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Press release

States must address the humanitarian impact of biodiversity loss by reducing disaster risk and strengthening resilience

Bogota/Geneva -Ahead of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP16), the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) calls on the parties to the Convention to address the interrelationship between environmental degradation, climate change, disasters and the impacts these cause on people, nature and cultural heritage. All this will help achieve the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) targets.“Biodiversity loss, climate change, and pollution are environmental but also humanitarian crises. All increase the risk of food shortages, water scarcity, epidemics and pandemics, more frequent and intense disasters, and forced displacement and migration due to recurrent catastrophes” said Martha Keays, IFRC Regional Director for the Americas. “We call on all local and national governments, civil society and all COP16 participants to increasing technical and financial commitments to disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.”Two specific GBF targets are critical to avoid a situation where, by 2050, 200 million people require international humanitarian aid every year as a result of a combination of climate-related disasters, environmental degradation and resulting socio-economic impacts. ‘Target 8’ aims to increase the climate resilience of ecosystems and livelihoods through mitigation, adaptation and disaster risk reduction, or nature-based solutions. ‘Target 11’ aims to restore, conserve and enhance nature's contribution to human well-being.“It is crucial to accelerate joint action to save nature and lives. Red Cross expertise in convening power and action in disaster risk reduction, locally-led adaptation and resilience-building can directly support the efforts to protect, restore and sustainably use biodiversity”, explained Keays.Local Red Cross teams across the Americas are already implementing measures like protecting mangroves to reduce the impact of flooding, restoring coral reefs, reforesting forests and protecting water sources. These nature-based solutions are complemented with early action systems, forecast-based anticipation and early action protocols that allow the IFRC network to protect people and nature before disasters strike. Examples include:The Argentinian Red Cross supported the restoration of more than 25,000 hectares of natural vegetation after the destructive fires in the province of Corrientes in 2022.The Mexican Red Cross promotes a participatory and localised resilience-measurement which considers and highlights the interconnectedness between systems and sectors, facilitating analysis and collective action across the physical, human, social, financial and natural spheres.In Canada, the Red Cross has supported several indigenous organizations in restoring their lands post-disaster to increase resilience.In collaboration with the Belize Red Cross, Canadian volunteers supported local communities to restore their culture and forests and increase resilience to climate change by planting Maya Nut trees.The Honduran Red Cross and the Swiss Red Cross worked together to help reduce the risk of disasters by combining soil bioengineering and reforestation to reduce landslide risk. This was done via agroecology activities to help recover productive areas, increase food security and provide economic opportunities.In Colombia, Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Grenada, the Red Cross promotes the sustainable management and restoration of mangrove ecosystems to strengthen the resilience of landscape and to reduce climate risks, while also contributing to biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation."We urge governments to integrate biodiversity conservation strategies into disaster management plans and sustainable development initiatives,” said Dra. Judith Carvajal de Álvarez, President of the Colombian Red Cross. “As auxiliaries to public authorities in the field of disaster risk reduction, the Red Cross can help with this. We’ve expertise in ensuring that local, indigenous and scientific knowledge are prioritized. We can also advise on ensuring women are at the centre of all efforts – considering their critical role and contributions and addressing their specific needs."The COP16 will take place in Cali, Colombia from 21 October to 1 November 2024.For more information and to set up an interview, please contact:[email protected] Colombia – Rafael Payares +573135644837In Panama - Susana Arroyo Barrantes +50769993199In Geneva – Tommaso Della Longa +41797084367 Hannah Copeland+41762369109 Note to editors:The IFRC is currently expanding its work on locally-led adaptation, disaster risk reduction and climate change within the framework of its Global Climate Resilience Platform, supported byIFRC Climate Action Journey, which bridges climate, humanitarian, development, private and innovative finance and supportto strengthen community resilience and adapt to climate-related risks. In the Americas, this initiativeincludes approaches on Climate Smart Programming, Early Warning Systems, Anticipatory Action and Nature-Based Solutions in communities in vulnerable conditions due to the impacts of climate change. This work is supported by the Spanish Cooperation, IRISH AID, USAID, and private sector donors such as the Z Zurich Foundation.As leaders ofthe Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian OrganizationsIFRC is also committed and reducing our own environmental footprint of our operations and programmes.

