. I had already made my choice. I believed that I would find myself there, and indeed, I was not wrong.The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society became the sun shining brightly on me after the rain..”Now Gunel is one of many volunteers helping to bring mental health and psychosocial support to people as part of a project supported financially by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the IFRC.The project is called “Bridging the Gap between Community Needs and Local Capacities and Capabilities of the Civil Society Actors in Azerbaijan” and it aims to strengthen the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) capacity of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society (AzRCS).The National Society soon became a place where she could develop her knowledge and skills. However, Gunel still felt that something was missing.“Years later, I had given up on the idea of studying, but I began to develop myself at the National Society. I visited many regions and cities, received training from professional and educated trainers, and increased my knowledge and skills.”“I started to feel happier. I participated in the distribution of humanitarian aid, provided first aid, met many people, and made friends. But there was still something missing. Sometimes I was very weak. Sometimes I ran away from situations as the fear of losing did not allow me to move forward.”“As I developed, I began to search for myself. Who am I? Where am I? Where should I be? I asked myself these questions all the time. One day they announced a new training. When I heard the name of the training, a spark arose in me. At that point in my life, I needed exactly that – mental health and psychosocial support training.”‘Now I have found myself’The mental health and psychosocial support field helped her fill the missing void in her life, made her understand herself better, become happier, and improve her relationships with people.“While attending training and participating in activities in this field, I better understood myself and my aspirations. Over the years, I reached a level where I could inform other people on this topic. As an AzRCS volunteer, I started working with children aged 5-12 in schools, conducting psychosocial sessions for them.Now I have found myself, and I know that it is impossible to be healthy without mental health. I can handle stress and take care of myself. I conduct awareness sessions for community members on this topic. If people are aware of their mental health, they can cope more easily with psychological issues and traumas. They realise that there is hope and light in their lives.”“I am stronger now. I want people to unite and support each other in difficult situations, just like we do at the National Society. I am very grateful to the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support team who helped me.”Learn more about how the IFRC and its member National Societies support people with mental health and psychosocial services.Mental health and psychosocial support at IFRC5 top tips on maintaining mental health from Red Cross first-responder volunteersUruguayan Red Cross project sends life-saving message: the lives of young people cannot be left just to chance – suicide is preventableBreaking the silence: addressing mental health and fighting stigma in the aftermath of Ukraine's conflictEuropean Mental Health Week: The healing power of art helps people cope with the upheaval caused by conflict


Taking on the ‘toxic’ hero narrative: Red Cross youth volunteer leader says it’s time to change the way we speak about and work with young volunteers

It’s quite common to refer to volunteers and first-responders as ‘heroes’. After all, they often risk their lives to save others. But in some cases, can that hero narrative do more harm than good? Ukraine Red Cross volunteer and IFRC Youth Commission member Maryna Kozhedub answers unequivocally ‘yes’, especially for young volunteers. Calling them heroes in conflict situations puts unreal expectations and pressure on people who are also impacted by crisis. “I am absolutely against hero narratives,” she says. “I'm about the narrative that volunteers work hard, but they are humans who have needs and should be protected and cared for, because this pressure would be enormous for anyone.”

Press release

Red Cross teams respond to 'historic' floods across Central Europe

Budapest/Geneva, 16 September 2024 – Central Europe is experiencing its biggest floods in decades, which may soon become the new normal, warns the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).Thousands of Red Cross volunteers in Austria, Czech Republic, Moldova, Poland and Romania are working around the clock to respond to the needs of affected people. In the last few days, torrential rain from Storm Boris has caused massive flooding in these countries, leading to flooded homes, power outages, transport disruption and damaged infrastructure.“As Europe is warming much faster than the rest of the world, we are facing a possible future where such floods are not called historic, but frequent or even annual. We must brace ourselves to adapt to this new reality,” says Andreas von Weissenberg, the IFRC’s Head of Health, Disasters, Climate & Crises in Europe.Among the worst affected areas is Lower Austria, where 1,750 people had to leave their homes and go to temporary shelters. Many of them lived through a similar crisis during the floods of 2002 and are now in fear of losing everything once again.More than 2,500 Austrian Red Cross volunteers and staff are responding, assisting with evacuations, setting up temporary shelters and caring for displaced people.In eastern Romania, the floods have already claimed the lives of six people. In the hardest-hit counties of Galati and Vaslui, more than 5,000 homes have been flooded and hundreds of people have been evacuated.The Romanian Red Cross has distributed 20 tonnes of food and drinking water and launched an appeal for donations to support the affected people.Other countries in the region including Germany, Hungary and Slovakia remain on high alert, with Red Cross teams coordinating with local authorities and ready to respond. Rainfall is due to continue on Monday, while water levels are expected to peak during the week.“While countries in Europe have made significant steps in understanding and preparing for climate risks, the implementation is lagging behind the rapidly increasing risk levels,” says Andreas von Weissenberg.“We need to scale up climate adaptation action - including locally led approaches and strengthening local capacities - and build preparedness and resilience,” he adds.Note to editors:Photos from Romania: from Austria: more information or to request an interview, please contact: [email protected] Budapest: Nora Peter +36 70 953 7709In Bucharest: Diana Hohol +40 730 865 106In Geneva: Hannah Copeland +44 7535316633

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European Mental Health Week: The healing power of art helps people cope with the upheaval caused by conflict