Press release

Deadly heatwaves in Central America – 35 times more likely because of climate change and four times more likely than in 2000

Panama, GenevaDeadly heatwaves which recently hit North and Central America were made 35 times more likely because of human-induced climate change, according to the latest study by World Weather Attribution (WWA). WWA is a collaboration of scientists and analysts including some from the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre. Heatwaves began in March across parts of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras and the southwest of the United States. Looking specifically at the hottest five days and nights of the most recent extreme heat in early June, the WWA scientists and analysts found that in a world which had not been heated by the 1.2 degrees Celsius of global warming seen to date, the extreme heat would have been very unlikely to have happened. It was made 35 times more likely than it would have been in pre-industrial times, and four times more likely than at the start of this century, just 24 years ago. The researchers say that similar heatwaves would have been expected once every 60 years in the year 2000 but can be expected every 15 years today.The heatwaves aren’t just getting more frequent. They are getting hotter. For the five hottest days (3-7 June) and nights (5-9 June) they studied, the researchers found daytime temperatures were 1.4 degrees higher than they would have been even in an (extremely rare) ‘heatwave’ in pre-industrial times; night-time temperatures were 1.6 degrees more. As the world warms beyond 1.2 degrees on average, heatwaves in the region will continue to get hotter and even more frequent.The extreme heat has had many impacts. At least 125 people in Mexico have died because of heatwaves since March. The number across the region as a whole is likely to be much higher as heat-related deaths are rarely recorded appropriately, or not captured at all, because heat-related fatalities are often attributed to preexisting or sudden-onset health conditions rather than the heat that exacerbates or causes them.One health problem that may be worsened by the heat and other climate-related disasters such as droughts, is mosquito-borne dengue fever. In Guatemala and Honduras, the exponential growth of dengue has forced health officials to declare a red alert. Figures from the Pan American Health Organization show that from 1 January to 25 May this year, cases increased by 622% in Guatemala and 580% in Honduras, in comparison to the same period in 2023. In Guatemala, cases went from 3,738 in 2023 to 23,268 in 2024, while in Honduras they went from 4,452 to 25,859.In nearby Belize, the heatwaves have led to fires. There have been forest fires in the Toledo and Cayo districts with daily temperatures above 100° F (39°C) creating conditions for fires to start easily and intensify swiftly. Across Central America, National Red Cross Societies are dealing with the impacts of extreme heat. In Guatemala and Honduras, volunteers are eliminating mosquito breeding sites, conducting prevention awareness campaigns and providing mosquito nets. Their operations are supported by financial allocations from the IFRC’s Disaster Response Emergency Fund (DREF) and they aim to support more than 20,000 people. A DREF allocation is also helping the Belize Red Cross to support 800 people, providing affected families with hygiene kits, cleaning supplies and cash for recovery efforts. Additionally, members of the national relief corps in Belize are receiving personal protection equipment. Karina Izquierdo, Urban Advisor for the Latin American and Caribbean region at the Red Cross Climate Centre, said: “Every fraction of a degree of warming exposes more people to dangerous heat. The additional 1.4°C of heat caused by climate change would have been the difference between life and death for many people during May and June. As well as reducing emissions, governments and cities need to take bolder steps to become more resilient to heat.”Martha Keays, IFRC Regional Director for the Americas, said:“Extreme heat is a silent threat to the health, economy, and well-being of millions of people in Central and North America. More heatwaves are expected this year and young children, people with disabilities, pregnant women and older adults are particularly vulnerable, as are certain populations who work or spend time outdoors, such as agricultural workers and people on the move. Red Cross teams in the field will continue to assist them, while reinforcing early action and early warning initiatives that help anticipate and protect lives from this and other climate-related disasters.”For more information, see the full report on World Weather Attribution’s website hereFor more information or to request an interview, please contact: [email protected] Panama: Susana Arroyo Barrantes +50769993199 In Geneva: Andrew Thomas +41763676587


In the hills along the border, Lupita brings water, first-aid and a big dose of humanity