In the first few months after Svitlana arrived in Burgas, a city on Bulgaria's eastern Black Sea coast, she lived in a shelter and made money by playing violin on the streets.The former music teacher who fled conflict in Ukraine also received support from the Bulgarian Red Cross in the form of food, clothes and hygiene kits. Eventually, she found a job at the Burgas Opera House as a stage assistant.Now Svitlana is able to share her creative gifts in the form of music and art therapy sessions for other people impacted by the conflict in her homeland.“When people hear a song in their native language, from their homeland, it makes them feel better,” she says, adding that music and art – and the conversations it leads to – also help people feel more comfortable and integrated in their new communities.Svitlana’s music and art therapy sessions are just one of many examples of how Red Cross National Societies in Europe are using people’s inherent creativity to help them through a tumultuous and difficult time.A complimentary therapyIn a world where stress and anxiety are constant companions, expressive therapies that use the creative process have gained traction in recent years as a complement to traditional psychotherapy.Amidst the displacement crisis stemming from the conflict in Ukraine, Red Cross National Societies have stepped forward with a wide-range of innovative approaches to support the mental well-being of people forced to flee their homes.Spearheaded by the EU4Health programme, funded by the European Union's DG Sante project, this initiative aims to deliver crucial mental health and psychosocial support to people displaced from Ukraine.Representing one of the most substantial responses to mental health crises in emergencies within the Red Cross and Red Crescent family, the partnership between DG Sante and the IFRC has introduced diverse forms of art therapy tailored specifically to the needs of affected communities.These therapeutic interventions offer an avenue for people to articulate and process their experiences, facilitating a sense or healing and hope amidst the prevailing uncertainty.FriendshipThe Finnish Red Cross, for example, organized an event for Ukrainians under the theme of friendship. Surrounded by scraps of paper, markers, glue and other craft supplies, the children wrote messages on cards that they then shared with loved ones.In making the thank-you cards, they used words, drawing and pictures cut out of magazines to express their feelings. They also learned and wrote down some Finnish words, further encouraging a sense of belonging in their new communities. One child made a birthday card for his father. The event was defined by a spirit of happiness and togetherness.‘Personal growth’One local branch of the Portuguese RedCrossorganized a handicraft workshop specifically tailored for Ukrainian women. While children attended school or spent time at the Red Cross safe space, women make handicrafts that, at the same time, help them learn Portuguese, acquire new craft skills and feel more integrated in their new communities.Their participation not only facilitated skill development but also contributed to a boost in self-esteem. "It was a significant challenge for everyone involved, but it led to personal and professional growth," said one of the participants.What does happiness look like?One project organized by the Romanian Red Cross asked Ukrainian children at the Multicultural Humanity Centre to reveal on paper what happiness looks like to them. Using coloured pencils and a lot of imagination, the children opened their hearts."I am happy when I have my sister, my family and my stuffed toys by my side," nine-year-old Yeseniia wrote on her card.The art therapy offered by the Romanian Red Cross is just one part of a larger comprehensive approach that aims to meet the participants’ urgent and basic needs. This includes health services and psychosocial support, thematic workshops for children and parents, Romanian and English language courses, life skills activities, and hot meals.Back in Bulgaria, the music and art therapy sessions organized by Svitlana are also a chance for her to find comfort after a harrowing ordeal that forced her to leave her home in Dnipro, Ukraine.Svitlana remembers how her house was constantly trembling during the air raids. “I’m grateful to live under a peaceful sky,” Svetlana says.The content of this article is the sole responsibility of IFRC and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

Press release

IFRC calls for humane implementation of the European Pact on Asylum and Migration

The European Parliament has approved the European Pact on Asylum and Migration, now the focus shifts to implementation. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) asks all European Union (EU) Member States to guarantee humane conditions for asylum seekers and migrants affected, never losing their focus on human dignity and human rights. The IFRC has concerns. The Pact focuses on the normalization of detention and speedier processes at borders. Both are worrying. Detention damages people. Quick decisions can risk returning people who should be granted asylum. In the Pact’s implementation, EU countries must ensure the systemic use of detention is avoided at all costs, and that individuals are always treated as individuals.Effective collaboration and solidarity between EU states will be vital too. The Pact maintains the principle that asylum seekers remain in the country where their application was first registered to be entitled to accommodation and other services. This will not encourage other Member States to help relocate asylum seekers and share responsibilities. Nor, in our view, will a tougher regime reduce the number of migrants coming to Europe, as the Pact assumes.As the EU and its Member States begin to implement the Pact, it’s essential that migrants continue to get assistance, support and humanitarian aid. We need to ensure the Pact is operationalized in a way that upholds the welfare, rights and dignity of all migrants. This is why it is crucial that humanitarian organizations such as the IFRC and National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies are part of dialogue on the implementation.Appealing to the European Union and its Member States, Ezekiel Simperingham, the IFRC's migration and displacement manager says: “The IFRC is calling on the European Union and its Member States to remember that at the heart of these decisions are real people with hopes and fears. We need to treat everyone with kindness and respect, no matter where they come from. This is how we can make sure everyone's rights and dignity are protected.”More information:For more information or to request an interview, please contact: [email protected] Brussels:Eva Oyon: +3222350922In Geneva:Mrinalini Santhanam: +41763815006

Basic page

EU4Health and the IFRC

Adopted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Commission's EU4Health programme seeks to boost pandemic preparedness and build stronger, more resilient and more accessible health systems. A key part of the EU4Health programme includes an historic and ambitious partnership with the IFRC to provide psychological first aid and mental health services to people throughout Europe who have been impacted by the conflict in Ukraine.


Birgitte Bischoff Ebbesen: Two years since Ukraine conflict escalation, ‘we have helped 18 million people’ but the needs are still immense

IFRC’sregional director for Europetalks about the conflict that has impacted not just the European continent, but the entire world.Birgitte Bischoff Ebbesenexplains how the principle of neutrality — along with an inspiring level of humanitarian solidarity— has helped the IFRC assist some 18 million people impacted by the crisis. She explains why mental health services are now at the forefront of our response and she takes on several other hot humanitarian topics, from climate change to migration and the inclusion of women in humanitarian leadership.

Press release

IFRC Global COVID-19 study: vaccine bank an ‘essential element’ of next pandemic response

Geneva/Panama City/Buenos Aires – 31st January 2024Governments need to prepare for the next pandemic by establishing an international ‘vaccine bank’ which ensures the availability and distribution of vaccines equitably in all regions of the world.That’s the central recommendation of a new report following a huge study into the impact of COVID-19 and authorities’ reactions to it. The report is being released exactly four years on from the IFRC’s first Global COVID emergency appeal, on 31st January 2020.The International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) commissioned researchers from the Humanitarian Observatory, an IFRC reference centre hosted by the Argentine Red Cross, to carry out a major research project. For it, they’d carried out interviews with 16,027 people, working in collaboration with 90 Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies.People from different sectors were asked about their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Strategic partners from the private sector and trade unions also collaborated in conducting the surveys.Participants were chosen to represent people working or active in six societal sectors - healthcare, academia/education, transport, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), the corporate sector and the media. The study looked for both common trends and contrasts across geographies and sectors. Its aim was to develop recommendations so that the next pandemic can be handled better than the last.The study – ‘Insights Gained by Strategic Sectors During the Pandemic’ – found:Nearly 70% of people in all sectors and regions had a high fear of catching COVID-19. People in the Americas and/or working in healthcare had the highest fear.More than half of all respondents said their personal finances were affected by the pandemic.54% of participants interviewed said their government handled the pandemic well. The percentage was highest across Africa and lowest across the Americas.Almost half of all respondents working in healthcare and the media felt ‘discriminated against’ for the role they played during the pandemic.The vast majority of interviewees said they received no priority for vaccinations despite the important roles they played during the pandemic.The main recommendations of the report include:Creating a global vaccine and antidote bank to ensure the availability and distribution of supplies equitably in all regions.Establishing priorities for vaccination or delivery of medicines to those who enable the world's citizens to receive food, medical care, news and education.Carrying out a communication campaign from a supranational body that values the actions of the essential sectors to legitimise their tasks and recognize their work.José Scioli, Director of the Humanitarian Observatory of the Argentine Red Cross said:"Some of the answers to the main challenges require establishing efficient processes on a global scale. That is why it is so central to take these global lessons to ensure that we can all – as humanity as a whole - learn from our experience and emerge stronger. We are convinced that we are capable of learning from our past to improve the present and future. With the insights from the Humanitarian Observatory’s study, we can promote the exchange of information to improve our societies."Xavier Castellanos, IFRC Under Secretary General said:“The COVID-19 pandemic led to the biggest worldwide disruption to normal life in a generation. But its impacts were disproportionate. Often, for example, vaccines were distributed on the basis of money, not need. Those who contributed most to helping the vulnerable through the pandemic were too often treated the worst. This important study offers a path to handling the next pandemic better. Its ambition and scale means its recommendations carry weight. “The full report can be downloaded in English here, and from here via the ‘Descargar Informe’ link in Spanish, French and Arabic.There are downloadable graphics and animations to add to coverage hereFor more information or to set up an interview: [email protected] Geneva: Andrew Thomas +41 76 367 65 87In Buenos Aires: Jose Scioli +54 911 64551193In Panama: Susana Arroyo Barrantes +507 6999 3199


Red Cross helplines offering mental health resources in Ukrainian

The conflict in Ukraine has exposed people to extremely distressing situations. People have lost loved ones, homes and jobs. Many have witnessed traumatic events or are now finding their way in countries, far from friends and family, among people who do not share their language. At times like this, it’s important to have someone to talk to. This is why Red Cross National Societies around Europe are there to offer a listening ear. From Bulgaria to Spain, Red Cross National Societies are offering telephone helplines, staffed by trained staff and volunteers who speak Ukrainian, to offer emotional and psychological support. During times of stress, it’s important to recognize and talk about your emotional well-being. Here below you will find a list of helplines and addresses that offer mental health and psychosocial support in Ukrainian. Гарячі лінії Червоного Хреста пропонують психологічну підтримку українською мовою. Завжди важливо мати можливість поділитися своїми почуттями з кимось, коли ви переживаєте складні моменти. Від Болгарії до Ісландії, Національні Товариства Червоного Хреста в Європі готові вислухати вас. Ви можете зателефонувати на гарячу лінію допомоги, де працюють досвідчені оператори, які володіють українською мовою, щоб надати вам підтримку у важкі моменти. Під час стресу дуже важливо розпізнавати свої почуття і відкрито говорити про них. Якщо ви відчуваєте потребу в розмові з кимось, будь ласка, не соромтеся звертатися до гарячих ліній психологічної та психосоціальної підтримки в країні вашого поточного проживання. Нижче ви знайдете список гарячих ліній та адреси, де можна отримати психологічну допомогу українською мовою. Bulgarian Red Cross Helpline (National Contact Centre): Tel.: 080011466 Болгарський Червоний Хрест Телефон гарячої лінії допомоги (Національний контактний центр): Тел: 080011466 Hellenic Red Cross Mobile Health Unit Department of Thessaloniki: Tel.: +30 2310 531534 Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp: +30 6936879405 Multifunctional Athens Centre: Tel.: +30 210 5126300 +30 210 5140440 Viber, WhatsApp: +30 6934724893 When: Monday to Friday Multifunctional Thessaloniki Centre: Tel.: +30 2310 270914 +30 2310 270496 Viber, WhatsApp: +30 6955563471 When: Monday to Friday Грецький Червоний Хрест Відділ мобільного медичного пункту у м. Салоніки: Тел: +30 2310 531534 Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp: +30 6936879405 Багатофункціональний центр у м. Салоніки: Тел: +30 2310 270914 +30 2310 270496 Viber, WhatsApp: +30 6955563471 Коли: з понеділка по п'ятницю Багатофункціональний центр в м. Афіни: Тел: +30 210 5126300 +30 210 5140440 Viber, WhatsApp: +30 6934724893 Коли: з понеділка по п'ятницю Polish Red Cross Infoline: Tel.: +48 800 088 136 (from within Poland) or +48 221 520 620 (from abroad). When: Monday to Friday from 09:00 AM to 17:00 PM. Польський Червоний Хрест Інформаційна лінія: Тел: +48 800 088 136 (з Польщі) або +48 221 520 620 (з-за кордону). Коли: з понеділка по п'ятницю з 09:00 до 17:00. Romanian Red Cross Red Cross call center in Romania: Tel.: +40 37 441 5000. Telegram: @RomanianRedCross Viber: +40763983980 WhatsApp: +40763983980 When: Monday to Friday from 09:00 AM to 17:00 PM. Румунський Червоний Хрест Телефон гарячої лінії допомоги Червоного Хреста в Румунії: Тел: +40 37 441 5000. Телеграм: @RomanianRedCross Viber: +40763983980 WhatsApp: +40763983980 Коли: з понеділка по п'ятницю з 09:00 до 17:00. Russian Red Cross Psychosocial support helpline: Tel.: 8 (800) 250-18-59. Psychological support is available at the regional branches of the Russian Red Cross, as well as at the Russian Red Cross mobile support point in the Belgorod region. Російський Червоний Хрест Гаряча лінія психосоціальної підтримки: Тел.: 8 (800) 250-18-59. Психологічну підтримку можна отримати в регіональних відділеннях Російського Червоного Хреста, а також в мобільному пункті підтримки Російського Червоного Хреста в Бєлгородській області. Slovakian Red Cross Helpline: Tel.: +421 910 910 116 When: Monday to Friday from 09:00 AM to 17:00 PM Language: Slovak, Ukrainian, Russian, English The helpline could be overloaded; we kindly ask you for patience. You can also write us: [email protected] Словацький Червоний Хрест Тел: +421 910 910 116 Коли: з понеділка по п’ятницю з 9:00 до 17:00. Мова: словацька, українська, російська, англійська Лінія може інколи бути перевантажена. В такому випадку, будьте терплячі або напишіть ваше питання або відгук на електронну пошту [email protected] Spanish Red Cross "Cruz Roja Te Escucha" service: Tel.: 900 107 917 When: Monday to Thursday from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM and from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM (one hour less in the Canary Islands) and on Fridays from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM (one hour less in the Canary Islands). Іспанський Червоний Хрест Послуга " Червоний Хрест слухає вас ": Тел.: 900 107 917 Коли: з понеділка по четвер з 10:00 до 14:00 та з 16:00 до 20:00 (на Канарських островах на одну годину менше), у п'ятницю з 10:00 до 14:00 (на Канарських островах на одну годину менше). Swiss Red Cross "Helpful" website with important information (e.g. healthcare) including an integrated Telegram Channel: If you don’t find the information you need you can write to the Telegram channel: Telegram: Join Group Chat Швейцарський Червоний Хрест "Корисний" веб-сайт з важливою інформацією (наприклад, про охорону здоров'я), включаючи інтегрований Telegram-канал: Якщо ви не знайшли потрібної інформації, ви можете написати в Telegram-канал: Telegram: Join Group Chat Ukraniain Red Cross Information Center: Tel.: 0 800 332 656. To connect to a psychologist, select number 2 in the menu. When: from Monday to Friday, from 09:00 AM to 18:00 PM. Calls from the numbers of Ukrainian mobile operators are free and confidential. You can also leave a request for a consultation by e-mail: [email protected]. Червоний Хрест України Інформаційний центр: 0 800 332 656. Для з’єднання з психологом потрібно обрати цифру 2 у меню. Коли: з понеділка по п’ятницю з 09:00 до 18:00. Дзвінки з номерів українських мобільних операторів безкоштовні та конфіденційні. Також можна залишити заявку для отримання консультації на електронній пошті: [email protected]. Helpful resources We've also gathered a collection of helpful resources, including articles and tips, to help improve your mental well-being. Video of self-care advice The well-being guide 14 Day Well-Being Kit How to manage your exposure to news events and social media How do you to talk to children about war? Saying goodbye to loved ones when it's difficult Ми також зібрали корисні ресурси, включаючи статті та поради, які допоможуть покращити ваш психологічний стан. Відео з порадами щодо турботи про себе Посібник для доброго самопочуття 14-денний щоденник для доброго самопочуття Як контролювати вплив новинн і соціальних мереж на себе Як говорити з дітьми про війну? Прощання з близькими людьми, коли це важко Telegram Viber IFRC Psychosocial Center