In the city of Nogales, in the northern Mexican state of Sonora, just about everyone knows Rosa Guadalupe Gonzalez Bucio.Health personnel, local authorities, consular representatives, social organizations, local merchants – everyone knows this smart, determined, red-clad woman who drives an all-terrain vehicle through the streets and remote dirt paths in and around Nogales.“Lupita,” as she is affectionately known, is an emergency medical technician, the focal point of the Mexican Red Cross's humanitarian aid for vulnerable migrants on the Mexican side of Nogales, a city that straddles the United States and Mexican border.Every day, Lupita is out there, on her little Red Cross buggy, looking for people who are lost, dehydrated or who have been injured after trying to climb the wall that divides the two countries.For many migrants, Mexico is the last step in the journey that people from all over the world undertake to reach the United States. In 2023 alone, there were more than 2.4 million attempts to cross the border between the two countries, which the United Nations called the world's deadliest land migration route.In 2023, at least 686 migrants lost their lives on this route and almost half of them did so trying to cross arid landscapes such as the Sonoran Desert, the one Lupita drives through every day.Tragic stories on an unforgiving journey“Every day of the year we go out in the racer to look for migrants who need help,” Lupita says. “Although there are even more arid areas, here in Nogales during the summer, the temperatures are extreme. Heat stroke, dehydration and animal bites are common. But in the winter, the desert is also a deadly threat”.It was precisely one freezing night 15 years ago when Lupita experienced a story that marked her forever. A woman walking with her young daughter in the desert fell and was immobilized. The group she was walking with called 911 for help and continued on their way. By the time U.S. and Mexican rescue groups reached her, it was too late. She had died.The girl survived, protected by her mother's embrace. But since there were no shelters in the area intended for this type of case, the girl remained in the custody of the Red Cross until the authorities found her family.Today, in Nogales, there are dozens of centers that each year receive thousands of migrants and asylum seekers from countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia, as well as from Mexico itself.“We have been providing humanitarian aid to vulnerable people in transit for some 20 years and their stories and needs continue to move me as they did on the first day,” says Lupita.“No matter where they come from, most are fleeing a difficult life and face an uncertain, dangerous path with no access to essential services. That's why, even if it seems little, we go out in the racer to look for them. That's why, even if it seems little, we leave water for them at the altars they build in the desert.”And that is why, although sometimes the needs of the vulnerable migrant population seem unmanageable, the Mexican Red Cross offers them basic medical attention, pre-hospital care, psychosocial support and services that help them reestablish contact with their families.The Red Cross offers these services throughout the country, from border to border, thanks to its network of humanitarian service points and thousands of volunteers who, with their commitment, keep humanity alive.


Climate crises Q&A: Why have some recent storms gained so much strength, so quickly?

An interview with Juan Bazo, climate scientist with the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, by Susana Arroyo Barrantes, IFRC Americas Regional Communications ManagerSusana Arroyo:In October 2023, Hurricane Otis caused a lot of astonishment after it went from a tropical storm to a category 5 hurricane in just 12 hours. According to the U.S. National Hurricane Center, it was the most powerful hurricane ever recorded on the Mexican Pacific coast. Did El Niño have something to do with the rapid intensification of Otis?Juan Bazos: It was a combination of warm oceans, along with El Niño. In addition, the entire Pacific coastline of Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, and the coasts of Costa Rica, have been very warm. This has allowed the formation of cyclones and storms. Some of these storms have even passed from the Atlantic to the Pacific.Regarding the intensification, this has happened before, Hurricane Patricia in 2015, also had this very rapid intensification in less than 12 hours off the Pacific coast of Mexico, but the impact was not in a very populated area.For a scientific point of view, it is increasingly difficult to forecast this type of intensification. Most, if not all, of the models failed in the short-term forecast, which is one of the most reliable forecasts we have in meteorology. This is due to several factors: the rapid intensification, very local atmospheric conditions, and the temperature of the ocean water in this part of the Mexican coast.Increasingly, intensification is not only occurring in the Pacific and Atlantic of our region, but also in the Indian Ocean. In The Philippines, this has happened many times. That is a challenge, both for the climate services and for the humanitarian response.SA: One thing we depend on to make life-saving decisions is rigorous, accurate, effective forecasts. If we are moving towards an era of greater uncertainty, then we must also look at how we anticipate on other fronts. What can we expect for this year?JB: In the following months, we would normally be entering a neutral period and quickly passing to La Niña phenomenon. And this will also bring its consequences, changing the whole panorama. It could be that this year we will have to prepare for a hurricane season that may be higher than normal. So, we must keep monitoring, considering the climate crisis and the Atlantic Ocean that is still very warm.SA: The IFRC has tried to make more alliances with meteorological institutions dedicated to researching, monitoring, and understanding the climate. Is that one of the paths to the future, to strengthen this alliance? JB: Increasingly, the IFRC has scientific technical entities as its main allies, to make reliable decisions, and I think that is the way we must continue to work. Scientific information will bring us information for our programs and operations at different time scales, in the short, medium, and long term.We must not ignore climate projections but plan how we can adapt knowing that the climate is going to change. This is part of our work, from our policies to our interventions and I think the Red Cross and Red Crescent network does this very well. However, we need to empower ourselves more, get closer to the technical scientific entities, the academia, which are our allies. They can bring us much more information — much richer, much more localized. And this is the next step we must take.SA: Many changes are also coming in the field of meteorology. Now, using artificial intelligence (AI) and increasingly large amounts of data, there will be changes and likely improvements in forecasting. Could we therefore get more reliable forecasts in terms of rapid intensification?JB: Artificial Intelligence opens a lot of room for innovation. Meteorology is not 100 per cent accurate. There is always that degree of uncertainty and there are going to be failures. It is part of our planet's atmospheric chaos, of its complexity and the many variables that play a role in weather forecasting. In that sense, AI will be a great added value for the improvement of forecasts.This brings to the table the need for 1) greater investment in forecast-based early action systems, 2) early warning systems that are more agile, flexible, and capable of informing and mobilizing the population in record time, and 3) humanitarian aid that is pre-positioned to respond to disasters as they occur.IFRC is a lead in the Early Warnings For All Initiative, which will provide early warnings to people across the globe by 2027. Learn more.