Press release

Survivors stranded at sea: SOS MEDITERRANEE and IFRC call for maritime law to be respected

The Ocean Viking – a search and rescue ship chartered by SOS MEDITERRANEE and operated in partnership with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) – rescued 234 women, children and men from six boats in distress in the central Mediterranean between October 22 and 26. “People rescued in the central Mediterranean by ships should and must be allowed to disembark in a Place of Safety within reasonable time as is the case for search and rescue operations conducted by authorities and merchant ships. The ever-worsening blockages faced by rescue ships in this stretch of the sea since 2018 are discriminatory and unacceptable. Keeping survivors onboard ships hostages of political debate longer would be the result of a dramatic failure of European members and associated States,” says Xavier Lauth, SOS MEDITERRANEE Director of operations. “The people rescued are absolutely exhausted, dehydrated, with psychological distress, and some requiring immediate medical attention. We provided health care, food, water, hygiene items, psychological first aid and opportunity to call and connect with family members. But they cannot afford to wait any longer, this uncertainty is making the situation unbearable with stress growing day by day. They urgently need a port of safety,” says Frido Herinckx, operations manager with IFRC. People’s right to promptly disembark in a Place of Safety suffers no debate. The current blockage in the disembarkation of the search and rescue operations are grave and consequential breaches of maritime law. The international convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) frames Search and Rescue obligations to States and shipmasters in great detail, from the obligation to respond to and coordinate search for boats reported in distress, to the obligation to assign a “Place of Safety as soon as reasonably practicable”. All circumstances are considered, including the obligation for most able to assist States to cooperate in order to identify a place of safety for disembarkation; the obligation to provide assistance “regardless of the nationality or status of such persons” (Chapter V - Reg 33.1- amendment 2004), as well as the fact that “status assessment of rescued persons” should not “unduly delay disembarkation of survivors”. IMO RESOLUTION MSC.167(78) (adopted on 20 May 2004) As per maritime conventions, the Ocean Viking informed relevant maritime authorities at all steps of the search and rescue operations and asked for the designation of a Place of Safety. We must prioritize and cooperate in search and rescue operations for people on the move regardless of their status, including through clear, safe and predictable disembarkation mechanisms for rescued people. SOS MEDITERRANEE and IFRC urge EU members and associated states to respect maritime law, cooperate in the designation of a Place of Safety for the survivors on Ocean Viking and put an end to the suffering of hundreds of men, women and children.

Press release

IFRC warns that the growing heatwave in Europe could have tragic consequences

Budapest, 14 July 2022 - Extreme temperatures have spiraled countries into dangerous heat waves and wildfires across Europe. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) urges cities and communities to prepare to avoid a further disaster. Since May, Europe has been among the fastest “heat wave hot spots” in the world. Forecasts show no sign of abating. Many parts of western Europe are experiencing extreme temperatures and countries like Portugal are battling raging wildfires, impacting thousands of people. “With the climate crisis, this heat is part of our ‘new normal’,” says Maarten Aalst van, Director of the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre. “These deadly events are now more frequent and more intense.” In the past ten years, climate- and weather-related disasters have killed more than 400,000 people, affected 1.7 billion others and displaced an average of 25 million people each year world-wide.The people most at risk of heat waves include older people, children, pregnant women, and those with pre-existing health conditions. Heat waves have cascading impacts in other areas of society, such as reduced economic output, strained health systems and rolling power outages. Staff and volunteers from National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies across the region are supporting communities preparing for and impacted by the heat waves. At the same time, teams are responding to the devastating wildfires most notably in Portugal, but also Spain, Italy, France, Greece and Turkey brought on by the extreme heat. “Many have had to evacuate their homes with the few things they can carry," saysAna Jorge, President of the Portuguese Red Cross."Our medical teams are focused on ensuring people are getting to safety, providing critical health care to those suffering from burns and other injuries and providing them with a bed to sleep in and the necessities as they decide their next steps.” With heat waves becoming more likely around the world as the climate crisis worsens, more preparedness and early warning systems are required to reduce and manage the risks. “People are not always aware of the dangers of heat. But when communities understand the risks and take simple measures to prepare for it, they can prevent unnecessary tragedies,” says van Aalst. “We urge cities and communities to prepare and take the necessary steps to save lives, now and in the long term.” For more information and to arrange an interview: In Budapest: Corrie Butler,[email protected]+36 704306506 In Athens: Georgia Trismpioti, [email protected] +30 6971809031 Note to Editors: IFRC’s Heat Wave Guide for Citiesand Urban Action Kitare resources for city officials, urban planners and community organizations to anticipate and plan for extreme urban heat and reduce deadly risks. C40’s Urban Cooling Toolboxprovides approaches to lower urban temperatures and reduce the impact of the urban heat effect; the Heat Resilient Cities Benefit Toolhelps city planners and decision-makers quantify the health, economic and environmental benefits of adaptation actions. A heat wave is an extended period of unusually high temperatures and often high humidity. Extreme heat can cause shock, dehydration and other acute illnesses, and worsen cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. There is now a mountain of evidence that climate change is increasing the occurrence of deadly heat waves. For instance, scientists have concluded that climate change has made the 2022 heat wave in India and Pakistan 30 times more likely, the 2019 heat wave in western Europe at least 10 times more likely, the 2019-20 heat wave in Australia that contributed to the devastating bushfires 10 times more likely, and that the extreme heat in the northwest US and Canada in 2021 would have been virtually impossible without climate change. For details, see for instance, the World Weather Attribution analyses.

Press release

IFRC and C40 Cities urge cities to prepare for more dangerous and deadly heat waves

14 June 2022, Geneva, New York—Heat waves are becoming more frequent, longer, hotter and deadlier, especially in urban areas, but the threats they pose are preventable if cities and residents are prepared for extreme heat and take steps to save lives. The past seven years, from 2015 to 2021, have been the hottest on record and this year is already a punishing one. The life-threatening temperature spikes seen in recent months across India, Pakistan, East Asia and southern Europe and this week’s unusually intense, early-season heat wave gripping parts of the United States are an ominous sign of what is to come as the world gets warmer. Every year, increasingly scorching temperatures put millions of people at risk of heat-related illnesses and claim the lives of thousands of others. People living in cities are hardest hit because urban areas are warmer than the surrounding countryside and are getting hotter due to climate change. Those most at risk are already vulnerable—the elderly and isolated, infants, pregnant women, those with pre-existing ailments and the urban poor, who often work outdoors or live and work in buildings without air conditioning or adequate ventilation. But deaths from heat waves are not inevitable. Five billion people live in places that are prone to heat waves and where early warning systems can predict them before they happen. “Heat waves are the silent killers of climate change, but they don’t have to be,” says Francesco Rocca, President of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). “Most heat waves are forecast days or weeks in advance, giving ample time to act early and inform and protect the most vulnerable. The good news is that there are simple and low-cost actions authorities can take to prevent unnecessary deaths from heat.” Ahead of the summer season in many parts of the world, IFRC is launching its first global Heat Action Day, today, 14 June—mobilizing branches and partners in over 50 cities to hold awareness-raising events about ways to reduce severe impacts of extreme heat. The IFRC is also partnering with C40 Cities to call on city officials, urban planners, and city residents in every region of the world to prepare for more dangerous and deadly heat waves. “Cities that are used to hot weather need to prepare for even longer periods of sweltering heat and cooler cities need to prepare for levels of extreme heat that they are not accustomed to,” says Mark Watts, Executive Director of C40 Cities. “From Miami to Mumbai and Athens to Abidjan, mayors in our network are increasing green spaces, expanding cool roof programmes and collaborating on heat actions to improve resilience to rising urban heat. But far more work is needed to reduce andmanage risks as the climate crisis worsens.” TheC40 Cool Cities Networksupports cities to embed heat risk and management in their climate action plans, develop heat resilience studies, and develop, fine-tune and measure impacts of heat mitigation action, including cooling, greening and emergency management.The network has held intensive workshops on urban heat and equity, developed resources to guide heat action plans and, over the past two years, supported cities in managing the compound crises of extreme heat alongside the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on outreach to vulnerable populations. Across the globe, National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies are rising to the extreme heat challenge—supporting and improving local and national heat action plans, spreading messages to the public on heat safety, checking in on the most vulnerable, distributing water, supporting medical services, identifying and setting up cooling centres, and even helping people retrofit their homes to improve shade and reduce heat. They’re also expanding research on heat to parts of Africa, Asia and South America that have been overlooked in the past. “The climate crisis is driving and intensifying humanitarian crisis in every region of the world,” says Rocca. “But when cities and communities are better prepared, extreme weather doesn’t have to become a disaster or a tragedy.” Note to Editors: IFRC’s “Heat Wave Guide for Cities” and “Urban Action Kit” are resources for city officials, urban planners and community organizations to anticipate and plan for extreme urban heat and reduce deadly risks. C40’s “Urban Cooling Toolbox” provides approaches to lower urban temperatures and reduce the impact of the urban heat effect; the “Heat Resilient Cities Benefit Tool” helps city planners and decision-makers quantify the health, economic and environmental benefits of adaptation actions. A heat wave is an extended period of unusually high temperatures and often high humidity. Extreme heat can cause shock, dehydration and other acute illnesses, and worsen cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. There is now a mountain of evidence that climate change is increasing the occurrence of deadly heat waves. Scientists have concluded that climate change has made the 2022 heat wave in India and Pakistan 30 times more likely, the 2019 heat wave in western Europe 100 times more likely and the 2019-20 heat wave in Australia 10 times more likely. Images and Video for use by media outlets: Follow thisTwitter thread to access videos and photos of global Heat Action Day events. Heat emergency response images can be accessedhere For more information or 1:1 interviews, contact: IFRC: Melissa Winkler, [email protected], +41 76 2400 324 IFRC: Tommaso Della Longa, [email protected], +41 79 708 43 67 C40 Cities: Rolf Rosenkranz, [email protected] IFRC is the world’s largest humanitarian network, comprising 192 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies working to save lives, build community resilience, strengthen localization and promote dignity around the - Facebook-Twitter-YouTube C40 Citiesis a network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities who are working to deliver the urgent action needed right now to confront the climate crisis and create a future where everyone, everywhere can thrive. Mayors of C40 cities are committed to using a science-based and people-focused approach to help the world limit global heating to 1.5°C and build healthy, equitable and resilient