Transforming lives behind bars in Mexico

Incarceration can be a bleak and isolating experience. But a new project by the Mexican Red Cross is providing detainees a unique opportunity to make a positive impact and find new meaning even within the prison walls. “There aren’t many groups you can join here to help others” says Julian Gonzalez Moreno, one of the project’s participants who has spent 18 years in prison. “So, this is one of the few where you can really help someone.” Sometimes that even means saving someone’s life. Participants in the programme recently recounted an incident where they successfully resuscitated a person who was suffering a heart attack – just eight days after receiving an updated CPR course. The training is part of the Community Health and First Aid project that is being implemented various penitentiary centres across Mexico City by the Mexican Red Cross. By providing training and workshops on first aid, civil protection, and psychosocial support, the project equips prisoners with life-saving skills and empowers them to become first responders inside detention centres. The programme challenges preconceived notions and helps reshape public perceptions towards prisoners. “The programme has also been beneficial in addressing the social stigma they might face,” says Jesus Enrique, a Mexican Red Cross volunteer and participant in the SPAC project who lives in Mexico City. “For us, it is important to share relevant information, and for the rest of the community inside the prison to see that they are trusted when it comes to providing first aid or helping others.” Equipping inmates with life-saving skills Raquel Jaimes, with 14 years of incarceration, expresses her gratitude for the training she has received. “Today, I know how to place a bandage on a wound, and I can do CPR. The Mexican Red Cross has taught me how to provide first aid”, she says. “I can now teach this to my children and to my grandchildren.” The project not only imparts practical skills but also fosters a sense of confidence and self-reliance, project leaders say. Detainees learn to handle emergency situations such as heart attacks, injuries and accidents, ensuring that they are well-prepared to respond swiftly and effectively. For women’s prisons, the SPAC programme provides specific first-aid courses for new-born babies, given that mothers in prisons are allowed to live with their children when they are up to 3 years and 8 months old. Saving lives and fostering change The SPAC training extends beyond individual skill-building. It cultivates a collective sense of responsibility and compassion among inmates, inspiring a shift in mindset, according to inmate Julian Gonzalez Moreno. “When people realize that you care about them, without any self-interest, they start doing the same with others, and you create a domino effect,” he says. -- This story was produced and originally published by the Red Cross Red Crescent Magazine. To learn about the Magazine, and to read more stories like this,click here.

National society

Mexican Red Cross


Volunteers: the cornerstone of the response of the Red Cross in the Americas

In the Americas, Red Cross volunteers have proven to be the cornerstone for responding to communities in the region: carrying out inter-hospital transfers to COVID-19 patients in Mexico, working to rescue people affected by hurricanes Eta and Iota in Honduras, Guatemala, and Nicaragua, and more. The International Federation has witnessed unprecedented humanity and goodness throughout 2020: Hundreds of thousands of volunteers have signed up to volunteer in their national societies, proving that even in these darkest times, there are incredible stories of hope. Volunteering in times of COVID-19 In Mexico, more than 6,641 volunteers have worked in the response to the emergency created by COVID-19 in inter-hospital transfers, patient care, health education campaigns, and more in the 32 states of the country. In the relief area, many of the paramedic volunteers have decided to isolate themselves from their families, to continue helping in the emergency response, and avoid infecting their loved ones. "I've been living in a rental house for three months with other colleagues," says Diego Arcos, head of the motorized section of the Mexican Red Cross. "I think the most complicated thing for us in caring for COVID patients is that you don't see what you're fighting against, and you don't see the end of it." “I understand the desperation of being at home, the desperation of being locked up, but what we want is to go home, and we are only going to achieve it if people take care of themselves and follow safety protocols: wearing masks, washing hands, using antibacterial gel. If we all follow the instructions that are being put forth by the health sector, not just in Mexico, but also worldwide, we are sure that sooner we will be able to go outside or go home for us working in the response.” Volunteers like Diego, during this pandemic, have made a selfless, supportive, and humanitarian effort to combat COVID-19: their work has been fundamental in education and prevention tasks, as well as in treating patients suspicious or positive. Volunteering in Emergencies: Responses to Hurricanes Eta and Iota Climate-related disasters have not stopped in times of COVID-19: 28 of the 35 countries in the Americas are classified as medium, high, or very high risk in terms of exposure to climate-related disasters according to the latest World Report from Disasters, and hurricanes Eta and Iota that hit Central America and Colombia in November, are an example of the risk in the region. Volunteers from the Americas have been an example of solidarity action in the response to the emergency caused by hurricanes Eta and Iota. During the month of November, the tropical phenomena ETA and IOTA made landfall in Nicaragua, and then caused floods, landslides, damage to infrastructure, homes and crops in Central America and Colombia, with great damage especially in Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala. In Nicaragua, more than 180 people have been volunteers in Operation Eta and Iota, supporting more than 33,000 people in the North Caribbean areas of the country: Prinzapolka, Bilwi, Waspan, Rivas. As part of the response to the hurricanes, the volunteers carried out tasks for the preparation prior to the impacts of Eta and Iota and humanitarian actions after the passage of both storms, such as: psychosocial support, water and sanitation, and hygiene promotion. In this way, the volunteers of the Nicaraguan Red Cross continue to demonstrate the true commitment of humanity in the movement. “To help others, it is important to stay united, have a positive mind, be persistent and empathetic. We do everything with love and always committed to health for everyone,” explains one of the psychosocial support volunteers from the Nicaraguan Red Cross. Volunteers in the Americas, and around the world, have witnessed unprecedented humanity and goodness: they are the engine of humanity, perseverance, and solidarity of the Red Cross movement in every corner of the continent. -- For more information, visit the Volunteering Development Platform (VODPLA), where an interactiveVolunteering mapof activities and projects displays the humanitarian initiatives, activities and projects carried out by volunteers in the region.