IFRC scales up cash assistance to people impacted by conflict in Ukraine

Three months into the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) has distributed financial assistance totalling more than 4.3 million Swiss francs to thousands of people on the move. IFRC Head of Emergency Operations for the Ukraine response, Anne Katherine Moore, said: “The longer the conflict continues, the greater the needs become. The cost of basic necessities, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, is rising. Increases in the cost of fuel and apartment rentals are also being reported. Millions of people have lost their jobs and their savings are dwindling. Through a new mobile app, we have been able to ramp up our support to help people facing these financial challenges.” The new technology makes it possible for the IFRC and responding National Societies to reach people at scale and to deliver cash assistance digitally. Successfully introduced in Romania, the mobile app allows refugees to self-register for assistance online, negating the need and cost involved of having to travel to a central location. The app will soon be expanded to Poland and Slovakia, where cash assistance is already being provided through more traditional methods such as in-person registration, as well as Ukraine and other neighbouring countries. “This is the fastest we have ever delivered cash at this scale. It has the potential to be a game-changer for our work not just in this response, but also in future operations,” Moore continued. Cash assistance is a dignified and efficient way to support people impacted by the conflict, allowing them to purchase items specific to their individual needs, while also supporting local economies. It is one part of our integrated and wide-ranging Red Cross and Red Crescent response to the conflict that also includes the provision of health care, first aid, psychosocial support and the distribution of basic household necessities. Speaking about next steps, Moore said: “There is no short-term solution to the needs of the more than 14 million people who have been forced to flee their homes. We know that even if the conflict was to end tomorrow, rebuilding and recovery will take years. People have lost their homes, their livelihoods, and access to timely healthcare. The IFRC, in support of local National Red Cross Societies in the region, will be there helping people now, and in the months and years to come.” -- Watch: our response 3 months on During the past three months: Together, we have reached more than 2.1million people with life-saving aid within Ukraine and in surrounding countries. This is 1 in 10 people who had to flee their homes because of the conflict. Along the travel routes within and outside Ukraine, we've set up 142 Humanitarian Service Points in 15 countries to provide those fleeing with a safe environment. There, they receive essential services like food, hygiene items, blankets, clothing water, first aid, psychosocial support, information, and financial assistance. In total, we distributed 2.3 million kilograms of aid. 71,000 Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers are responding to the crisis.

Press release

Red Cross extends support to families separated by violence and conflict

Budapest/Geneva, 13 May 2022 – Ahead of the International Day of Families on 15 May, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is expanding its family reunification services with a new initiative. The Reunification Pathways for Integration (REPAIR) project is co-funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), and enables safe and legal family reunification in the EU by assisting beneficiaries of international protection and their family members before, during and after arrival. The three-year project is led by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in partnership with the Austrian, British, French and Slovenian Red Cross and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). National Red Cross Societies in these four countries are scaling up their support by offering a range of services including counselling, visa application support, socio-cultural orientation sessions, psychosocial support and language classes. They also provide integration support to help family members reconnect after a long period of separation. Building on the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement's longstanding work with migrants and refugees, the project aims to improve and expand the current service provision through the development of new tools and approaches, also to be shared with key stakeholders. Activities in the programme will contribute to the improvement of the Family Reunification journey for affected communities and a strengthened network of agencies in Europe and beyond. IFRC Europe Regional Director, Birgitte Ebbesen, said the right to family life must be respected, regardless of where people come from: “Whether from Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan or Somalia, people who flee violence and persecution often become separated from their family members, which can have devastating consequences on their wellbeing. Without their loved ones, they are not able to resume normal lives. Family reunification is essential to realizing the right to family life in Europe and key for long-term integration in receiving communities.” The project is built on Restoring Family Links (RFL), a key mandate of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement to deliver activities that aim to prevent separation and disappearance, look for missing persons, restore and maintain contact between family members, and clarify the fate of persons reported missing. Family reunification is one of the safe and legal routes to protection to Europe, yet families face many challenges due to the complex legal framework and practical obstacles. Bringing together beneficiaries of international protection and their relatives often turns into a lengthy and unsafe process. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is calling for a more holistic, protection-oriented approach that is safe, inclusive and provides the necessary support to families at every step of the way. Preparing local authorities and host communities for the arrivals should also be an integral part of the action. “A fair and swift family reunification process ensures dignity and helps prevent desperate families from taking dangerous journeys to join their loved ones, often resulting in tragic deaths and people going missing en route. We are not just helping people, we are saving lives,” Ms. Ebbesen added. For more information, please contact: In Budapest: Nora Peter, +36 70 265 4020, [email protected]

Press release

Ocean Viking rescues 247 people within 48 hours from the Mediterranean Sea, including 5-month-old baby

Budapest/Geneva, 14 February 2022 – Search and rescue (SAR) ship Ocean Viking had an extremely intense weekend, with the crew having saved 247 people in five rescues in less than 48 hours. The ship is operated by European maritime search and rescue organisation SOS MEDITERRANEE in partnership with the International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). Survivors are now being cared for onboard, having received food, dry clothes and blankets. The medical team provided first aid and psychosocial support, treating cases of mild hypothermia, fuel inhalation and fuel burns. Some people also show signs of torture. Among the 247 survivors, there are 52 unaccompanied minors and a 5-month-old baby. The survivors represent 16 different nationalities, with most people coming from Egypt, Bangladesh, Syria, Ethiopia, Tunisia and Ivory Coast. The first rescue operation started on Saturday, 12 February, three days after Ocean Viking had left the port of Trapani, Sicily. An alert was sent for an overcrowded wooden boat in distress in the Maltese search and rescue region. The rescue team of SOS MEDITERRANEE found 93 people in an overcrowded wooden boat without lifejackets and brought them to safety to Ocean Viking. The second rescue took place during the night of 12 February, again a wooden boat in distress, in the Libyan search and rescue region. 88 people were rescued. The boat was highly overcrowded, very unstable, the people had no lifejackets and had suffered from fuel inhalation. The third rescue happened on Sunday morning, 13 February, a small wooden boat with 22 people were in distress in the Maltese search and rescue region. The boat was at high risk of taking in water. The fourth rescue started soon after the third one. Ocean Viking received a VHF call from the aircraft of the NGO Pilotes Volontaires about a boat requiring urgent help and about to take water in. The rescue of 25 people was completed in one hour. The fifth rescue took place a day later, on 14 February, in international waters inside the Libyan SAR region. 19 people were safely recovered from a fiberglass boat in distress among 1-meter waves. Since IFRC entered in partnership with SOS MEDITERRANEE in August 2021, the Ocean Viking rescued 804 people in distress in the Mediterranean Sea. This life-saving mission is an integral part of the Red Cross Red Crescent presence to protect and assist people in countries of origin, transit and destination across Africa, Middle East and Europe. As a neutral, independent and impartial humanitarian organization, IFRC’s global network provides critical humanitarian assistance to all persons in need, regardless of their legal status. For more information, please contact: In Budapest: Hannu-Pekka Laiho, [email protected], +358 40 5257126 In Budapest: Nora Peter, [email protected], +36 70 265 4020

Press release

COVID-19: IFRC calls for urgent action to tackle vaccine hesitancy in Europe amid increase in violent incidents

Budapest/Geneva, 30 September 2021 – The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is calling for urgent action to tackle vaccine hesitancy in Europe, where there has been a worrying increase in violent incidents against COVID-19 related health infrastructure and personnel. The pandemic is far from over in Europe, where an average of 2,000 people die of COVID-19 every day. More than one million people get infected every week, and hospitalisations are going up in half of the EU/EEA countries, including among young people and children, but particularly among unvaccinated adults. Intensive Care Units are getting dangerously filled up in Bulgaria and Romania, for example, which have low immunisation rates. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently projected 236,000 additional deaths linked to COVID-19 by 1 December across Europe,[i] and there are growing concerns about soaring infections and deaths in some parts of Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia. In addition, disinformation about vaccines’ side effects and potential risks, coupled with the introduction of ‘vaccine passes’, is sparking anger and violence, which have led to concerning incidents against medical services, media and the general public in countries including Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Poland, Slovenia and France. Vaccination saves lives, but there is still a deadly gap in the distribution and uptake of vaccines in the region: almost 70 per cent of people in high-income countries have received at least one dose, whereas in the poorest ones barely 20 per cent have been partially vaccinated. Birgitte Bischoff Ebbesen, IFRC’s Regional Director for Europe, said: “We are facing a critical moment in the fight against COVID-19 in Europe. “Access to COVID-19 vaccination remains a challenge due to the shortage of supply in some countries. In addition, low acceptance and barriers for particularly vulnerable individuals are critical elements as well. “Increased community engagement is needed to tackle vaccine hesitancy, myths and disinformation. Without addressing people’s concerns and fears, vaccines may not find their way into the arms of those most at risk, even where doses are available,” Ebbesen warned. With support from the IFRC, National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies across Europe are working to build trust. Local teams have reached out to more than 300,000 people on the importance of getting vaccinated and have helped immunise 31 million people, actively engaging communities to ensure they have accurate information and can protect themselves. According to a survey conducted by the Collective Service for Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE), of which the IFRC is a part, at least three quarters of people in most countries worldwide would agree to be vaccinated, if it was available and recommended.[ii] The data also suggests that in areas where there were high levels of hesitancy initially, increases in vaccinations overall may have impacted acceptance. More support is needed to address vaccine hesitancy and speed up immunization campaigns across the region, though. “If we don’t step up collective efforts to strengthen community trust and make vaccines widely available, it will be too late,” stressed Ebbesen. At the moment, IFRC’s COVID-19 Emergency Appeal[iii] is only 60 per cent funded. For more information, please contact: In Budapest: Ainhoa Larrea, +36 705 070 131, [email protected] In Geneva: Teresa Goncalves, +44 7891 857 056, [email protected] About IFRC IFRC is the world’s largest humanitarian network, comprising 192 National Red Cross and Red Crescent societies working to save lives and promote dignity around the world. - Facebook - Twitter - YouTube [i] [ii] [iii]

Basic page

Youth in Europe

The Red Cross Red Crescent European and Central Asia Youth Network (ECAYN) has empowered and connected young people across the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement since 1975.

Press release

IFRC launches multiregional plan to ramp up humanitarian assistance to migrants and displaced people

Geneva, 26 August 2021– The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) launched today a three-year plan to extend humanitarian assistance and support to migrants and displaced people along the migration routes of greatest humanitarian concern in Africa, the Middle East and Europe, three regions facing some of the most complex and critical migration dynamics in the world. As a global humanitarian network with a presence in 192 countries and 14 million community-based volunteers, the IFRC witnesses every day the enormous suffering that many migrants and displaced people face along their journeys. Xavier Castellanos, IFRC Under Secretary General, National Society Development and Operations Coordination, said: “Migrants and displaced people are taking increasingly dangerous routes, both across land and sea. During their journeys, they face significant risks and challenges: many are abused and face exploitation – others face protection risks, including child abuse, sexual and gender-based violence and human trafficking. We are extremely concerned that migrants and displaced people are not able, at all stages of their journey, to access what they need most – such as food, water and sanitation, shelter, and healthcare. Our multiregional humanitarian assistance plan aims to bridge this gap”. The IFRC multiregional plan brings together humanitarian operations of 34 National Societies across Africa, the Middle East and Europe and focuses on delivering humanitarian assistance and protection to over 2 million people and more than 500,000 individuals from host communities every year. In order to extend humanitarian assistance to a growing number of people in need, the IFRC is appealing for financial support totalling 174 million Swiss francs over three years. The plan also includes assistance and protection to people in distress at sea on the Central Mediterranean route. Through a partnership with SOS MEDITERRANEE, a European maritime and humanitarian organization operating in the Mediterranean Sea, the IFRC will provide life-saving support to people rescued at sea as of early September 2021. SOS MEDITERRANEE will conduct search and rescue operations at sea, while IFRC will provide post-rescue support — including medical care, psychological support, protection and basic necessities — to the people who have been safely brought onboard the Ocean Viking. The IFRC team includes medical doctors, a midwife and professionals who can provide psychological support and assist those who are particularly vulnerable and in need of special protection, such as unaccompanied minors and victims of human trafficking. The long-standing commitment and experience of the IFRC network in providing assistance and protection to all migrants all along their migratory journeys allows for an integrated and comprehensive response, based on people’s needs and vulnerabilities. Our principled approach to migration, as well as our global presence along migratory routes, mean that we are uniquely positioned to provide humanitarian assistance and protection at all steps of migrants’ journeys – in countries of origin, transit and destination. To learn more about the plan, download the document(pdf, 18 Mb). For more information and to set up interviews, contact: In Geneva: Nathalie Perroud, +41 79 538 14 71, [email protected]