National Society Investment Alliance (NSIA): Funding announcement 2020

The National Society Investment Alliance (NSIA) has today announced the National Societies to receive investment from the fund in 2020, with the Steering Committee approving Accelerator funding to: The Colombian Red Cross Society The Georgia Red Cross Society The Mexican Red Cross Society The Somali Red Crescent Society The Co-chairs of the NSIA Steering Committee, Xavier Castellanos, Under-Secretary General for National Society Development and Operations Coordination at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), and Katrin Wiegmann, Deputy Director-General of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), said: “We are pleased to announce this second group of National Societies to receive support from the NSIA. We have selected National Societies responding to ongoing crises in some of the world’s major humanitarian emergencies, such as Somalia and South Sudan, as well as Georgia Red Cross Society pursuing an entrepreneurial response to the unprecedented global pandemic that we continue to face. These investments build on those made in 2019, and we are already seeing how such funding can have a catalytic effect, such as in supporting the Lebanese Red Cross’ efforts to mobilize support in response to the double impacts of Covid-19 and the recent Beirut port explosion As we begin to see the value of the NSIA on the ground, there continues to also be demand from National Societies thinking strategically about their development during unprecedented uncertainty. We call on our partners in the Movement and beyond to join us in expanding this important mechanism for supporting strong and principled local humanitarian action.” The IFRC and the ICRC jointly manage the NSIA to provide substantial, multi-year development support to National Societies, especially those in contexts with heightened humanitarian needs. The NSIA helps strengthen the organisational and operational development and capacity of National Societies so they can increase their impact. To respond to the varied development needs of National Societies, the NSIA can award up to one million Swiss francs of Accelerator funding to any one National Society over a five-year period. In addition, Bridge grants of up to 50,000 Swiss francs over 12 months can help National Societies prepare the ground for future investment from the NSIA or elsewhere. To date, NSIA has been supported by generous contributions from the governments of Switzerland, The United States, and Canada. Second Round of NSIA Funding This second call for proposals received 49 applications from National Societies across all regions, with a range of contextual challenges and organizational development needs. The application process was adapted to take account of exposure to Covid-19 related risks and again involved an independent and objective process of consultation and review against the criteria, working with colleagues from the IFRC and the ICRC at the national and regional level, as well as National Societies themselves. The selected applicants will undergo further due diligence steps, which in the case of Accelerator investments will include the Federation’s Working With Project Partners approach, as well as the meeting of certain conditions linked to their specific applications, such as securing sufficient co-funding. Selected National Societies Accelerator Funding The Colombian Red Cross Society will receive funding to build on the resource mobilsation work conducted under their ongoing Bridge Award, including individual giving and digital fundraising. The Georgia Red Cross Society will receive funds to support the commercial production of sanitizer products at the national level. This funding is conditional on securing loan-based co-finance. The Mexican Red Cross Society will receive funds to invest in systems for Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting, as well as learning, as part of their wider NSD strategy. The Somali Red Crescent Society will receive funds for the redevelopment and commercialisation of their national HQ, as part of a wider NSD strategy, and contingent on co-funding. Bridge Funding The Lesotho Red Cross will receive funds for the development of a Resource Mobilsation strategy and investment plan exploring national level income generating activities The South Sudan Red Cross will receive funds for the initial investment in IT capacities at HQ and branch level, to support remote management, and focused on longer term branch development efforts. The Syrian Arab Red Crescent will receive funds to roll out a new approach to branch development.


A volunteer on wheels in the fight against the pandemic

By Olivia Acosta. Gina Mejia is 27 years old, an architect by profession, and has been a volunteer with the Mexican Red Cross for three years in Mexico City, the country's capital, a city with a population of nearly nine million. According to Gina, she has always felt the impulse to support those who need it most: "I have always had the spark to help and on many occasions, when I was working as an architect on construction sites, I thought: if I have an accident, I really wouldn't know how to act to help the injured person". And that is how she decided to join the Red Cross and started first aid training. She has even given courses in her company and always makes her colleagues and friends aware of the importance of first aid. Later, she joined "Volunteers on Wheels", a solidarity programme that she carries out together with other 20 volunteer colleagues, travelling all over the city by motorbike. "I have my own bike and the programme consists of going around different areas of the city, together with other volunteers, to support the people who need it most. For example, we distribute bread and coffee in the hospitals and slums, or we distribute toys to children from poor families. With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, everything changed, including the "Volunteers on Wheels" programme in which Gina participates: "At the Red Cross, we quickly identified the need to provide information and protective measures to the population, especially to people with few resources who spend a lot of time on the street, such as street food vendors". And so she and her colleagues began to ride their motorcycles around the city, this time to take the temperature in the markets, distribute masks (or "mouth covers" as they say in Mexico) and hydroalcoholic gels, as well as offer truthful information and advice on how to protect themselves against the virus. Initially, many people didn't wear masks because they didn't really know how important it was to protect themselves against the pandemic. According to Gina: "We realized that a lot of awareness raising was needed to explain to people the importance of protecting themselves against COVID-19 and to offer protective measures. The Mexican Red Cross is a reference organization in the country and we noticed that if we were the ones who advised them to wear a mask or respect distances, they would listen to us," she says proudly. The volunteers of the Mexican Red Cross protect themselves with all the protective measures they need to carry out their work safely. And they know where to go to help those who need it most. In addition to crowded areas such as hospitals and markets, one of the points on her route is the "Glorieta de Insurgentes". There are palapas that offer access to wifi and it is an area where many people with few resources gather, which means a high risk of contagion. Many of these people live on the streets. According to Gina: "It's very nice to see how homeless people come to us to ask for masks and ask us about how to protect themselves against the pandemic. Many of them ask us for more than one, because at the beginning there was a shortage and also they cannot buy them, and they are very grateful when we give them the masks and they can put them on". "For me, being able to help at this time, even if it seems like a small thing, is very important, and now I know that the work of Red Cross volunteers is crucial in a situation like this," concludes Gina. Now more than ever, she says, it is clear to her that she will stay with the Red Cross forever.


Mexico: violence and attacks against health workers are on the rise in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

By Fernando Gandarillas. In Mexico, Red Cross paramedics are used to dealing with cases of violence. However, since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, health workers are increasingly faced with personal attacks. "Sometimes we've had to treat people with gunshot wounds. We have to learn to manage risks in this context because these are very tense situations in which people become very aggressive. I have never had a gun pointed at me, but I have been attacked," said Alejandro, a 21-year-old paramedic from the Huixquilucan branch of the Mexican Red Cross. "The effects of the pandemic have made the job more difficult. People are desperate. The lockdown and the fact that people are becoming infected is creating a lot of unrest", he explains. A few months ago, Alejandro faced an incident while attending to a patient who was over 60 years of age and had COVID-19. "When we arrived at his home, the person was in a critical state, with severe breathing complications. His symptoms also showed other health problems that had been dragging on for weeks, making his condition worse". Because of the man's condition, Alejandro suggested that his family move him to the nearest hospital. They resisted and began to get upset, wanting him to be taken to a hospital they knew, but which was located much farther away. Finally, they agreed to have him moved to the nearest hospital. Along the way, the patient died, despite all the efforts made by the paramedics to keep him stable. Upon arrival at the hospital, family members became aware of the event and exploded into rage. They attacked Alejandro and another doctor at the hospital, claiming that he died because of them. "Attacks on medical personnel are becoming very common. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the situation is getting worse," explains Alejandro. Social isolation is another reality that paramedics have to deal with. Many must move away from their families. "We're handling it. However, it's hard not being able to see your loved ones and being away from your friends. The demands of work and isolation damaged my relationship," says Alejandro. The Mexican Red Cross has invested a great deal of effort to provide emotional support to people like Alejandro, who must work directly on the streets and in areas where the virus is ravaging. In addition, the National Society has worked hard to train its staff in safe access and handling of biosecurity protocols. "We are not going to stop, we are going to continue working to help, but we are going to do it in a safer way," he says. The night begins to fall, and Alejandro goes to the hostel where he is staying as a preventive measure to avoid being in physical contact with his relatives. He has finished his 24-hour shift and now has two days off, which he will use to study. He is pursuing a career in aeronautics and he spends most of his free time studying. "I like to keep busy, I don't like easy stuff," he says. He inherited his vocation as a paramedic from his parents, who have also been involved in the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement for many years. Faced with the difficult situation, he remains positive. Despite the complications, Alejandro is determined to continue doing his best to cope with the pandemic. "I do my job with love and passion. It is normal to be afraid in the current circumstances, but it is very fulfilling to do what I do. It's great to be able to help people.