Young volunteers step up in Europe

By Ainhoa Larrea, IFRC They are young, they are almost a million strong, and they are leading the humanitarian response against COVID-19 in Europe. More than 850,000 young volunteers of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies across Europe are making a difference for millions of people affected by the pandemic, despite being increasingly affected as the Delta variant spreads. Many are becoming sick and being hospitalised, as the young are often the last to be vaccinated. In addition, they are disproportionately impacted by the socio-economic consequences of the pandemic, from unemployment to mental health problems. However, they are still stepping up to help. Daria Tkachenko, a university student, is volunteering with Russian Red Cross in her free time. She visits older people who cannot leave their homes, delivering medicines and groceries. “I remember well one of the women. She was a home front worker during World War II and served as a volunteer at a local branch of Russian Red Cross for years. She is a very active woman who always shines with optimism and joy; even now, when she is bedridden,” Daria said. “Living in isolation amid the pandemic is a big challenge for many older people, and not only for them, but also for relatives who cannot help their loved ones. That is why volunteering is so important.” She is also helping replenish low blood stocks. “Hospitals are in need of blood donors and blood components. I am proud that I donated blood, which in the future may save someone's life.” Ludovica, a 27-year-old psychologist, spent last Christmas on one of the Italian Red Cross boats where those arriving in Italy by sea undergo mandatory isolation and COVID-19 testing. She provided critical mental health support to migrant and refugee children. “During the time I was on board, there were 51 children mostly from North Africa and the Middle East. I organised educational and recreational activities with them: Italian language, card games, dance. “I had to carry out most of the activities at a distance, behind a desk. The most valuable moments were those when I was close to the children. I would then play the role of the white wizard, as the safety protocol obliged me to dress in a white jumpsuit, mask, gloves, goggles, cap and boot covers,” Ludovica said. Scientific evidence shows vaccination saves lives, but some young people are still unsure whether to get a jab or not. The Red Cross Red Crescent European Youth Network is playing its part with a joint social media campaign with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). Participants encourage their peers to get immunised, sharing that the main side effect of COVID-19 vaccines is “a feeling of hope and solidarity.” Other young people are directly involved in vaccination roll-outs. Srna Spasojevic, 15 years old, is one of the youngest volunteers of the Red Cross of Serbia. Every working day, from eight in the morning until 6pm, she updates the lists of those waiting to get immunised in the Novi Sad Fair. “Sometimes you realise, when you are having a hard time, that there are others who are going through even worse. I am happy to be able to contribute to our country’s battle against the coronavirus,” Srna said. There are many more young role models among the 54 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Europe, each one helping to protect communities and to stop the COVID-19 pandemic.

National society

Europe Regional Office

The IFRC’s EuropeanRegional Office works in support of 54 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Through its Country Cluster Support Teams and Country Offices, it provides coordination, financial and technical support for disaster operations and longer-term development programs throughout the region. View current IFRC network country plans for Europe.


Global action needed to prevent the deepening crisis in mental health

The verdict is in: COVID-19 worsens mental health. So there can be no excuse and no delay in stepping up now to prevent a worsening and chronic catastrophe. There is no health without mental health, therefore recovery from the pandemic needs to factor in mental health and psychosocial interventions. Let’s step back and view the evidence. No group is immune from COVID-19’s insidious effects on mental health: from school children, to those of us working remotely, to the elderly. Studies have documented the extreme negative impact of the isolation caused by school closures which, at one point, saw 90 per cent of the world’s children locked out of school. A study of children in China found elevated rates of depression and anxiety. Similarly, another study found 86 per cent of Italian and Spanish parents noticed changes in their children’s emotional states and behavior during home confinement. Sadly, children at home can be more at risk of abuse and neglect, as stressors on families increase, and the structure of the school day is taken away. There is also evidence of increased risk of suicide and self-harm among young people during the pandemic. Other studies have pointed to negative consequences of increased screen time . For the wider population, the suicide risk has also climbed . And new research co-led by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) has found older people become sicker and poorer and feel more alone as a result of living through the pandemic. To bridge the gap between ballooning mental health care needs and services, traditional mental health care systems will not be the only answer. The IFRC and its network of 192 Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies is already part of this solution. Mental health and psychosocial support is a core part of our work. Following commitments we made to the state parties of the Geneva Conventions at the International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in 2019, we are making mental health and psychosocial support an even bigger part of our work. Globally we have provided mental health and psychological support to 7.16 million people affected by COVID-19 since the pandemic started. Volunteers and staff have taken to telephone hotlines, new digital forms of support such as webinars, videos and SMS chats. Our support comes alongside a wider expansion in new ways of reaching out to people suffering depression, anxiety, and PTSD, such as videoconferencing, online forums, smartphone apps, text-messaging, and e-mails, which evidence shows have been found to be effective ways of delivering treatment. In Armenia, Red Cross psychologists provide psychosocial support services to people and assign volunteers to those identified as struggling to provide extra help with household chores. Danish Red Cross set up a phone service for volunteers to chat with people who are home alone. A new form of support was seen in a project run by Serbian Red Cross, which published a collection ofcreative writingabout peoples’ experiences of living through the pandemic. The French Red Cross has set up Croix-Rouge Chez Vous (Red Cross at Home), combining a national call centre and the dispatch of aid to all parts of France, both mainland and overseas territories. It targets any socially-isolated person who has no connections or support from family, friends or neighbours, who are able to call in and receive a listening ear, and receive a follow-up delivery of goods if needed. Bulgarian Red Cross operates a telephone-based psychology service, where people can book free sessions online with qualified psychologists. And Italian Red Cross psychologists are on board quarantine ships for migrants, to support the mental health and protection of the most vulnerable migrants, including minors, trafficked women, pregnant women and victims of discrimination. They also support the wellbeing of Red Cross personnel. In a partnership with the IFRC, British Red Cross psychologist Dr Sarah Davidson has featured in a successful social media video series to reach new audiences. Global action With the pandemic’s effects expected to extend well beyond the current year, it’s clear more action needs to take place now if we are to be serious about preventing the deteriorating mental health of millions of people. We are recommending three key steps: A serious scaling up of mental health and psychosocial services. High attention to widening national societies’ access to new digital and other innovative means is needed. The IFRC network is well placed to facilitate sharing new practices and learning, and to work towards narrowing the digital divide. Governments and major donors should step up investment in addressing mental health problems to enable individuals, families and communities to meet the challenges brought by the pandemic. Early and effective access to mental health and psychosocial support is key to creating sustainable and healthy local communities. More care for the carers. Red Cross and Red Crescent people, who have worked through the pandemic, often when responding to other disasters, are immensely tired. We have become a more flexible workplace with increased support systems and monitoring of staff and volunteers’ wellbeing, and encourage wider formal supports for these often invisible responders. Sadly, the full effects of this pandemic will only emerge much later, robbing many people of their future dreams. Now is the time to invest more in mental health care and psychological support that works. Even a small investment can have big results. Our movement is uniquely placed to scale up engagement through the variety of new platforms and services with our networks of trained volunteers in every community. Together with our partners, we can meet increased demand with expanded and integrated services and supports.