Empress Shôken Fund announces grants for 2019

About the Fund The Empress Shôken Fundis named after Her Majesty The Empress of Japan, who proposed – at the 9th International Conference of the Red Cross – the creation of an international fund to promote relief work in peacetime. It is administered by the Joint Commission of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross, which maintains close contact with the Japanese Permanent Mission in Geneva, the Japanese Red Cross Society and the Meiji Jingu Research Institute in Japan. The Fund has a total value of over 15 million Swiss francsand supports projects run by National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to benefit their communities in various ways. The first grant was awarded in 1921, to help five European National Societies fight the spread of tuberculosis. The Fund has assisted more than 150 National Societies thus far. The imperial family, the Japanese government, the Japanese RedCrossand the Japanese people revere the memory of Her Majesty Empress Shôken, and their enduring regard for the Fund isevident inthe regularity of their contributions to it. The grants are usually announced every year on11April, the anniversary of her death. This yearthe announcement isbeingpublished earlierdue to the weekend. The selection process The Fund received 47 applications in 2019, covering a diverse range of humanitarian projects run by National Societies in every region of the world. This year the Joint Commission agreed to allocate a total of 395,782 CHF to 14 projects in Bolivia, Cyprus, Guinea-Bissau, Iraq, Lebanon, Mexico, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Principe, Singapore, Slovenia, Suriname, Thailand, Ukraine and Vanuatu. The projects to be supported in 2019 cover a number of themes, including displaced people, disaster preparedness in vulnerable communities, and social cohesion and inclusion. Moreover, nearly all of the selected projects seek to strengthen the volunteer base of National Societies, with a view to building on the unique role played by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement in communities everywhere. Going forward, the Joint Commission will continue to focus on innovative projects that are geared towards learning so that the broader Movement canbenefit from project findings. The 2019 grants The Bolivian Red Cross is currently working to address the issue of gender-based violence among young people. It will use the grant to set up a permanent programme for schools and youth organizations in order to conduct educational sessions, raise awareness, and provide support and assistance to victims of violence. Cyprus has become an important destination for trans-Mediterranean migration. Using the grant, the Cyprus Red Cross Society will train refugees and asylum seekers in standard and psychological first aid to enable members of the migrant community to help each other and relieve some of the pressure on the health-care sector. The Red Cross Society of Guinea-Bissau will use the grant to strengthen the resilience of coastal communities threatened by extreme weather. The funds will go towards drawing up an emergency action plan, building up stocks of relief items and training at-risk communities so that they can respond rapidly in times of need. In Iraq, displaced people and those living in remote areas have limited access to water, sanitary facilities and health care, which increases the risk that diseases such as cholera will spread. The Iraqi Red Crescent Society will use the grant to set up a health-education programme to raise children’s awareness of communicable diseases and the importance of personal hygiene. The conflict in Syria has significantly increased the number of refugees in Lebanon, which has put a strain on blood-related services in the country. The Lebanese Red Cross is a major provider of these services and will use the grant to enhance its ability to deliver them free of charge to all those in need. Hundreds of schools in Mexico were damaged by a major earthquake in 2017. The grant will help the Mexican Red Cross to set up a programme to prepare school communities for disasters and other emergencies, promote healthy lifestyles and develop skills to facilitate peaceful co-existence. Young people account for more than 70% of the volunteers of the Mozambique Red Cross. The National Society will therefore use the grant to strengthen its youth-oriented initiatives by running training camps and information campaigns, and setting up Red Cross activities in schools. In 2004, the Sao Tome and Principe Red Cross opened a social home for the elderly, which plays an important role in reducing this community’s vulnerability. The grant will allow the National Society to renovate the building and improve the services on offer. The Singapore Red Cross Society runs a large-scale programme to deploy volunteers overseas during disasters. It will use the grant to scale up the training programme for these volunteers, adding more specialized and in-depth training and team-building sessions to ensure the volunteers can work as effectively as possible. The Slovenian Red Cross plans to take an innovative approach to social cohesion by tackling hate speech and its consequences, with a special emphasis on hate speech against migrants. The grant will go towards a training programme within schools, designed to encourage students to become young cultural ambassadors and further spread the message. The Suriname Red Cross Society will use the grant to address disaster preparedness in vulnerable schools in Paramaribo. The National Society will help schools and communities to draw up disaster plans, deliver first-aid training to teachers, and set up and train school emergency brigades made up of teachers and students. The Thai Red Cross Society has a proven track record in conducting water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) activities in emergencies, through its widespread network of registered nurses. It will use the grant to scale up this campaign, as well as to create a WASH manual, together with general and menstrual hygiene kits. The armed conflict in Ukraine has led to a substantial rise in the number of volunteers working for the Ukrainian Red Cross Society. The grant will go towards a new, more sophisticated system for registering, managing and training the National Society’s growing volunteer base. People with disabilities are at greater risk during disasters. The Vanuatu Red Cross Society will therefore use the grant to improve and promote disability and gender inclusion in National Society projects and programmes concerning volunteers, recruitment, capacity building, participation and access.

Press release

IFRC condemns killing of Mexican Red Cross volunteer

Geneva, 19 November 2018 – The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) strongly condemns the attack on a Mexican Red Cross relief distribution yesterday (18 November) in Guerrero State that claimed the life of one volunteer and injured six others. According to the Mexican Red Cross, the distribution was taking pace in the town of San Juan Tenería, in the municipality of Taxco when it came under armed attack. IFRC President Francesco Rocca said: “Our thoughts are with the families and friends of the victims of this incident. This attack on humanitarian personnel is completely unacceptable and we join the Mexican Red Cross in calling for an immediate investigation. “Above all, we stand in solidarity with our Mexican Red Cross brothers and sisters. We are one global family, and today we all feel their loss deeply. “National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies are neutral and impartial organizations. Their only focus is on serving the most vulnerable. Humanitarian volunteers and staff are not a target.”